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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks Ox for posting the interview! That is one hot cover ;) And interesting interview!

Thanks for more pics also! LOL it does look kinda like lipgloss or something like that. Gatsbys lips have got to be shiney ;)

EDIT: Looking at it again, it looks kinda like a pen!

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Okay lets not get to caught up in this like the green bracelet! :rofl:

:rofl: OMG Kat With Leo everything always seems to be a mystery to solve... Bracelet, girl in the balcony.. now Lip gloss! :laugh:

We never get bored with him :laugh:

but we should not worry because I'm pretty sure that Oxf will come to the rescue to explain that in fact that is a laser device that contains the script of the movie

and as always we stayed like: Ah ok!!!! post-51835-0-1446081547-16951_thumb.gif

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Or as Harvey would say, "It's not a matter of what everyone thinks of Leo's peformance, when it comes to Oscar nods it is a matter of what those who actually nominate for BFCA, SAG, Oscars think of Leo's performance.

And with the the BFCA announcing 12/12 , the SAG announcing 12/13 we will soon know how the majority of those who are in a positiion to vote on Oscar precursor awards felt about Leo's performance :)

Thanks for the info, Oxford. I like to read the reviews you post.

Ox, can you tell me one thing? You seem to follow the major critics and awards... Satellite Awards is an important award? I confess that I just read some information on Google, but nothing too much :laugh:.

Amazing how things change so quickly. Months ago we follow the strong campaign for a indication to Ryan Gosling. I like to watch the major Oscar contenders every year. So far I've only had the opportunity to check "Drive" and "The Tree of Life"... the first is a little better, but both let me down, especially the second, is a very confusing movie. In my humble opinion, none of them is able to promote the indications to Gosling and Pitt, respectively.

And I prefer the formula to promote only five candidates in each category, especially Best Picture... all times that the Academy puts 10 movies in the list looks like a consolation prize, is a very forced situation.

Hey, Sick hope you come back soon.

Thanks girls for all news, tweets, pics :hug:... wow, beautiful pics. Leo gorgeous as always :drool:.

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Wonderful article about leo :heart:

SPOTLIGHT: Leonardo DiCaprio

One of the biggest box office cash-ins in Hollywood today is also one of the boldest talents. The career of Leonardo DiCaprio has had many growing pains, but now that he’s grown up and knows exactly what he wants out of his career, he appears unstoppable. His gift is to take us inside the often harrowing mind of the male psyche by manipulating and subverting the things that make people sympathize with it. He often yearns for connection in his films, whether it be from an unrequited love (Inception, Shutter Island) or just a human to be normal around (The Departed), he takes us to these places with ferocious skill and unbreakable humanity. Rarely does he crack a smile these days, but that makes them all the more meaningful when he does. If there is any hope that the art house can continue to have a big budget, it’s because stars like him appreciate the art they work in, and not just the huge salary it gives them.

J. Edgar- Though he’s never won an Oscar, this may be his year in Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar. Not only is the biopic a goldmine for any actor looking for a trophy, but DiCaprio also does his best work in this one. Eastwood’s off-kilter deconstruction of the genre’s conventions still allows for a performance that registers on a deeply emotional level. As the complicated former director of FBI, DiCaprio shows us a man using personal repression as an excuse to blackmail politicians, invade privacy and forever change how we gather intelligence.

Revolutionary Road- Suburban repression is another familiar story that DiCaprio happily inhabits with a grueling, intense portrayal. Opposite Kate Winslet, these two achieve performances that showcase just how far they’ve come since Titanic. The actors are the only real reason to see the movie, but DiCaprio’s performance as Frank builds to such a devastating climax that it lifts the movie up with it.

Aviator- Another unconventional biopic about a complicated man, Martin Scorsese allows DiCaprio to give his showiest performance in one of his films. As the reclusive genius Howard Hughes, he travels through the decades from initial inventive spark to his later madness. Like Revolutionary Road, the movie itself got mixed reviews, but DiCaprio’s performance helped lift up the uneven story.

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?- Besides a brief turn on Growing Pains, this turn as the mentally challenged brother of Johnny Depp’s Gilbert is what DiCaprio is known most for pre-Titanic. He scored his first Oscar nomination by giving an honest, deeply felt performance in a movie filled with raw feelings and difficult emotions.

The Departed- DiCaprio’s blending ability among a talented ensemble is never more apparent than in Martin Scorsese’s Boston gangster romp. He wisely chooses not to steal the show as Billy Costigan (that was Jack Nicholson’s job here), but still shows the smoldering intensity that comes with being a rat inside a violent crimelord’s entourage.

Other notable performances: Inception, Shutter Island, Gangs of New York, Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, and Blood Diamond.


