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I also think it's very likely that she is having some treatments on her face, not necessarily permanent (I don't think so), but things like botox or fillers I think are quite likely. And I don't think it's the first time. Even without makeup and even though she looks considerably better without it, she still looks pretty different and not just because she has more weight on her face. It's too bad for it to be just makeup. She, unfortunately, has had bad makeup countless times, even repeating the same mistakes as on this occasion (basically too heavy makeup) and, yet, she never looked so different from what she really is. Definitely, I find it almost impossible to deny that there is nothing more to it than bad makeup and/or weight gain.


I also think it's something much more common than it seems among models, it's just that others do it with more tact and taste than Adriana, who has always been a little tacky in that sense.

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1 hour ago, borg said:

I also think it's very likely that she is having some treatments on her face, not necessarily permanent (I don't think so), but things like botox or fillers I think are quite likely. And I don't think it's the first time. Even without makeup and even though she looks considerably better without it, she still looks pretty different and not just because she has more weight on her face. It's too bad for it to be just makeup. She, unfortunately, has had bad makeup countless times, even repeating the same mistakes as on this occasion (basically too heavy makeup) and, yet, she never looked so different from what she really is. Definitely, I find it almost impossible to deny that there is nothing more to it than bad makeup and/or weight gain.


I also think it's something much more common than it seems among models, it's just that others do it with more tact and taste than Adriana, who has always been a little tacky in that sense.

Thanks to that look Adriana is being accused of way more than just fillers is the thing. Like people are most concerned about her eyes, which is a no brainer because thats her best feature. This is the second time, patrick has made her eye area terrible. And thats what people are mostly concerned about because you get SURGERY to do that kind of thing. And thats her best feature, her eyes. 

welp what we feared would happen did happen, this look has went viral. Her reputation as far as beauty is concerned probably won’t be the same thanks to that terrible look



EVERYONE is talking about it. Her being known as naturally beautiful and all that is probably gone now. Adriana letting herself leave the house looking like this is so insane to me. This wouldn’t have happened if she chose a better artist and a LIGHT look. Or atleast refused to allow patrick to do this to her, to make her eyes appear that small is just. Patrick and whoever else deluded adriana into thinking this is a good look should be fired

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4 minutes ago, Souled-Out said:

welp what we feared would happen did happen, this look has went viral. Her reputation as far as beauty is concerned probably won’t be the same thanks to that terrible look



EVERYONE is talking about it. Her being known as naturally beautiful and all that is probably gone now. Adriana letting herself leave the house looking like this is so insane to me. This wouldn’t have happened if she chose a better artist and a LIGHT look. Or atleast refused to allow patrick to do this to her, to make her eyes appear that small is just. Patrick and whoever else deluded adriana into thinking this is a good look should be fired

I too noticed that post and read every single comments, we've always seen such posts on Tiktok/Instagram or under the comment of tabloids but this time situation is serious, she was trending on Twitter (X) for a while in some countries today.  

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16 minutes ago, laeteita said:

I too noticed that post and read every single comments, we've always seen such posts on Tiktok/Instagram or under the comment of tabloids but this time situation is serious, she was trending on Twitter (X) for a while in some countries today.  

yeah Adriana really fucked up this time man. Her and patrick

Her lack of self awareness is almost troubling to me. It’s concerning that she can’t see that this is not a good look. It’s concerning she appears to enjoy heavy looks but dislikes when her makeup is lighter. I say this because multiple people felt that at Miu Miu Adriana seemed unhappy and uncomfortable. I lowkey don’t think she got to choose her glam team. But thats literally the best she ever looked all year. But instead she keeps going to artists like patrick ta who everyone thinks should be fired at this point. 

Yeah I am concerned with the way Adriana has been thinking these past few years. She already let herself be dragged because she allowed people to how she looks pregnant and decided to take her time losing the baby weight. Now she let this happen to herself. And these were choices that were alll avoidable. 

She REALLY needs to understand that her job is modeling. As a model, she should care about how she is perceived. She should care about looking like the Adriana Lima people can atleast recognize. If she is getting fillers and Botox, she shouldn’t go to event’s directly after just getting them. And she should not work with people like patrick who will make her look worse

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1 hour ago, Souled-Out said:

Thanks to that look Adriana is being accused of way more than just fillers is the thing. Like people are most concerned about her eyes, which is a no brainer because thats her best feature. This is the second time, patrick has made her eye area terrible. And thats what people are mostly concerned about because you get SURGERY to do that kind of thing. And thats her best feature, her eyes. 

welp what we feared would happen did happen, this look has went viral. Her reputation as far as beauty is concerned probably won’t be the same thanks to that terrible look



EVERYONE is talking about it. Her being known as naturally beautiful and all that is probably gone now. Adriana letting herself leave the house looking like this is so insane to me. This wouldn’t have happened if she chose a better artist and a LIGHT look. Or atleast refused to allow patrick to do this to her, to make her eyes appear that small is just. Patrick and whoever else deluded adriana into thinking this is a good look should be fired

On the bright side, they all tagged adriana into the posts/comments and got her notice the harsh critics about her look. I hope she learnt her lesson after this drama Patrick caused and quits working with him. Her latest instagram selfie proves that she cares.


