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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Another 5 reasons,

I like this part the best:

5. He's a very nice person

I've never spoken to him in person, but I have spoken to him. About 6 years ago, he did an environmental chat on Yahoo! I asked him a question and he was very nice. I've also seen him in person at a few movie premieres. I came THISCLOSE to getting his autograph the last time, but I was standing on the other side. He was the only person who signed autographs on that cold day. He also waved to me from his hybrid limousine (didn't know it was him until later).

I didn't even know hybrid limousines exist!


Thanks to fuckyeahdicaprio:

8eb0ff137873108.jpg 7c5347137873114.jpg 5261e7137873126.jpg 69a4b0137873180.jpg

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Another 5 reasons,

I like this part the best:

5. He's a very nice person

I've never spoken to him in person, but I have spoken to him. About 6 years ago, he did an environmental chat on Yahoo! I asked him a question and he was very nice. I've also seen him in person at a few movie premieres. I came THISCLOSE to getting his autograph the last time, but I was standing on the other side. He was the only person who signed autographs on that cold day. He also waved to me from his hybrid limousine (didn't know it was him until later).

I didn't even know hybrid limousines exist!


Yes, wijn. I agree with you that the reason five is very good, but I really enjoyed the first. Clearly shows the great person he's. Thanks, great find :blush: .

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Celeb Illegal Poker Game: Cocaine & Hookers In A Backroom

Cards weren’t the only things being cut during those celebrity high-stakes poker games -- so was cocaine; and oh yeah, there were also hookers involved.

In yet another bombshell revelation, resulting from a blockbuster investigation by Star magazine, a source says that drugs and prostitutes played a part in the top-secret games. The issue with Star magazine’s investigation is on sale Friday.

“It was known to a handful of us that one player would keep two hookers down the hall of the hotel in another room,” a source with knowledge of the games told Star. “He would disppear for 30-minutes at a time, leaving the main players in the game frustrated. In reality, he was getting to do blow (in a room with) two hookers.”

As Star was first to report, via RadarOnline.com, several big name Hollywood celebrities, including Spider-Man star Toby Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have been implicated as taking part in illegal, no-limit Texas Hold ‘Em games which had a buy-in of $100,000 and would take place in private rooms at the posh Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills and at the Viper Room on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles. (The twice-weekly games ended in 2009).

Maguire, DiCaprio, Damon and Affleck did NOT know about the hookers and drugs, according to the source.

During the games -- as armed guards stood watch -- millions of dollars would change hands.

News of the secret games broke after Maguire was named in a lawsuit related to the games – a lawsuit uncovered by Star.

Maguire is among several people being sued by the former clients of Brad Ruderman, CEO of Ruderman Capital Records, a Beverly Hills hedge fund manager who bilked investors out of $25 million in a Ponzi scheme. Ruderman took part in the games – and often lost.

As Ruderman sits in prison, his former clients are now suing those who won big money from Ruderman in those games to get their money back, and Maguire is among the big winners named in the suit.

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Nanda: I think mostly the artcle is good and congratulate Leo and his choices as an actor, just in the end they said that have a similarity between his last three characters (his 3 wives die) in the films, but I don't agree with the thing about his last films are depressing, I think all of them are very interesting and the fact that he had problem with his wives is just a coincidence, I have sure Leo choose to play this roles because he was interested in the script and thought they were great to play, and they all very different from each other. But is true that Leo loves to play complex and darker characters and if you look on some of his older movies you will see that he's was always drawn to this type of character, even when he was romantic roles still tragedies had happen... I think that maybe this have to do with his mysterious scorpio sign, and I love that...

wijn: thank you so much I agree with that reason for sure!

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I love this:

And if he does star in Django Unchained? I will probably die and go to heaven. Him teaming up with Quentin Tarantino will be the best thing that's happened to me since he teamed up with Christ Nolan! He's just got to team up with David Fincher, and I'll be set...

star magazine, not that reliable not? I'am really over this case.

So true!

They played poker. They are not being sued. End of the story.

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Nanda: I think mostly the artcle is good and congratulate Leo and his choices as an actor, just in the end they said that have a similarity between his last three characters (his 3 wives die) in the films, but I don't agree with the thing about his last films are depressing, I think all of them are very interesting and the fact that he had problem with his wives is just a coincidence, I have sure Leo choose to play this roles because he was interested in the script and thought they were great to play, and they all very different from each other. But is true that Leo loves to play complex and darker characters and if you look on some of his older movies you will see that he's was always drawn to this type of character, even when he was romantic roles still tragedies had happen... I think that maybe this have to do with his mysterious scorpio sign, and I love that...

+1 I agree with you Barbie!

thanks wijn for reasons and thanks Nanda for Poker news! :wave:

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Maguire, DiCaprio, Damon and Affleck did NOT know about the hookers and drugs, according to the source.

It's good to clarify things Nanda, the greatest wrong in all this was this guy Ruderman.

I also loved the articles above,very sweet and nice! :wub:

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found this video about Poker Scandal,I've not seen all the posts you posted while I wasn't here,so sorry if repost :blush:


It's kinda funny this case,they had no idea he was using their money (investors' money) to play his poker hands. They don't sit at the door and ask you where you got the money,how could they know this? That's ridiculous in my opinion.