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Oscars 2012: Reading This Week's Critical Tea Leaves

The glitterati's gladiatorial combat for Oscar has officially commenced: the Gotham Independent Awards, the New York Film Critics Circle and the National Board of Review all handed out their end-of-year kudos this week and the Indie Spirit Awards announced their nominations. The crystal balls of Oscarologists everywhere have been sorely in need of a spit-shine because, unlike last year, it's a murky, wide-open battlefield with few frontrunners dominating. And where there's an awards opening, there is Harvey Weinstein. Apparently in search of a new challenge after he felled zeitgeist movie of the year The Social Network with Colin Firth's stiff upper lip in The King's Speech, Weinstein has set himself a near impossible feat: win an Oscar for a silent film. And he's off to a running start -- the New York Critics Circle picked The Artist as its best film of the year.

Before the announcement, Weinstein's campaign love letters popped up in the New York Times and on The Huffington Post, and he's been doing the two step with Charlie Chaplin's granddaughters, so he clearly smells blood with The Artist. Those shark-like instincts were amply awarded as the New York critics not only named it Best Film of the year but also gave its director Michel Hazanavicius the Best Director prize. On top of that, the Indie Spirit awards nominated it for Best Feature, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, and Jean Dujardin for Best Actor. Even though the Spirit Awards are more like the Oscar's spunky little sister -- the one who wears black nail polish and will blow her rent on boots -- they can be an important heat-builder, especially in a season devoid of heavy favorites. So, The Artist is definitely now a Brando-style contender for the big show.

However, it's by no means the favorite, and the National Board of Review's decision to smother Hugo with its film-love indicates just how wide open the Best Picture race is. Granted the NBR is an eclectic group that doesn't necessarily overlap with the Academy, but the endorsement is just the kind of shot in the arm Hugo needs to drive the Academy's older members to see it in 3D and marvel at Martin Scorsese's love song to cinema's earliest roots -- that is if the special 3D glasses don't give them headaches and leave them prone on the couch afterward. Ironically, this might be one case where you don't mind if the 65+ crowd catches it on a screener.

This year's Best Actor race was already in contention to be the sexiest Best Actor Race ever--George Clooney, Leonoard DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt are all in the running -- and now it's blossomed into what may well be a clash of the A-list titans. Clooney has been a presumed frontrunner for Alexandar Payne's wry, touching family drama, The Descendants, which picked up Best Feature, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress nominations from the Indie Spirit Awards. Further, Clooney got the National Board of Review's nod for Best Actor (which also picked brilliant young Shailene Woodley as best supporting actress.) However, Clooney was not nominated by the Spirit Awards, which has more Academy crossover. To boot, the New York critics named Brad Pitt Best Actor of the year for Moneyball AND Tree of Life. The fact that Pitt made a rare appearance at a Thanksgiving Q&A at Sony means he's definitely in the hunt. Considering he's never won his Oscar, he may well be due. Don't expect George to go down without a fight, though; this winter these two could be set for the ultimate smoldering stand off. Will Clooney beat a retreat to his Lake Como Villa? Will Pitt run off to do charity work in Indonesia with Angelina? Who knows, but to quote Optimus Prime, "one shall stand, one shall fall."

Cannes' Palme d'Or winner Tree of Life got a boost with the New York Critics giving it best cinematography and the Gotham Independent Awards naming it co-Best Picture of the Year. Terence Malick isn't exactly an unknown when it comes to the Academy, so his stream-of-consciousness biopic meta-tone poem will probably get some acknowledgement despite its elliptical, all-existence-encompassing nature. However, the much bigger boost came to Mike Mills' The Beginners, the other co-Best Picture of the Year. Marking its territory as the best movie this year few have seen, The Beginners was also nominated at the Indie Spirits for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor for Captain Von Trapp himself, screen legend Christopher Plummer. Plummer was also the National Board of Review's pic for best supporting actor. So, The Beginners might break through to the Oscars as well, if it can get enough Academy members to actually see it.

The other dark horse may be the neon-noir love letter to Los Angeles Drive. A cinegeek favorite, it scored big, too, at the Indie Spirits with nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Ryan Gosling, and Best Supporting Actor, Albert Brooks. It also got a mention as one of the National Board of Review's ten best pictures. Some doubt whether Drive can head-stomp its way into the Academy's heart -- what with all that casual ultra-violence -- but I wouldn't count it out. Everyone raves over Albert Brook's turn as the ultimate sleazy producer/mob boss, and his line about making films that critics call "European" may stir fond memories for some Academy members: he might well be the man to beat for Best Supporting Actor. Of course, the most notable thing about this slew of kudos and nominations is that it still looks like there's no one film set to sweep the Oscars yet. Which is just how Generalissimo Weinstein likes it.

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Fash & Kat

Sent you both pms :)

By Princess

Thanks for Oscar article :)

As to your question about the pink/white object that Leo is holding :

I think the black/white object is a cigarette holder, which as others have said was the fashion at the time. However, I can't imagine a man in that time period using a pink tipped cigarette

holder. A lady , yes , but a man , no.

So I think Wijn might be right, it is some time of lip balm. As I remember interviews where Leo kept would at one point apply lip balm.


In regard to Satellite Awards , as Fash mentioned, they aren't considered an Oscar precursor as say the BFCA nods are, but, anytime any group makes the point to acknowledge Leo's terrific performance in J Edgar is a good sign and to be celebrated :)

As to Oscar/BP . I totally agree about going back to original 5 . As the moment they don't give a picture's director a director nomination, then most no longer consider it a true BP contender.