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49 minutes ago, nhlovesadri said:

Her ig stories

adrianalima - 3236832710934980701.jpg

She should have posted this on her feed so that more people would see it


good to see her looking normal and she looks way better but not as many people will see this 


Does this means she will stop using Patrick AND heavy makeup artists like him, I’m not sure 

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10 hours ago, Souled-Out said:

I think the most disappointing ones are the ones who are actually more problematic and do fucked up things. Adriana still has one of the best life stories and iconic careers in modeling. We not letting Adriana’s lack of good judgment take that away lol

Adriana just lacks self awareness. She always did. Always lacked good taste like someone else said. Its just, it was fine when she was younger but now that she is older its not the time for that. She has to be more careful and smarter about things.  I can only hope Adriana stop brushing this shit off and takes this as a lesson learned for once. But Adriana seems hard at learning lessons so who knows 


We can only hope that this finally opened Adriana’s eyes for good and she starts making better decisions for herself 

yes, she need to be more judgemental but as her kind and friendly personality, it is hard for her. Well anyway, I just hope she could take an real break and possibly hire a nurse or babysitter to help her take care of children. She looks so tired...

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1 hour ago, patt said:

On the bright side, they all tagged adriana into the posts/comments and got her notice the harsh critics about her look. I hope she learnt her lesson after this drama Patrick caused and quits working with him. Her latest instagram selfie proves that she cares.



This is what I meant by Adriana's lack of self awarness. This did not just go viral, she did not only trend, NEWS websites wrote about this. Thats how in shock people are. Because thats how beautiful people see her.. Its considered news if she was to ever look botched and not like herself. Thats how beautiful she is too many, its news for her to seemingly "mess up" her looks. Ima say it now, if Adriana is using fillers or something, she needs to STOP and just let herself age naturally. That or she needs to stop making appearances directly after getting it done. If she needs to heal or something has to settle she shouldn't be going anywhere directly after. But everyone's hope is she doesn't mess up her looks. But we don't know if it its steriods or medication. I'm just hoping she gets rid of it


I am glad she addressed it but I am not sure how this will go for Adriana from now on. With such high speculation that went everywhere, it made news in different countries.  I'm not sure if the public perception of Adriana will ever be the same again. Especially since she didn't post the response on her instagram feed/profile. And she rarely posts at all. People are not gonna forget this day, sadly. She is going to have to be very active to make people realize she does still look good. But thing is, Adriana is barely active. She doesn't post on social media anymore, she doesn't attend many fashion events anymore, she hasn't done much professional work. So all people are gonna be left with is how fucked up patrick allowed her to look during that hunger games premiere.


If Adriana was actually active on social media and posted her natural selfies like that one her feed, she could make people forget about this and they can see she is a natural beauty. But Adriana really don't do that. So all people have to remember her by is the most recent INFAMOUS look. Thats why people still think she looks like she did when she was pregnant because she doesn't showcase herself or anything much anymore. One story is not gonna fix it, it was just good for us true fans to have.


Anyways, like I was saying Adriana needs to really make better decisions so that she can have a better legacy. She doesn't want to be known as the 00s janice dickeson.She can't let herself go out like that. The only way I see her surviving the recent negativity is being active more, even showing her working out again & more makeup less photos but on her actual profile She should actually post when she has those lighter makeup looks where she looks like herself because she actually does look good like that. Not how what patrick does 


I hope enough people saw her story but I feel like the damage has been done. Unless Adriana start making better decision for herself.

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6 minutes ago, XSS said:

yes, she need to be more judgemental but as her kind and friendly personality, it is hard for her. Well anyway, I just hope she could take an real break and possibly hire a nurse or babysitter to help her take care of children. She looks so tired...


She worked out today. Thats why she looks tired lol. That was def her after the gym. And she actually looked great to me, that was the best no makeup photo she took since the pregnancy. She looks just a little tired and thats because she was working out, and she looked pretty skinny in that work out video to me

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5 minutes ago, Souled-Out said:


She worked out today. Thats why she looks tired lol. That was def her after the gym. And she actually looked great to me, that was the best no makeup photo she took since the pregnancy. She looks just a little tired and thats because she was working out, and she looked pretty skinny in that work out video to me

I see. But her big family with 5 kids...damn just imagining that makes me feel nervous and stressful. She already over 40 but the oldest girl just turns teen and the youngest kid is even just leaning walking. It is too much for a mom I mean.

