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^ Hey you got me. :p

Well, I'll post, but last time I was here I made of my giantish posts, and when I clicked to "Add Reply", there was a problem with my internet connection, and it all got recycled.

I'll be back latrer tonight, but for now all I gotta say is that this weekend sucked. When I was with my friends out, and came back home running to see the Arsenal game, and when I opened TV, I saw Eduardo laying on the floor. Never saw what happened, or how terrible it looked, but anyway I felt discusted. :yuckky:

Then they ended up drawing with Birmingham due to a last minute penalty, and it was not quite different with my other teams, neither. Valencia tied also, and Juve lost with a last minute penalty also.

Damn I hate sports threads. :anger:

*Goes to NBA thread* :woot:

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What happened to Eduardo was heart breaking, he may never play again, it's so awful to see someone who had such talent and such a future have it possibly taken away from him, I love Arsenal and I did cry :cry:

yah. i always keep myself from putting a curse on birmingham city everytime i remember it. :cry:

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OK, I'll take it all, back to the day 1 of UCL.

1st - Liverpool v Inter was mad boring. Materazzi's 1st booking was one of the shittiest ones I've ever seen in my life, while in the second one he did it to himself. He should have let Torres continue his action, as it didn't seem like that much of a dangerous attack to me (in case, I'd rather take a 0-1 deficit, than play with a player less). The only think that I enjoyed in the game was that Vieira was back healthy, and playing like in the good old times(Arsenal and Juventus years :( ). At the end of the game, when goals came, I was feeling like I was seeing a dream, cuz the game was making me sleepy. But the return game? Hey, the only thing that I'm sure, it will be great, even if it ends up 0-0. Inter has nothing to loose, and they will use all of their weapons. I'm really looking forward for that game, and I don't think it's already said and done, that Liverpool will make quarters. It can either be an upset for Liverpool, or it may end up with 'pool blasting Inter.

2nd - Ed already said it, but I'll repeat. "Boring" - is the last thing that game should be called. It was an epic. I was with some of my die hard Barcelona fan friends, and we watched Barcas game during the first half. It only made me nervous witnessing, how a football heavyweight like Barcelona allowed a madicore team like Celtic, score in both of their plain attacks. In 2nd half, I took over, and we watched Arsenal. The game was briliant. None of the teams made any serious mistakes. They were using their advantages (experience / energy) at maximum. Milan (experience) kept on rolling the ball (different than the night before, cause Inter was "throwing" the ball, and Liverpool was holding the possesion more and more), and never risked anything, which led them to higher ball possesion, and gave Arsenal less ocassions then most expected. Arsenal on the other hand (energy), never stopped the ball, they tried to use all the spaces in the field, and they did everything good (understood: EXCEPT LAST TOUCHES). Yes, there were no goals, but there was no reason to feel regret that we watched that game. , . . . Actully there was. . .

Henrys marvelous goal


I was going to say that the Gunners are still my favourites to get the tickets for the next round, but damn, we lost Eduardo. Now the chances are equal, and even if it goes down till the penalties, it won't be a surprise for me.

BTW, anyone any info about - When will RVP be back?

3rd - I used to claim that Roma will defeat Real in both games, and I'm still behind my words. They are really a superior team this season, and I admire the job Spalletti does. They can upset a lot of teams this season.

Well, these 3 games are the games I have my eye on.

As for the others, if Barca, Sevilla, Man U, Chelsea, and Porto don't make the next round, it'll be a surprise for me.

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SICK BRUMMIES: The travelling Villa fans covered themselves in shame as they wasted just 14 minutes before signing derogatory songs comparing stricken Arsenal striker Eduardo to amputee Heather Mills-McCartney. It was an example of football fans sinking to gutter level.


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It was one for ages, and undiscribable. I'd say that one minute will be remembered for years as the minute that changed the name of the champion.

You'd think Atletico would've let Barca win this week just to spite their richer neighbours, but alas Barca had their asses handed to them :rofl:

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