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3 hours ago, frenchkiki said:

Meditation is not BS, is just not for everybody.

I know it's not for me :rofl:




Have you tried it?  Sexytime works better right?  :D


 Over the past 15 years or so, meditation is increasingly being fused as a practice here in the US.  So far I find it a criminal waste of time and I fall asleep.  


There is also the option of taking "Tryptophan and L-Phenylalaine supplements but I am wary of this, as the risks are not sufficiently stated.  (eg. lowering the body's natural production over time).  However, I am considering on buying some just for special situations. 

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1 hour ago, Enrico_sw said:

^ Very interesting.


On my members thread, I have several pages of quotes from "Master of the Senate" (about the Civil rights struggle).  The Senate's Democrats were originally based around a coalition of anti-black southerners with the usual east/west coast coalition.  In order to win the presidency, candidates had to win the favor of regions with some diametrically opposite views.  The Majority leader of the Senate was usually anti-Civil rights since the conclusion of the Civil War.  This faction kept civil rights in a retarded state for decades until the 1960s.   Eventually this faction switched parties by the time of Nixon.

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48 minutes ago, Cult Icon said:


On my members thread, I have several pages of quotes from "Master of the Senate" (about the Civil rights struggle).  The Senate's Democrats were originally based around a coalition of anti-black southerners with the usual east/west coast coalition.  In order to win the presidency, candidates had to win the favor of regions with some diametrically opposite views.  The Majority leader of the Senate was usually anti-Civil rights since the conclusion of the Civil War.  This faction kept civil rights in a retarded state for decades until the 1960s.   Eventually this faction switched parties by the time of Nixon.


Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.

There are historical facts like that in France. The left party in the second half of the 19th century (like Jules Ferry, one of their leaders) was in favor of colonization (they considered it "humanist", because they just claimed to bring "civilization") whereas the French conservative party didn't like colonization because they said it weakens investment in the mother land. It's funny because the  switch in France was also during the 1960s (actually the switch started before but it became clear in the 1960s). These are facts you find in all history books, but rarely in common knowledge.

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1 hour ago, frenchkiki said:

Oh the propaganda is real! :rofl:


How is it propaganda when they talk about historical facts? Today's discussions are biaised, sure and full of passions, but history is as cold as facts.

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Because everything she says is biased.

I am not saying she wrong about historical facts, she is just using  the facts she wants to make a beautiful story about how Republicans are the good ones.

Historical propaganda. I am pretty sure another university teacher could do the same video about how democrats are the real good ones and that would be as uninteresting and biased then her video(s)

Now i personally don't think all Republicans are racists & sexist but that kind of video is simply another form of fake news with real facts (if it makes sense?lol!)

But it's almost 3 a.m so i'll be happy to talk more at the light of the day :smile:

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also: The Democrats were generally more warlike (up to the 1970s) than the Republicans, which were very different from what they were in the 1980s- until today.   It was actually the republicans, particular in the Senate, that de-militarized the USA and greatly changed the nature of the Cold war after WW2.  The military decreased from around 55% of the GDP to around 20% in the 1950s, which lead to the consumer/ houses/ driving culture that's well known.


This lead to a very rapid defeat and loss in the Korean war, as American and coalition forces were too weak against the communists.  It pretty much underwrote defeat in Vietnam despite JFK/LBJ's best efforts.

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1 hour ago, Enrico_sw said:


How is it propaganda when they talk about historical facts? Today's discussions are biaised, sure and full of passions, but history is as cold as facts.


I haven't seen either video so I'm just coming to say this:

Talking about historical facts does NOT mean that those can't be used as propaganda. It's not hard to pick the facts one can find more convenient to fit one's narrative or agenda and ignore others. And they can still be subjected to an interpretation favorable to one's views. It won't necessarily make the facts any less real but they could still be used as propaganda. 


Also, history is not "cold as facts". History is always written by somebody, who will inevitably have more or less motivations to write such history in a certain way. The general context and the time when it was written along other factors will have an influence too. 

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12 hours ago, Stormbringer said:



Talking about historical facts does NOT mean that those can't be used as propaganda. It's not hard to pick the facts one can find more convenient to fit one's narrative or agenda and ignore others. And they can still be subjected to an interpretation favorable to one's views. It won't necessarily make the facts any less real but they could still be used as propaganda


Also, history is not "cold as facts". History is always written by somebody, who will inevitably have more or less motivations to write such history in a certain way. The general context and the time when it was written along other factors will have an influence too. 

It's exactly what I wanted to say and you said it way better than me. 

:hug:no machinegun

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12 hours ago, Stormbringer said:

Also, history is not "cold as facts". History is always written by somebody, who will inevitably have more or less motivations to write such history in a certain way. The general context and the time when it was written along other factors will have an influence too. 


I must add caveats on this point, as there are obviously a frame of "cold facts", it's where the analysis and narrative is open to interpretation.   What I wrote was facts and so was some of the stuff that lady said.


The agenda you speak of is most commonly found in 'general' history (lots of opinion and analysis) and not in specialized text (data, facts with a much lower proportion of opinion and analysis) or the raw material of history, such as documentation and other evidence.  


Conservative materials on black issues often use blacks and use an angry, condescending tone.  Liberal materials tend to use humor/mockery/shame tactics to marginalize their opponents.



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15 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.

There are historical facts like that in France. The left party in the second half of the 19th century (like Jules Ferry, one of their leaders) was in favor of colonization (they considered it "humanist", because they just claimed to bring "civilization") whereas the French conservative party didn't like colonization because they said it weakens investment in the mother land. It's funny because the  switch in France was also during the 1960s (actually the switch started before but it became clear in the 1960s). These are facts you find in all history books, but rarely in common knowledge.


I find that with political narratives/ideology, one only needs to look at where the money, public sentiment, and practical interests are flowing.  It's as if they see the opportunities, and then make the story around it.  Then they sell the story to the general public.  eg. Al gore is a prime example- if you look at his activities as less of an apostle of climate change and more of an agent of high finance (currently he helps manage billions and retired a lot of his public activities) then his actions make a lot more sense.


In today's environment I bet that some French people must feel like they should have fought to keep the colonies for the cheap labor, raw materials, living space, investment flow into hardware/infrastructure, military strength, etc. but they keep these illegal thoughts to themselves or express it through other channels. 

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