Years ago it was claimed they enlarged the # of nods to try to increase their viewing audience . That more people would tune in if they thought their fave film might win BP . However, no matter how popular Inception was with the masses , the moment we all saw that Nolan didn't receive a director's nod, we knew it really wasn't a 'true' BP contender.

This year will be the 84th Oscar ceremony, and if I recall correctly in all that time only 3 times has a winning film not had it's director win.


Thanks for spotlight on Leo article :)


Thanks for Pop Sugar /Gatsby link :)

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Hottest Actors In Hollywood; Ryan Gosling, Leonardo DiCaprio & Jon Hamm Dress The Part

Hollywood's hottest actors strut their stuff on the red carpet in designer duds, flaunting their million dollar smiles -- and we're fans, we really are -- but nothing gets our hearts racing quite like seeing these gorgeous guys, all dressed up in the styles of yesterday.

We aren't talking about last season's Calvin Klein tuxedo, we are looking for some serious 1940s gangster garb. When actors, like Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling, take on films that require a transformation back in time, it only means one thing: we're all eyes!

Smoldering eyes peaking out from under their pork pie hats, pinstripe three piece suits and a hand-rolled cigarette tucked ever so carefully behind their ears? See you there!


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Year of the Hunk: Can Clooney, Pitt save Oscars?

Academy may be looking at best-looking field of best actors in history

At 84, Oscar may no longer be a stud, but he still hangs out with a pretty studly crew. At least that could be the case this year if, as the bloggerati are predicting, a particularly handsome lineup of leading men is nominated for best actor. And that, in turn, could help the Oscar broadcast's efforts to fend off further ratings decline.

VIDEOS: THR's Awards Season Actors Roundtable

The contest is fluid -- nominations won't be announced until Jan. 24 -- but the consensus has George Clooney, for his beleaguered dad in "The Descendants," and Leonardo DiCaprio, for his embittered FBI director in "J. Edgar," at the top of the list. Brad Pitt is a strong contender for the casual ease with which he steps into the shoes of baseball GM Billy Beane in "Moneyball." And a couple of relative newcomers have become early favorites: Germany-born, London-based Michael Fassbender, who fearlessly lets it all hang out in the NC-17 "Shame," and French matinee idol Jean Dujardin, who pours on the charm as a fading star in the silent movie "The Artist."

PHOTOS: Oscar Legends on Oscar

It's a lineup straight out of the GQ Men of the Year Awards by way of People's Sexiest Man Alive cover -- Clooney and Pitt are two-time titleholders. (There's even an outside chance fellow SMA Matt Damon could join them for "We Bought a Zoo.") It's not a typical Academy roundup if only because the Oscars tend to underrate the work of a lot of the best-looking leading men. Big-screen smoothies, they can make it look too easy; they often appear in action films or romantic comedies that aren't considered awards-worthy and steer clear of the showy transformations the Academy favors. That's one reason DiCaprio, who was ignored for his clean-cut earnestness in "Titanic," is now being applauded for donning all that aging makeup in "J. Edgar." It's all the more impressive that Clooney and Pitt are being taken seriously this year because neither adopts a thick accent or funny mustache to play his part.

More: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/45524642/ns/...-entertainment/

Clooney and Pitt being taken seriously this year because neither adopts a thick accent or funny mustache to play his part.

These people are F*cking kidding me? They just portray themselves in every freaking movie they make, especially Clooney.

And Girls! you are right! It's a cigarette holder http://socialitelife.com/enlargedimage?bac...;postid=6891381

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By Princess

Thanks for articles :)

Speaking of your fave George, I'm going to see The Descendants tomorrow. shall I send George your love ? :p :p

As to the pix you posted, yes, we see smoke coming from Leo's mouth, but that doesn't mean that both the black/white object and the white/pink object are both

cigarette holders.

As we see him with white/black object in mouth in picture below. So that might be what was in his mouth before we see the smoke curling from his lips.


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Speaking of your fave George, I'm going to see The Descendants tomorrow. shall I send George your love ? :p :p

Traitor, you shouldn't be helping George Clooney box office! post-51835-0-1446081552-46736_thumb.gif

I remember that I used to LOVE HIM in the time of ER! He was really charming then he made ​​the transition from TV to movies and became a typical " Hollywood guy" He got caught by the success and attention and became a bit cynical and hypocritical.

Right now I was reading an article where he says: "I remember I would hear of famous stars complaining in Hollywood about how hard their life was -- I didn't want to hear that," he said. "So I don't find it difficult. I find it challenging, and sometimes I'm very bad at it, but I don't find it hard.". But if he was the first to complain when the death of lady diana and now just to win the press ( and the Oscar) says this. I HATE HIM SO BAD!

This just makes me admire even more to my Leo... is so humble and he really shows as he's without any kind of games.

That is why all his friends and colleagues and practically everyone don't stop mentioning how "down to earth" that he is.

I don't hear anyone in hollywood saying the same things about George

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