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But its just a follow on twitter I feel like that would be immature as a married couple.

Exactly! Besides it's not like Adriana even really tweets anything. I think a clear indication of something is up between them is when she starts tweeting/RT things about overcoming obstacles in relationships and love and blah blah blah. Because we all know how she loves to subtweet Marko. So until then, I THINK they're good.
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Maybe they just have an issue, it happens to every couples, it doesn't mean they are divorcing :/

They said the same thing for Alessandra and Jamie, and they are still together. Maybe Adriana will say that it's not true, like Ale said, or maybe she's just going to ignore those rumors.

Let's wait, but I hope it's not true because they are a lovelly couple  :(

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I think this is all just a rumor. In Sebrian media they are writing that she told German Interview magazine that she wants a divorce, but they are also saying that she is seeing Lenny Kravitz?! ...so I highly doubt that any of this is true...

But I do really want to read her interview for that magazine to see what she actually said!

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I think maybe they had a fight and she removed him (because this is just ridiculous to keep removing and adding each other) or vice versa because you know when you're in a relationship and you aren't talking to the other person and you do anything and everything to ignore them. You don't answer your phone, you don't answer their texts, etc. One of them was probably blowing up the others Twitter inbox. :rofl:

Secretly I am hoping she is ditching his ass and starting up something saucy.

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I think this is all just a rumor. In Sebrian media they are writing that she told German Interview magazine that she wants a divorce, but they are also saying that she is seeing Lenny Kravitz?! ...so I highly doubt that any of this is true...

But I do really want to read her interview for that magazine to see what she actually said!

If you do read it report back! Like y'all said, it's probably just rumors and nothing big. But is it wrong that a small part of me (the selfish me) wants a Adriana & Lenny reunion?

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it was an interesting interview :wub2:

about folk music in brazil :thumbsup:

about the sport of boxing and basketballmake%20it%20clap.gif

about images art

about charitable contributions :woot:






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A girl just posted this on Twitter:

@fridashraf: So my dads gonna be working with supermodel Adriana Lima for the new launch of Amazon Coconut Water in Dubai.. #goodbyemarriage

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Do not know but i think we all too sensitive, when two people are divorced so happy, of course NO but look at the photos they seem happy.

The first rumor was 2 weeks ago when tennis tournament and other strange rumors.

Maybe in twitter unfollow each other but adrian in instagram follow marco's sister and in twitter

Doo not know

But i wish to God they are all happy with the childrens :hehe::heart:

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