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Kate Upton


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Either or can be used. The point is is it's been years! :rofl: Let it go...she's not going back to her 17-18 year old self (which isn't that vastly different then now. Smaller upper torso and chest, that's about it) any time soon despite your pleas, and chances are as she gets older, her body will change even more, and yet some of you will go on and on about how much she needs to be rookie worthy again.  God forbid any of you put on weight and someone points out how much better you looked when you were in your prime.

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She does work out o.o Kate's spoken openly about her trainer, how he makes her work out, and what she has to eat in order to help keep her in shape. It's not a matter of Kate being lazy, this is what her body wants to do... Now if Miss Kate wants to starve herself, and overwork her body till it because Doutzen worthy (please don't)... then sure it'll change, but till then she's doing everything she needs to keep fit and remain healthy.


Edit: answering my own question with apparently not.

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I'm sorry, I like Kate and all but she clearly let herself loose way too much after her career took off, she clearly does not give a fuck about being untonned. Genetics may play against her but she obviously doesn't take too much care of herself either and that combined with the (most likely) bad genetics she has is not great. She'll never look as she did in 2011 but she could look a lot better than she does these days, she's still a beautiful woman but her body is not exactly the most appealing thing on earth lately :idk: She's obviously one of those models that only works out and all that shit when she knows she has a lingerie/bikini shoot coming.


I still like her a lot and I'm happy for her success tho and she's probably happier with zero fucks given about diets/gym so kuddos to her I guess

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^ LOL, I have to agree with you here fully hun. At her age genetics or a hormone imbalance is most likely not the cause of her fuller look here :whistle: Nothing wrong with enjoying food but there is no way in heck she is keeping down with caloric intake or charting those miles on the treadmill anymore as she use to do :p All external factors here, aka: one too many 2nd plates :laugh:

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Where exactly did the treadmill come into being the gospel on losing weight? Why don't we all stop spewing drivel and assuming that we know what goes on in her life. She has come out in interviews and said she works out, but because we don't see candids of her near a gym you're all assuming that stopped. Just because you're not being given that glimpse into her life means it doesn't happen. So she's lying, her trainer's lying, the video clips of her bitching while working out are lying. :PinkCouture2:

You claim to be a fan, but all you seem to be doing is bitching that she's doesn't look like she did when she was 18.


Kate has come out and said she got tired of coming online and reading the negative comments. That was back when if you went anywhere but the fashion forums the comments were all positive. So guess where that information was undoubtedly coming from, oh ya, probably forums like BZ and TFS. So perhaps, taking that into consideration you'll all keep your negative opinions to yourself, because as much as none of you want to take into consideration this is just another offhanded bitchy way of bullying. Cyber-bullying is a big thing, good job everyone for jumping on the bandwagon.

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^Missy there is absolutely zero reason to continue on with the convo :mellow:  People believe what they want and nothing you, I or anyone else is going to say is going to change the fact. It's taken me a while to learn this about BZ despite wishing for the best. Many people as you put it tend to ride the bandwagon where everything is black and white. this or that, me vs you. If you'd like to continue on and save Kate and her family even more annoyances then PM away.



I took that jump. :cry2:

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^^ The treadmill wasn't meant to be applied literally here as it was a metaphorical symbol on her not working out enough to keep her tone up. And it's not so much an assumption as it is literal because she is notably fuller now then she was just a few short years ago. It really does come down to consuming more calories then burning them but I shall digress.
And I still love Kate and what she has done with all her work since her begging heydays with SI and I will continue to support her. One simple comment here and there is not representative of my overall picture of Kate, everyone is criticized from time to time. But with her line of work comments are to be expected (hopefully constructive than tearing someone a new one) as much as it sucks. But heck, just part of the modeling world since it literally revolves around symmetry in perfect balance to what is deemed beautiful.
On another note, no one is spewing forth drivel so much as just providing their opinions on simple observations being made overtime. I'm happy people have kept their restraint thus far on the whole sensitive topic that is weight gain or loss. As long as people play nice I say keep on with the convo this is a forum and a discussion one at that :flower:

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I blanketed the idea of running and the treadmill together, and it wasn't solely directed at you Dave, sorry if you took it that way. My problem here is that literally one or two pictures of Kate from a few years ago are posted and everyone jumps on the bandwagon of bring back the old Kate, insinuating that the new Kate is some how inferior. Everyone makes the assumption that she doesn't work out because she's put on a bit of weight, but if you actually look at the timeline of pictures she's yoyo'd a bit but at this point she's relatively stable.

For some people it doesn't matter how much you watch what you eat or exercise unless you're flat out willing to starve yourself and work out every day you will not be able to lose the extra few pounds. And on top of that, as Pretty pointed out most of her gain is through the upper torso into the chest area. With her body type, (having the higher waist) this is more apparent then on someone with a lower waist line and more pronounced hips. And looking back further Kate also pointed out that throughout school she had a relatively flat chest and then bam, they grew, so she's already shown a predisposition for drastic change in a relatively short period of time.


But I digress, constructive criticism is fine, but in this case you have a bunch of people who rarely post who only come out when the trip down memory lane is posted basically to bitch about how she's not as good as she was then. If she was a size 2 like every other model she wouldn't have stood out or gotten as big as she did. She became an icon because she was a potential game changer for the fashion community, and opened the door more for fuller figured models to actually book mainstream work.

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No need to apologize I kinda get you there :hehe: I've snapped a few times many pages back on that very thing :ninja: I won't get back onto the weight thing because for me here I think of it on more a biological and chemistry aspect then model wise so maybe not wise I go on :p
Good points on the body type, Kate does have that to contend with, that I wont even deny. I guess we need to make it a rule not to go retro Kate anymore then? :laugh:
Yes, constructive criticisms is need because the last thing I want is people afraid to post a few good comments over the fear of having them ran over :ninja:

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I think Pheno raises an interesting point when mentioning the cyber-bullying. I personally try to tone down my comments online because I don't like to think that someone (unlikely as it is) gets hurt by something I wrote.


And yet, I think this cyber-bullying line is quite blurry when it comes to modeling. The SI thread is a perfect example for that. With every casting call, there's this percentage of comments which will more or less resemble the following (I'm picking the least mean here) "Too skinny", "Do not want :yuckky: " "Her face  :ninja: ", "God, those fucking teeth " and I think we all make them every once in a while (some of the things that have been written on Chrissy Teigen...  :laugh: )

On any random model's thread, you'll find a person who thinks she's kinda fat, another who believes she should gain about 10 pounds, someone who will say her nose is too big or her breasts too small for X job, someone who will say "she looked better circa 2011" and finally the die-hard fans who'll insist she's perfect just the way she is.


I think that there's nothing wrong with commenting on Kate's body fluctuations as long as it's not "eew, she's fat/a whale/gotten so huge"  and I don't believe she should necessarily lose weight but I personally think she's quite untoned.

As long as BZ doesn't pull a TFS and outright ban weight talk, someone will always make these kind of comments on the skinny HF "twigs", the Plus-size "fatties" and every weight/size/bodyshape in between including Kate's.


And even if Kate did lose weight, she'll never have a tiny waist, an hourglass... She'll still read the occasional fridge reference and she'll never please everyone nor should she try to. Her body will change and if someone doesn't like it, he's allowed to say so as long as it's  polite and not every 2 pages.  :flower:

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