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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Thank you very much :)

  2. Thank you very much :)

  3. Thank you very much :)

  4. Thank you very much :)

  5. Thank you very much hun :) I've been doing this for 6 years and people barely say thanks, it's disheartening at times. And thank you for the 5 star! right back atcha hun.

  6. Thank you very much hun :)

  7. Thank you very much! :)

  8. Thank you very much! Simone is awesome and I just love her :)

  9. Thank you, same tol you!

  10. Thanks dahlin, love you back always!!

  11. Thanks for the visit. No hellos?

  12. Thanks hun, and yes that's emily d

  13. That would be the lovely lana zakocela

  14. That's exactly what I thought. And you know what's worse? Pet Battles roflmao.. Gotta check em all!

  15. That's the politics of BZ though >.< opinions that aren't kinda are frowned upon... Care to take a wild guess which group of ppl don't like it? lol

  16. The girl in my Av/Sig is Ginta Lapina!!

  17. The girl in my set is Emily Didonato

  18. Then perhaps you should play the GAMEZ! World of Warcraft and Dead Island go go

  19. There's going to be a new playable race? Wut!

  20. Tis my b-day tomorrow but thanks dahlin! :) lol

  21. Truce?

    I've been reading a lot of your post lately, and I must say that 99% you're dead on, and I respect that. BtW: Marisa has one of thee best bodies I've ever seen.. and I mean ever! ;p

  22. VS do more things like you! Love your body hun. Healthy, sexy and zomg tits and ass... shocker!


  23. Wait which video?

  24. Wanna take a wild guess as to who removed your stars from a 5 to a 1. >.<

  25. Welcome to Bellazon :)

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