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Tobey Maguire Sued Over Multi-Million Dollar Illegal Poker Game; DiCaprio, Affleck & Damon Involved

Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire is among more than a dozen high-profile Hollywood celebrities being sued in connection with a mega-millions illegal gambling ring that ran high-stakes underground poker games, Star magazine is reporting exclusively.

Maguire, 35, won more than $300,000 from a Beverly Hills hedge fund manager who embezzled investor funds and orchestrated a Ponzi scheme in a desperate bid to pay off his monster debt to the star and others, it's alleged.

An FBI investigation into Brad Ruderman, the CEO of Ruderman Capital Partners, uncovered how he lost $25 million of investor money in clandestine poker games held on a twice weekly basis in suites at the luxury Beverly Hills hotel, Four Seasons, and the Viper Room on Sunset Boulevard.

Tinsel town A-listers Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon also played in the no-limit Texas Hold 'em games which had a buy-in of $100,000, multiple members of the ring told Star.

Others who were part of the secret society and are facing hefty lawsuits include billionaire businessman Alex Gores, The Notebook director Nick Cassavetes, Welcome Back, Kotter star Gabe Kaplan, Paris Hilton's infamous sex tape partner, Rick Salomon, record label owner Cody Leibel and Las Vegas nightlife entrepreneur and real-estate developer Andrew Sasson, among others.

Now, as Ruderman sits in a Texas jail until 2018, convicted on two counts of wire fraud and two counts of investment adviser fraud, lawyers for the clients whose funds he embezzled are filing a series of civil suits against those who won big in the illegal poker dens, in the hope of recouping some of their lost savings.

DiCaprio, Affleck and Damon are not being sued.

The games were "exclusive events, by invitation only, and that there was a regular roster of players consisting of wealthy celebrities, entrepreneurs, attorneys and businessmen," according to the lawsuit filed against Maguire in the United States Bankruptcy Court, in Los Angeles.

Ruderman lost $311,300 to Maguire, including one losing hand of $110,000, on July 30, 2007, it's claimed.

The Ponzi mastermind used clients' money to "pay for gambling losses at clandestine, high stakes poker games that were operated without any licenses or permits," the suit said.

"As part of the scheme, funds invested in (Ruderman) were transferred to persons such as Defendant (Maguire), who received the funds on account of Ruderman's gambling losses and on account of Defendant's gambling winnings."

In their attempt to win back Ruderman's losses, the trustee has claimed Maguire is "not entitled to receive the transfers from the Debtor, which transfers were compromised of improperly-diverted investor funds."

In a deposition of the alleged ringleader of the operation, which took in tens of millions of dollars beginning in 2006 through 2009, Maguire is described as a "very, very frequent player," in the games, which ended in 2009.

Maguire won as much as $1 million a month over a period of three years, one source told Star, which is on newsstands Wednesday.

"That means he could have made up to $30 to $40 million from these games," the whistle-blowing card shark predicted.

Under California law, it's illegal to play for money at underground poker clubs, although it is a crime rarely prosecuted. None of the participants are under criminal investigation, Star has been told.

Indeed, it's understood Maguire has hired an attorney to strenuously defend the allegations against him, who will argue the games were not illegal.

In a world exclusive investigation, Star detailed how the A-list aces used secret passwords to play in the covert games that were so intense, the door was manned by armed guards in bulletproof vests.

Inside the rooms, tucked away in different locations around Los Angeles, high-rollers laid down wads of cash on felt-top tables presided over by professional dealers who were part of the operation's hierarchy.

One of the participants, Dan Bilzerian, told Star that he regularly played against DiCaprio, Affleck and Maguire.

Damon, according to Bilzerian, played irregularly.

While Affleck, who won an Academy Award for his screenplay Good Will Hunting, impressed players with his poker skills, both DiCaprio and Damon did not fair as well, Star reported.

"Matt never won,’’ another whistle-blowing player told the magazine.

"In truth, Leo is a tight ass. When he lost $50,000 the look in his eyes was obvious he was crazy."

Read more of Star's world exclusive investigation into the intriguing poker ring and how some of the biggest names in Hollywood gambled their fortune in the magazine, on newsstands now.


He sure has a thing for poker!

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Tobey Maguire Sued Over Multi-Million Dollar Illegal Poker Game; DiCaprio, Affleck & Damon Involved

Tinsel town A-listers Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon also played in the no-limit Texas Hold 'em games which had a buy-in of $100,000, multiple members of the ring told Star.

DiCaprio, Affleck and Damon are not being sued.

more here: link

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Titanic staat op 1, Avatar 2 en Harry Potter op 3. Maar de strijd is nog niet gestreden want de Gooische Reten zijn nog steeds in meer dan 80 bioscopen te zien!

Dat wordt top 3 werk!

