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Although Spanish and Portuguese are similiar when it comes to certain words, in reality they are very different. Some words may be used in both Spanish and Portuguese, but other than that, it's hard to understand the rest.

I'm Latin, and hearing Portuguese I was only able to understand a little of what they were saying.

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any language is hard if you are not willing to learn it....for example lets take spanish...both of my cousins took it, one of my cousins wasnt willing to learn so he didnt learn it, now his sister is taking spanish and is willing to learn it and she is learning it....that and some people have the ability to pick up on languages fast....so it all depends on the person and if they are willing to learn the language

it also depends on situations, say you are relocated to another country and you have no choice but to learn the language or if all your co workers speak a certain language then you have no choice to learn the language....my brother learned farsi and spanish that way....he speaks better farsi than my uncle and my uncle was born in Iran :laugh:

Edited by Neo52285
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oh... I was under the impression that people that spoke Spanish and Portuguese could make out, relatively well, what each other were speaking and that the languages weren't radically different.


i sat thru a portuguese class once while i was shadowing my friend in college, and i didnt understand everything that was going on even tho i'd taken 5 years of spanish.

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What are Adriana's REAL ethnicities?

I hear different things

but in an interview she said She was Indian, Swiss, and African.

And then someone told me she was part Japanese and also French..??

haha. I am confused.


indian?! :blink:

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