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Joe > Average

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Status Updates posted by Joe > Average

  1. I was a bit late on deleting those posts, but removed the whole discussion. 👍🏾 May be a small consolation, but she is pretty without makeup. :ninja:

  2. Its kindof funny that people still refer to Lemmy as a pioneer of speed metal when he always said that they weren't speed metal, but punk :mellow: .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stormbringer


      Oh yes, I've seen many times both Van Halen and Led Zeppelin to be classified as Metal... Which they definitely aren't; as you say, what they are is Hard Rock. There's too much Blues and Rock n' Roll in their music for it to be Metal.
      And about Black Sabbath, I actually have troubles considering their first era as Heavy Metal, though all the foundations are there. Once Dio came in I think they can be classified as such, but as for Ozzy's time I feel more comfortable calling it Hard Rock too, even though it gets really heavy. Again, there's a lot of Blues still in there.

    3. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      The Blues was definitely huge with those early English bands. Strangely enough, Marlilyn Manson had some Blues on his recent album :mellow:  . Another hotly debated one is whether 'Helter Skelter" is metal or not. My general idea though is the Shakespeare saying, 'a rose by any other name...' One I'm not sure about is Kansas and Foreigner though. Obviously not metal and no one would say they were, but they seem to hard for soft rock too. I'm thinking Kansas may be on the progressive end and Foreigner seems like Hard Rock early on and went as far as pop at some point.

    4. Stormbringer


      Oh I'm mostly ignorant about Marilyn Manson. I've listened very little of his music :ninja: 

      About Helter Skelter I definitely don't call it Metal, though it is indeed a pioneer song that one of the genre's founding stones. But to me is Hard Rock.
      And I don't how to call Kansas and Foreigner either lol. Kansas is definitely more close to progressive, but I always found Foreigner to be so dull :ninja: Kinda Hard Rock-wannabe but too soft in the end, and way too pop for my liking.

  3. Testing...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      That's a nice sexy, homeless, Swedish hippie avatar you have.

    3. Prettyphile


      :rofl:  I'd take sexy homeless Swedish Hippy over GQ man any day of the year!

    4. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      Well you should seeing as how GQ let cross-eyed Tom Brady on there. I'm thinking Ben should be more famous. We've already failed Alexandria, lets not fail him too. I propose he play Aquaman on the CW network :p .

  4. Your community reputation is up to good standing.

    1. maddog107


      Before I was in bad standing? :o 

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      It said you were "neutral." :p It seemed kindof criminal, so I just liked some of your random posts. :ninja:  

    3. maddog107


      Much appreciated :heythere:

  5. Kindof hard to see myself simping to the superfan level. :mellow:

    1. Prettyphile


      omg I've missed you! Where have you been?!

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I don't like posting on the phone and all my laptops are fucked up. The dell just has a blue screen, another one won't come on, need new chargers for others. I'm one of those people with money who is still cheap. :ninja: 

    3. Prettyphile


      Well you've been missed. Been worried about you due to the heat. Hope you and your family are doing well, and hopefully you can get your laptop(s) up and running soon ❤️

  6. In all of your research and to your knowledge, have you ever heard of any ancient civilization who thought that people from other countries, with other cultures that spoke different languages were the same people based on skin color? I haven't found one. 

    1. Prettyphile


      It's less common to find instances in ancient civilizations where people solely thought others from different cultures, who spoke different languages, were the same based purely on skin color. Ancient societies often had more nuanced and complex views of people from various regions, even if they did sometimes use physical characteristics as part of their categorizations. While there might not be a perfect example that exactly matches the criteria you mentioned, there were certainly cases of oversimplification and misunderstanding due to limited interactions and information.




    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I'm starting to think that ancient civilizations are not given enough credit. Even looking at the Saxon wars, I don't think they considered the Danes to be the same people whereas many today would say they are both white, so of course they are the same. I also feel like a distinct culture from say a Nigerian and a 5th generation white person from Alabama is alien to a 5th generation Russian and so on.

    3. Prettyphile


      Absolutely! Ancient civilizations tend to get boiled down to simple ideas, but in reality, they were more complex than we give them credit for. Take your example of the Saxon wars. It's unlikely that they saw the Danes as the same just because they both had light skin. Nowadays, it's easy to think that skin color is the only factor, but that's not how people then or even now really see it. Ancient societies didn't have the same rigid ideas about race that we do today. They had their own ways of understanding differences among people, which were much more flexible.

  7. I can't find the Lisa Barbuscia topic. If she or a representative didn't request a deletion, you can restart it.

    1. parisienne


      Joe, how do we know if a deletion has been requested?

    2. missparker7


      Yes, how do we know if a deletion has been requested? And this means we have to create it new?

    3. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      It looks like it was requested after all.

