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Status Updates posted by Ophelia_Immortal

  1. or you can go to the request thread and they will make you whatever you want.

    If it says Ophelia Immortal - dont worry about it. You can use it for now ^___^

  2. Pandas = Blizz being so scared about the new Star Wars MMO. It's so lazy on their part, imo. I wanted something cooler, like Nagas xD

  3. Penny did you get the tfs invite I sent you?!

  4. Penny I sent you a message about tfs. I need your email and the name you want there =D

  5. Penny! Penny! Penny! Penny!

  6. Playing with Pretty and Pheno?

  7. red pwns ALL! muahahaha

  8. Sara! Our Cintia is doing SO well! I am loving all the new pics you are posting! Thank you so much for keeping her thread updated...I simply do not have the time anymore. I already have my work cut out for me in Mona J's thread xD lol

  9. Save me? *is confused* I jumped her first....but she put a spell on me! Evil Elphaba!

  10. She bewitched me...I swear it!!! *innocent look*

  11. So long! I will miss you my Noble Abelard! <3

  12. So....Goblins or Worgen? xD

  13. Sorry about my posts in your thread yesterday. I get oversensitive when I'm sick. Shouldn't have marred your thread like that. x.x

  14. Sorry to disappoint you my love, but that's not the Green Lantern. It's Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter xD

  15. Stopping by again to up your rating! Not stalking you..promise! (well, maybe a little! :P)

  16. Stopping by to give you 5 stars! <3 =)

  17. Sweet Kisses to you darling *MUAH*

  18. Tara and Willow = best couple on tv for sooo long! It's up now 'cause they are making a new Buffy movie without Joss Whedon and that can't happen! Rated you again too!

  19. Thank you darling! ^___^ you are very sweet <3

  20. Thank you for taking the time to post all the SI pics <3

  21. Thank you for the Birthday wishes! Love your Matt Smith pics!

  22. Thank you! It's one of LMS's beautiful works. Edita and Magda stole that show for me =)

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