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2 hours ago, XSS said:

I see. But her big family with 5 kids...damn just imagining that makes me feel nervous and stressful. She already over 40 but the oldest girl just turns teen and the youngest kid is even just leaning walking. It is too much for a mom I mean.


Yeah well, I just want Adriana to do two things: 1.Fire patrick. 2. Where lighter makeup and show case that. Show the lighter looks, show herself without makeup like she used to. She still looks great. She still looks like the woman we know now even if she looks tired or more mature, thats okay. We expect that, she is still pretty!


Oh, and IF Adriana do be getting fillers or botox and thats the reason for the bloat that is coming and going, she needs to wait until that shit has settled and is not fresh. But at this point some people think it might be some kind of medication thats causing it. IDK I just hope we get smaller faced Adriana back somehow

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Judging by her story, what I see is that either Adriana doesn't understand the problem or she is playing the victim. The problem is not that she looks tired or older, I think that 99.99% of us agree that she looks infinitely better in that story, naturally, than in the premiere. And, above all, she looks more like herself. You can tell “She is Adriana Lima”. The problem with her look at the premiere is that she literally looks unrecognizable, she doesn't look like herself and above all and why so many people have reacted so shocked, it’s because she looks very fake. She went from being seen unanimously and worldwide as one of the greatest natural beauties to just another fake celeb. If we were talking about another celebrity, there probably wouldn't be such shock reactions and it wouldn't be so viral, but talking about a beauty like her, many people get sad when they think, “but did she really need to do all that to her face? “She has always been incredibly naturally beautiful, no need to do that, now she looks way worse.”

That is the problem and she, it seems, continues to think that what people don't like is that she can look tired or older if she makes an appearance looking more natural, without facial treatments or heavy makeup, which is what leads her to have treatments on her face and use such heavy makeup to change her look so much.

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Oh God she thinks people are attacking her naturally ageing face! That’s not the case it’s just the awful make up because look at her!! She’s so stunning in candids. Adriana needs to be liberated from Patrick Ta! Her image is (kinda) ruined now, I agree, it’s a huge discussion on across forums and social media. Damn! Damn! Damnnnnnn! 😭

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Lol I think deep down Adriana realizes Patrick was NO help and large part of the problem she just don't want to put him on blast. And it sounds crazy for us all to be blaming the MUA like that but the main reason this happened is because of how her eye area looked, which is what he heavily manipulated. Her being bloated facially doesn't help but what literally caused surgery rumors were her eyes. Her eyes that were actually normal before. There is no way at this point that she doesn't realize that. Then again, the issue might be she thinks it looks okay in person but it looks crazy in cadid real life camera.  Even then if she still doesn't realize that his makeup turns out horrible for her, I am concerned for her mental.  There is just no way she doesn't see the problem now, but then again she still went to the event looking like that. She still worked with patrick even though his makeup constantly makes people assume she has plastic surgery every since 2020 thats the way its been and he used to get yelled at by her team in the past for this same issue. She never learns the lesson like someone said and now it has gotten to a point where she ruined the good perception people have of her, not just her beauty, but her in general. There are alot of conversations about "hollywood" influence surrounding her now


The only way I can see her attempting to get past this is if she distracted people with posts of her looking good and normal. And of course her working and actually looking normal and like herself at events. But Adriana does not do any of those thing these days. She basically only posts when she went to an event or for a rare paid partnership, she doesn't share anything like she used to. Before this,  Which means all people are going to be thinking about his that hunger games look and associate her with looking like that, not how she naturally looks.


As I said, Adriana really can be her own worst enemy. The people she has collaborated with are def a big part of all the negativity she has attracted lately but its also Adriana not making the best decisions for herself that makes things harder for herself. She was just getting praise at miu miu and had people in the fashion industry praising her in her comments because of how great she looked at this event and now all that positivity has been fucked up by Monday's look. She has not posted all day so that means she will continue to be inactive on social media which means that terrible look is going to stick to her and people are always gonna think "what a shame" when they think about her now


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Eventually some came out to defend her


42.k likes is alot for twitter. I still think Adriana’s overall rep probably won’t recover. This was talked about too much. But even with the support, I hope Adriana starts making better decisions for herself. Especially life style. She still looks a little bloated facially in the new pap pics. If she could just get rid of that face bloat she would shut these people up for good.  And stop with the heavy makeup 

A pillow face is just not meant for her

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