  8. Commie bastards at Twitter shut down Clown World, so I had to find this on my own.



    1. Prettyphile


      LMAO!!!!!!!!!  She gonna love you long time, she loves your big dicka banana. Thoughts?

    2. Prettyphile


      Also..... her level of crazy is off the charts. This my love is the gift that keeps on giving LOL thank you

    3. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      Thoughts? She has a lot of teeth in that mouth, lmao. Her dancing is just as funny. I would love to see a dance off between her and those rich white girls on tiktok.

  9. Do you like fish tacos by any chance?

    1. ILUVAdrianaLima


      Indeed I do! One of my fav tacos! :chicken:

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I've been investigating different recipes lately because I have more carp than I know what to do with :ninja:  . After giving so much away, there is still a lot left over. Its invasive and literally jumps out of the water. I quickly learned that fish tacos are their own thing though and I need to see what works for them.

    3. ILUVAdrianaLima


      I've never used carp for those kind of tacos but I'm sure u can prep them up for a nice taco or two! :chicken: Have you found anything yet on that fish for tacos?

  10. How do you think Megan Fox would have done in "Best Eyes" in her prime?

    1. peroxideblonde


      great for sure! but not just in her prime, even now i think she can do good..you'll be interested if i'll do a best eyes celebrity edition?

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      Yes, because I never had a chance to nominate. :mellow: 

  11. I don't need a holiday to rock out to this.



    1. Prettyphile


      I'm so ready! Even my cereal is ready lol





    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I haven't had the Carmella Creeper. I needs it. :chicken:


      The culture needs this new AMS to be good too.

  12. I know I'm not the only one here that thinks that one-legged chick is sexy. Not because of the one leg of course.

    1. Prettyphile


      I think it's just you lol. She's a tad bulky looking, and very average faced even compared to an average non-model girl imo. If you like her, more power to ya.

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      Her looks are average/below average, but to me, sexy is more intangible. More of a vibe and attitude. Obviously, there are even athletes they could have chosen that have both sexiness and better looks though.



  13. Two things I don't hear people giving social media enough credit for. One, if you say that you've dated someone that looks better than a model/actress you criticize, it gives you proof. Two, if you dare say that a random woman looks as good as a model/actress, you have proof of that too. :Angel: 

    1. peroxideblonde


      sound about right :rofl:


    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I know you would agree, but I do think that Tanya M. level of prettiness is rare for everyday life. :p 


    1. Prettyphile


      Taking a perfectly good song and trying to make it appeal to Boomers


      Seether in 2021


    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average



      The original is definitely 80s awesomeness though. 

  15. The Democrats started the KKK. Obama deported more Mexicans. The Republicans gave women the right to vote. Just saying.

    1. Prettyphile


      Did you take the Red Pill? If so welcome to the club!!!!

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I did, although it is frustrating to see that it is easy for me to get people to eat or smoke something not knowing what is in it, but they don't want to swallow it!


      "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."  - (someone that said it)

  16. Mexican model Daniella Cosio is the one in my set. :D

    1. lancelot479


      Just saw your message?!


      Hope you are still active on BZ!


      More important, I hope your family, friends, colleagues, and you are healthy and happy during the pandemic! : )

  17. I don't keep up with the news because most of it is fake, but are they really trying to impeach the only president that doesn't sound like a used car salesman???!!! :goose-wft:

    1. Prettyphile


      After this smoke and mirror side show all those involved should be tried for treason.  I'm beyond fed up with Democrats and their "feelings" verse facts logic.

  18. You can't receive messages, so I nominate Dasha Dereviankina (last name copy and pasted :whistle: ) and Danielle Herrington if you meant who wasn't already in this last one.

    1. Prettyphile


      I can receive msgs, I just got a couple this morning.  Odd.

  19. Gabriela Salles looks like early 90s Michael Jackson. 

    1. Prettyphile


      LOLOLOL Can't unsee

  20. Veganism was created and is funded to lower the sex drive/reduce fertility/population control. The most animals die in crop production.


    But Luma Grothe sounds like the name of a tumor.

    1. Prettyphile


      Random fact of the day! LOL I approve.

  21. Who is the woman in the gif again?

    1. elfstone


      Natalie Morris :)

  22. I guess since you gave a 1, you won't be offended by me saying that Julie Henderson (face) looks similar to John Travolta with a blond wig. :laugh: 

    1. peroxideblonde


      nope...and you're right! :rofl:

  23. I know an inbred trailer woman who puts firecrackers in her ass that could be Frida Aasen's twin.

  24. I just heard "Stargazer" for the first time :O_O: ...Just...wow...

    1. Stormbringer


      It's one of the best song EVER!! :chicken: Epicness all over: Blackmore's solo and overall guitar work, Dio's singing, Cozy Powell's drumming.... Incredible song. A Light In The Black, from the same album, is incredible as well.

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