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VSFS Runway Finest


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Selita - For once, I do like the accoutrements. Nice kind of Mucha styling.

Lara - This laboured non-event still makes it to 2nd with what else is on offer.

Heidi - Does anyone even read these? Is it worth my time? You know, I was wondering if VS is going to reference both Klum and Lima's recent additions..? Maybe shoehorn in some puff-piece and waste another 5 minutes of the show on how (miracle of miracles) models give birth. I don't want to pre-empt the producers, but unless it's an immaculate conception and 3 Wise Men appear from the 'east' I'm really not interested. Save it for E News...

Isabeli - ...Or Oprah, or whatever other TV programs do that sort of thing. I don't live in the States so I don't know. This fashion show is the only time of the year I get to see these ladies on stage in lingerie - I don't want to know about some of them who are usually there but aren't this time. That would be a colossal waste. That's not an anti Klum/Lima stance - it just simply makes sense to me. And don't even get me started on all that cut-to-audience shit...

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