Titanic is the highest grossing movie EVER in Holland :clap:

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"In truth, Leo is a tight ass. When he lost $50,000 the look in his eyes was obvious he was crazy."

:laugh: :laugh:

Now, I am just picturing Leo looking like some psycho killer and staring at some guy like he's ready to murder him across the poker table. AHAHAH. Tabloids.

Personally, I really like Blake. She seems like a really nice and bubbly person but I'd rather Leo date someone else more on the down low since I've been a fan for like a decade now so it's odd for me to adjust to him dating someone where it's so OUT THERE in the public eye and tabloids. Yeah, it used to be like that back in Titanic days but nowadays he's so, so careful about his personal life so this whole thing with Blake just seems.....I can't put my finger on it: But odd and almost a publicity stunt in ways which is something I never, never expected from Leo since he has always seemed 100000% against anything like that. Still, I don't know if it's a publicity stunt - it's probably not; probably a summer fling that was blown out of proportion by the media/Blake's crazy PR people. I don't really think I'll think it was more than just a summer, fun fling until I see more photos of Leo and Blake in the upcoming months. If not? Just a fling imo.

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Although I don't believe the whole 'he has never felt anything like this before' and 'even his friends say this' -crap

1) His friends would NEVER comment on Leo's personal-life aka relationships

2) I think Leo has always been a very genarous (generous/genaraus??) boyfriend

- The story of him sending Bar flowers every day and pampering her with thing she liked

- Gisele put up diamonds worth for thousands(!) of dollars after they broke up

agree with you wijn,media was saying the same when he started dating with Bar and Gisele

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Yeah so true! Its not like he's doing anything differently with Blake that he hasn't done with previous girlfriends that would suggest this is a PR stunt! When he was with Bar and Gisele there were all these stories being leaked to the press about gifts and marriage etc etc so was his relationship with them all for PR?? Its the same thing that's happening with Blake.

Leo was spotted making out with Bar in the streets was that all for PR? OR all the times Gisele and Leo were kissing at the Laker games.. was that for PR?

The bias for Blake is pretty silly... i think its because she's more in the public eye but you can't help who you fall for.

Its not like the paps are getting lots of shots of them... leo is handling this relationship with Blake very similar to previous relationships. For example leaving places seperately and not being in pap hotspots. They were papped in Europe but last year leo and Bar were papped alot in Europe with Naomi and Vlad.

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Wow ... the news about the poker games. The name of Leo in another controversy, this week is weird. The money is his, he plays when he wants, but don't think is involved in any scheme of fraud or any other type of thing, just fun. These tabloids like to disrupt :yuckky: .

Welcome back, Sick :wave: . Been away for a long time :laugh: .

Thanks Princess, Fash, Wijn for the news.

A tweet: yogoldsmith Jeff Goldsmith

Will Smith is out! Inside sources tell me that Tarantino has chosen Oscar winner @iamjamiefoxx to play Django! #fb

Ewwwwwwww. No. I want Idris Elba! Not Jamie Foxx. sad.gif

But who knows for sure sure yet. IDRIS ELBA IDRIS ELBA.

I agree with Barilace and Ivon, Idris Elba would be a better choice.

This is from a Polish website ... they asked Anna's agent about the Leo situation and he responded with the following...

" We decided to check out these sensational reports, and we called the agent Neither Jagodzinski - Maciej Lisowski from New Age Models Agency, who commented on the situation:

For years, friends with Anna and I would not comment on her private life. However, it does not surprise me that Leonardo himself was its charm, because Anna is one of the best and most beautiful models of the world! "

This guy should shut up. He wants publicity, I did not know who was the model before Leo being photographed with her. I don't think it's one of the most beautiful models of the world - is my opinion - Bar is so, so much more beautiful than her. Seriously!

And sorry everyone. I also posted three times, but I'm still learning to use tools. I think now it's all right :laugh: .

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Nanda haha yeah obviously her agent would be biased :laugh: But to be fair to Anna she is among the top ten models in the world. If you look at her resume it is very impressive... she's more successful than Bar in terms of modeling but its just Bar is more famous than her. I think Anna is stunning hehe.

If leo and her got together they would make a hot couple in my opinion :blush:

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Wijn and Palmina

Thanks for Poker article and real explanation of what the suit really is about :)


Welcome back :wave:


That's great news about Holland and Titanic's box office , thanks :)


I agree 100% with your comments about Leo and the media coverage past and present :wave:

And, yes, not only were there tons of European pap pix last summer when Leo and Bar were with Naomi & Vlad , but, also, there were tons of European pap pix of Leo when we was filming "Inception" in London, Paris, Morocco in 2009. Infact, we've been treated to lots of European pap pix whenever Leo has been abroad doing pr for his films , and he includes some side sightseeing. So why claim the recent pap coverage of Blake and him is some type of pr stunt on either parties part ????


