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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yeah that's his Godson Milano Johnson. His father is Jonah Johnson , Leo's long time friend :) Its funny how Milano, Ethan and Lukas are staring the paps down in that pic lol :laugh:

awwww I love that pic of Leo Pami! Extremely gorgeous :wub:

I wonder how Titanic in 3D will do at the box office.... 3D itself has seen a decline in the last year or so but I hope those who haven't seen it go out and do so and I hope long time fans go out and see the film again!! Thanks Nanda for the article

Thanks Kat for Edgerton article!

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thanks everyone for the tweets. I saw Leo's mom and grandmother on Blood Diamond, when he passes on the street, his mom and grandmom are behind him looking like they were tourists outside of a hotel in South Africa. After watch BD a lot of times I noticed that...

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thanks you so much girls!

Titanic 3D news was so interesting,Nanda!

I just saw this picture collection on that site,nothing special,but everyone writes how they love Leo and it's so cute! :wub:http://angel.ge/index.php?cstart=1&newsid=78672#comment I translated for you,google translate isn't very good.but that's OK :cain:

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Sarah Palin Calls DiCaprio, Madonna, & Letterman 'Full of Hate'

Widely known as a polarizing figure in politics and media, Sarah Palin has become well-versed in the good, bad and ugly that comes with the territory. Following a screening of the film, 'The Undefeated,' Palin lashed out at some of her Hollywood detractors featured in the soon-to-be released pro-Palin documentary, calling the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, and David Letterman "full of hate."

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter at the film's Pella, Iowa premiere Tuesday night, Sarah Palin says hearing the nasty comments leave her questioning, "what would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

While she finds this "hate" uncalled for, Palin is confident 'The Undefeated' will allow her and her supporters a venue to correct misconceptions. She tells THR, "there are so many false narratives about me, about Todd, about our kids, about my record, about my team that has worked so hard together." Palin explains, "I think the movie does that for me."

Directed by Stephen K. Bannon, 'The Undefeated' features interviews and commentaries from Alaskans who played different roles in her political rise to national prominence as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate in 2008, as well as a number of her passionate supporters. It will play in limited distribution in AMC Theatres the week of July 15.

I don't really understand what she means? :o

Is she being nice, or mean?

FYI what did Leda send? I haven't heard from her?

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Yup, Nanda that boy with Leo is his godson! Its always sweet to see pics of them together! :wub:

Thanks fash and aOMG for the tweets! I think its clear though that Leo is in NY!

Thanks wijn, and others for pics and articles! Wijn: yeah Sarah Palin was smashing celebs because a majority of celebs are democrats and Sarah is a republican! And yeah Leda sent a rude message to lovely Pami! Hopefully the moderators are on it!

Also fash, I love your new Emily set! :D

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Does anyone know if Drake's single 'Marvins room' has anything to do with the movie?

I believe he said once that he loved Leo as an actor?

I just realize how much song there are with/about Leo in it;

K3 - Leonardo DiCaprio (Dutch)

Leo & the Kings - Bar (wherever UR)

Snoop Dogg - These Hollywood nights


Kanye West - Christion Dior Denim Flow

Leo strut

Leo rap

The Lonley Island - I'm On A Boat

Emerson Drive - Say My Name

Markus Krungard - Hollywood Hills


Will Smith - Da Butta


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Thanks wijn!! Yeah I noticed that! My favorate song out of all those is "I'm on a Boat"! I have the video on my ipod and its hilarious! :p

I also really like the Kanye West song. I remember seeing a picture of Leo with Kanye together, but I can't remember where!

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Jonah Johnson has been friends with Leo for a long time - he 's mentioned in the Vanity Fair interview that came out right after Titanic came out (the one that included that famous photo by Annie Leibowitz (spelling?) with the fake swan around his neck. Jonah's a musician and singer and has a band - Giz Bundchen appeared in one of their music videos - blackcowboy is the name of the band. There isn't more to the story about Milan being Leo's godson - I think Leo babysat Milan quite often when he was a baby too. People ask close friends or relatives to be a "godfather" or "godmother" to their child - it just means that they sponsor the child's baptism (if they have one) and they play a role in the child's upbringing.

Sarah Palin hates on Leo and David Letterman and Madonna cuz apparently they say negative things about her in that new documentary about Palin "Undefeated" so I am curious to see what exactly Leo said and if he actually appears in the movie!

Hmm, I wonder how someone know that Leo and Blake are gonna be at Soho House in LA? Unless it's an event and someone who is involved in the event knew who was coming.

Yeah, there's a lot of songs that mention Leo - more than the ones in those videos - like Hey Leonardo by Blessed Union of Souls

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We also have a song here in Brazil performed by a singer called "Djavan" where he mentions Leo's name! hehe

I dont know if someone here is able to understand portuguese,but here it is!hehe You just pay attention when he says "Leonardo DiCaprio" hehe.

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