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aww I love Leo and Mark together :wub: two crazy kids :wub: but now they are no longer kids :laugh:

Sinatra movie was said after Shutter Island was realized,they said Scorsese wanted to make a movie about Frank and wanted Leo as a leading role,but after that I've not heard any news :( oo I want this project to be done :cain:

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welcome :wave:

when I search there's no any news showed up, there's articles from 2009, here's one of them,but I don't think, it's true

Leonardo DiCaprio's Sinatra singing lesson

Leonardo DiCaprio is having singing lessons to sound like Frank Sinatra.

The 'Titanic' actor is keen to portray the legendary singer in a new biopic but needs to prove to director Martin Scorsese he has the vocal talent to carry it off.

A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Leonardo has hired a top vocal coach to get him sounding like Sinatra. He is a massive fan of the singer and has always wanted to play him. He would be upset to miss out on the leading role because his singing wasn't up to scratch.

"He is now in intensive vocal coaching lessons to replicate Sinatra's distinctive style."

However, Leonardo faces competition from stars including George Clooney, Justin Timberlake, Harry Connick Jr. and Jamie Foxx.

It was recently claimed Jamie - who played jazz musician Ray Charles in 'Ray' - is being lined up to portray the Rat Pack singer after film bosses saw similarities between the two stars' backgrounds.

A source said: "Cool is colour-blind. Jamie would seem to be born to the role.

"Magnificent singing voice, totally convincing acting ability, like Frank himself, born the wrong side of the tracks, rags to riches, makes it big against the odds, has his brushes with authority."

Oscar-winning star Jamie is believed to be favourite to land the role because of his upbringing which saw him adopted by his strict Baptist grandparents and raised in a racially-segregated area of Texas.

'My Way' singer Frank - who won 11 Grammy awards and also appeared in several films before his death in 1998 aged 82 - was raised in New Jersey by Italian immigrants.

The FBI were said to have a 2,500 page file on the star because of his rumoured links to the Mafia.


Sinatra movie isn't in the list on Leo's IMDb page,but when I checked Scorsese's,I found out,it's in the list as announced project,that will realize in 2013


well,there's time till 2013,so hope Leo will get this role,I want it so much! :wub:

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that's what he's just tweeted,not about his career or private life (of course :laugh: ) but I was really shocked :cry:


Leonardo DiCaprio

Shocking fact: 73 million sharks/yr are used to make shark fin soup. Fins hacked off while still alive. on.fb.me/lWzjJ8 @NRDC #AB376

6 minutes ago via web

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Nanda: I think mostly the artcle is good and congratulate Leo and his choices as an actor, just in the end they said that have a similarity between his last three characters (his 3 wives die) in the films, but I don't agree with the thing about his last films are depressing, I think all of them are very interesting and the fact that he had problem with his wives is just a coincidence, I have sure Leo choose to play this roles because he was interested in the script and thought they were great to play, and they all very different from each other. But is true that Leo loves to play complex and darker characters and if you look on some of his older movies you will see that he's was always drawn to this type of character, even when he was romantic roles still tragedies had happen... I think that maybe this have to do with his mysterious scorpio sign, and I love that...

wijn: thank you so much I agree with that reason for sure!

I understood something different. As the reporter was questioning the choices made by Leo. Reese Witherspoon? I don't think so good for his career work with her. She's a good actress, but far from being compared to Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, Michelle Williams, Naomi Watts... but this's only my opinion. Of course the article doesn't speak ill of Leo, even enjoyed some parts.

And I agree with you. Star magazine is no big deal.

Thanks for the video, Pami. And Sick for the news. :wave:


Leonardo DiCaprio

Shocking fact: 73 million sharks/yr are used to make shark fin soup. Fins hacked off while still alive. on.fb.me/lWzjJ8 @NRDC #AB376

6 minutes ago via web

Leonardo DiCaprio and Friends Urge Calif. Senators to Save Sharks

This June, world-famous actor/activist Leonardo DiCaprio penned a letter to members of the California State Senate in support of Assembly Bill 376, which would prohibit the sale of shark fins in California. (Read Leonardo's letter»)

The bill, backed by The HSUS, WildAid, and the Natural Resources Defense Council and authored by California Assembly Members Paul Fong and Jared Huffman, is an effort to save sharks and the oceans by banning the possession, sale, trade and distribution of shark fins in California. In addition to DiCaprio, AB 376 is supported by a host of prominent celebrities. Among them are Edward Norton, Scarlett Johansson, Ke$ha, Kristen Bell, Paul Rudd and Chinese basketball great Yao Ming.

California is considered the largest source of demand for shark fin outside Asia, and this bill would represent a major step toward reducing pressure on shark populations. Every year fins from up to 73 million sharks are used for shark fin soup, which is contributing to the decimation of shark populations worldwide so that now one-third of open ocean (pelagic) shark species are threatened with extinction. As sharks play a vital role in the oceans, their depletion could cause irreparable damage to marine ecosystems.

DiCaprio teams with the NGOs to bring attention to dwindling shark populations worldwide. "Despite fisheries attempts at regulation, the inhumane practice of finning continues unabated too, as does the illegal capture of sharks from marine reserves and sovereign waters," writes DiCaprio.

Other celebrities in support of AB 376 include: Nigel Barker, Steve Berra, Rachel Bilson, Colbie Caillat, Philippe Cousteau, Robert Davi, Emily Deschanel, Flea, Megan Fox, Elizabeth Gore, Ariana Grande, Lucas Haas, Kelly Hu, Anthony Keidis, Wendie Malick, Alyssa Milano, Dominic Monaghan, Mike Muller, Sally Pressman, Lindsay Pulsipher, Amanda Righetti, Alexander Skarsg

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