All media like to make reference to Leo in an article because it always get said article more media exposure :)

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Nanda haha yeah obviously her agent would be biased :laugh: But to be fair to Anna she is among the top ten models in the world. If you look at her resume it is very impressive... she's more successful than Bar in terms of modeling but its just Bar is more famous than her. I think Anna is stunning hehe.

If leo and her got together they would make a hot couple in my opinion :blush:

I understand what you said, fash. I just did not know who she is, because I don't follow this fashion world closely. But I still think Bar the most beautiful.

All these theories about PR makes me mad. Anyone who follows the career of Leo closely knows that he doesn't like these things. And I agree with you when you say he is acting the same way as the other relationships, nothing different.

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I agree 100% with your comments about Leo and how the media coverage past and present :wave:

And, yes, not only were there tons of European pap pix last summer when Leo and Bar were with Naomi & Vlad , but, also, there were tons of European pap pix of Leo when we was filming "Inception" in London, Paris, Morocco in 2009. Infact, we've been treated to lots of European pap pix whenever Leo has been abroad doing pr for his films , and he includes some side sightseeing. So why claim the recent pap coverage of Blake and him is some type of pr stunt on either parties part ????

So true. The only difference is the media seems to care about Blake and Bar was irrelevant for them, so the pictures are everywhere, however pics of Leo and Bar were rarely posted or they stayed on Leo sites.

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Nanda haha yeah obviously her agent would be biased :laugh: But to be fair to Anna she is among the top ten models in the world. If you look at her resume it is very impressive... she's more successful than Bar in terms of modeling but its just Bar is more famous than her. I think Anna is stunning hehe.

If leo and her got together they would make a hot couple in my opinion :blush:

haha I've never heard about her, just like you girls,and after checking I really like her,she's so cute

mm wonder what's up between them :brows:

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It's probably just my bias against Blake's crazy PR team that makes me have this feeling of "eh, this is weird" at times in regards to Leo and Blake's relationship. But oh well. :)

Totally agree with you. Leslie Sloan Zelnick is just going overboard but she is known in the industry as being very in aggresive.

@Nanda just for the record Anna MAria JAgodzinska is a very successfull model, she is much more successfull in the fashion industry than Bar ever was, she of course is no Gisele but she has been on the cover of American Vogue and countless other high end fashion magazines, she also is the face of many high end brands.

We have agreed not to bash any of Leo's girls here so please do not bash Anna. :wave:

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I think Blake seems to be a lovely and kind person. Also gorgeous. But I cannot stand how her PR team acts as if we should look up to her and give her airs as the next big star when she has yet to prove herself acting wise in really anything. I just feel like she's being shoved down my throat non-stop (and I've felt this way way before she started dating Leo) as fashion icon, amazing actress!Blake when she basically dresses in stuff right off the runway (and personally I think the only reason she developed this huge interest in fashion is because she lacked great acting talents and found this as a way to get her name into the press as the next fashion icon and Karl and Anna's love, blahblahblah lol) and was only actually really good in her role in The Town (when her part was only on screen for like 15 minutes?). She needs to put her nose to the grindstone and improve her acting abilities and work on that before she can just take a skip and jump into A list level of fame. You take other actresses on the CW like Leighton Meester and Nina Dobrev, both are better acting wise than Blake imho, and they don't have these "oh we should respect them becuase they are so famous and the next big thing" vibes about them. I just wish Blake's PR team would chill out and let Blake be Blake - it would be great since Blake has such a magnetic personality. All this LOOK AT HOW AMAZING SHE IS when she's really done much of nothing is going to hurt Blake in the long run - and already is hurting her career/image wise. That's why I think I can't like Leo and Blake 100%. Her PR team is craycray and this push as her as some big time, Oscar worthy upcoming star is hella grating. And I don't want Leo thrown into that mess when he is truly insane talented and private and has worked his ass off to get there.

Still! I AM DOWN WITH LEO BEING HAPPY. Be it with anyone.

Don't throw things at me. I do like Blake, I do. I have since season one of Gossip Girl premiered back a few years ago (even though I no longer watch the show). I just wish her PR team would just STOP. Less is more, Leslie whatever your name is PR lady. :)

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Nanda haha yeah obviously her agent would be biased :laugh: But to be fair to Anna she is among the top ten models in the world. If you look at her resume it is very impressive... she's more successful than Bar in terms of modeling but its just Bar is more famous than her. I think Anna is stunning hehe.

If leo and her got together they would make a hot couple in my opinion :blush:

haha I've never heard about her, just like you girls,and after checking I really like her,she's so cute

mm wonder what's up between them :brows:

lol the shifty eyebrows gets me everytime :laugh: I don't think there's anything going on between those two but who knows lol...I gotta admit i'm curious how they met though :p

I didn't get the impression Nanda was bashing :blink:

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