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The Best SI Swimsuit Cover


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1972 x3

- It's amazing how much the body standards of excellence have changed over the years. I found a diet candy... *blinks*... yes a diet candy commercial from back in the late 70's, early 80's, and in it woman mentioned getting back into a size 10. Now 10 is damn near a plus size lol wtf? . I think this woman along with these early SI models looked healthy and strong compaired to woman now who looked like they could be knocked over by a strong gust of wind.

Seriously check it out... Ayds Candy lolololol

10/10 for irony WIN

Ayds :D / :| / :laugh: / :ninja: /

What's interresting is that Twiggy was the first idealized model of a thin stature but it took decades to actually catch on as a general trend (the standard was 13 in her time). I always thought it was interresting that once the standard became progressively more thin, it seems glamour models (generally dress 8-13) then seemed to become more and more popular. That could mean everything, nothing or a little inbetween, but I always thought it was interresting anyway. And on a different note in terms of tone (irrespective of size) and aside from photoshop of course...working out is also much easier and more efficient now. My grandmother says she gets 3x the workout in half the effort with what's available now...

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