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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. I'm a very precocious child! Behati is exactly what I look for in a babysitter, do you think she'll read me a story too?

  2. I'm always happy - as long as I'm getting some attention! So thank you for that..!

  3. I'm an Argentine - it's ALWAYS red wine! I'll pass on the baseball, but have been happily watching the football...

  4. I'm going to learn to make sets just so's I can "gift" you with a wonderful Selita Ebanks 'gurning' avatar and cheeky posed signature. Oh, I hope sh eahs wings - gotta have wings in them haven't you? (Btw, will most likely have a Behati one myself... Apologies!)

  5. I'm going to say it here too:

  6. I'm going with red..!

  7. I'm happy to have introduced you to them then! New CD should arrive tomorrow too, btw...

  8. I'm in love with your avi too! 2 minutes passed whilst I was mesmerized by it!!!

  9. I'm just an attention seeker... These aren't posts - they're cries for help!!!

  10. I'm sure I don't know what you mean about things in mouths..!

  11. I'm sure it won't last. Just bide your time - or find another Mrs Limer! Then just let me know and I'll be right there to play for you.

  12. I'm SURE Santa still loves you! Appreciate the signature namecheck too... 'Feliz Navidad' por vos!

  13. I'm talking fiction here! My 'masters' thesis was enough to put me off essays. Of course, that's not to say such a thing hasn't been covered before in fiction. But then there are only really 3 'stories' anyway...

  14. I'm well, thank you! Seems I missed the 'BZ not available' drama... Yes, your Candice Facebook story - very sad!

  15. I'm with you - shame they skipped straight through that 'kiss-o-gram' stage of her life..!

  16. I'm with you on the cat thing! All OK here, hope to find you well?

  17. I'm working Sunday, and will miss Argentina/Mexico - GAH!!! Que lastima...

  18. I've also got a British passport too (always handy) - do you think I should stand for office and become the UK Education Minister?

  19. I've always seen you as more Roger Vadim... I suppose Baby could be Bardot?

  20. I've asked - but my butler won't be visiting until next week. I'll see him Tue/Wed I think...

  21. I've come back especially to wish you well, my favourite 'agent provocateur'. Feliz Cumpleanos and acid besos...

  22. I've just been perusing your links my dear... Hell if I know what ANY of that means?!?!

  23. I've never been honored in a signature before! Thank You - I hope my votes helped?

  24. I've no doubt a butt shot will be gracing my page again very soon!

  25. I've only really seen it on US TV shows, it's not a game I've ever played here - and in the UK it's (principally) a girl's game. But, actually, it looks pretty tough and dangerous...

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