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Well Rihanna may dresses slutty sometimes but thats because of attention and her job literally,but damn her personal style is great...

I'm also praying she dyes her hair lighter


she also has had some classy and regular moments, not everything is always see through and stuff its actually 50/0 and her makeup is ALWAYS great. So I don't think it would be a bad thing neither.


better than this because sometimes she can make herself look bad if she isn't going natural. And we all know she is better than that. Makes herself looks like one of those models who are getting old/doesn't look good without glam..and she manages to do it with makeup on and a trying outfit is the frustrating part lol

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Well Rihanna may dresses slutty sometimes but thats because of attention and her job literally,but damn her personal style is great...

I'm also praying she dyes her hair lighter

she also has had some classy and regular moments, not everything is always see through and stuff its actually 50/0 and her makeup is ALWAYS great. So I don't think it would be a bad thing neither.

better than this because sometimes she can make herself look bad if she isn't going natural. And we all know she is better than that. Makes herself looks like one of those models who are getting old/doesn't look good without glam..and she manages to do it with makeup on and a trying outfit is the frustrating part lol

I agree, during world cup she had no makeup and looked much better than this, even on her selfies without any makeup she looks much better than this, red lipstick is nice but theres other lipsticks like peachy,pink, or some dark red that she could wear
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I think it depends on the kind of red lipstick and the contrast it makes. the one she always wears just doesn't fit her, I think it needs to be idk lighter I guess. The color she has is like blood and she reminds me of a vampire everytime she wears it lol and sometimes its put on kinda sloppy. Not last night, but when she was in NY and paris and I remember she took a selfie with it on like that, it was messy looking on her those times... just no adriana lol. she has all that beauty..

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I think she is still her old self is what it is, for some reason her being in the industry hasn't changed her as much, not style wise. Adriana has always been personally conservative when it came to clothing and like I said she said she covered alot before she got famous (I guess because of her trying to become a nun). Maybe the industry just didn't change her enough. And she didn't bother to learn a few things,


Esp if you do compare those models with the boho style lol, those girls love the industry, sleep, eat, breath it and are all into it. And I know some models are actually good and have education on makeup and stuff


Adriana isn't like them. I think it just has to do with the kind of person she is. If she was more into her industry she would surely learn something, because everyone does.


Maybe she will change like people keep waiting her too since she has been separated.


so I am guessing its true the jenners pay dm... adriana has been completely removed from the article. they changed the title. took out her photos. replaced them with more jenners, even though everybody was talking about adriana. seriously, only ONE comment was made about them, then all of a sudden the article is updated, no adriana, not even in the tag


But I am glad because she didn't look the best LOL but that is super weird

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What about the Jenners paying? I didn't understand what you meant. They removed Adriana from an article?



Yeah, I agree that her personal style is bad, well she doesn't have any, but i guess she's always been that way. So i think it's because of the person she is. She is just not a fashionista. Which I kind  of like  you know, because some models, they just dress well naturally, they have that innate sense of style, but many others try too damn hard to look boho-chic, when in fact they look funny trying.

So i like that Adriana isn't trying to be fashionable. She just isn't, and that is refreshing, in a way. She just doesn't care. 

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