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Gangs Of New York Pushed Leonardo DiCaprio And Daniel Day-Lewis To The Limit




"Gangs of New York" is fundamentally about two determined men going head to head, and the same thing happened on set. Martin Scorsese's 2002 crime epic stars the renowned Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio as rivals. The two actors also developed a bit of a rivalry on set. Some who worked on the film have testified that these men pushed each other to their limits. Both DiCaprio and Day-Lewis have earned a reputation for being extremely committed to their roles, and having some competition in that arena only motivated them each further.


DiCaprio's character is Amsterdam Vallon, an Irish ex-inmate seeking to avenge his father's death. His father was killed by the powerful gangster Bill the Butcher (Day-Lewis), and to get to him, Amsterdam has to join his gang and rise through the ranks. He inevitably sparks an uprising that leads to an all-out gang war.


Day-Lewis is a Method actor and as such, is known for staying in character both on and off camera while he shoots a film. On the set of 1992's "Last of the Mohicans," for instance, the actor carried a gun everywhere and learned forest survival skills to get inside the mind of his character, a white boy raised by a Native American tribe. He would later suffer from hallucinations and claustrophobia even after filming had wrapped, he told The New York Times.


DiCaprio and Day-Lewis pushed each other




Day-Lewis proved to be as devoted as ever to his villainous role as Bill the Butcher. "He was filled with this extraordinary rage, and he just stayed that way for seven months," Scorsese told The Guardian. Any other actor worth his salt would be intimidated by Day-Lewis, but the young DiCaprio matched his commitment at every turn. When asked if they needed stunt men for a fight scene, "Daniel Day-Lewis would go, 'I don't need a stunt man. Leo, do you want a stunt man?'" the film's producer recalled in an interview with Vulture. "I'm sure Leo probably wanted a stunt man ... but Daniel says, 'We don't need them, do we, lad?' And he says, 'Of course not.'"


The two didn't speak a word to each other out of character for an entire nine months, DiCaprio told The Cheat Sheet. Competition between the two actors got so real that one day the crew found them trading blows before the cameras were even rolling. "I'll tell you, I'm glad I had been working out," Day-Lewis told The Guardian.


Their commitment paid off, though. The tension between the two leading men is palpable throughout "Gangs of New York." Bill tries to assert his power over Amsterdam, who is plotting revenge against him the whole time. This competitive air clearly didn't wear off whenever Scorsese called "cut." Despite the actors' aggression towards one another on-set, their relationship is one of mutual respect. "I got to work with somebody who was another huge influence on myself as an actor," DiCaprio explained to The Cheat Sheet. "I mean, there's commitment, and then there's Daniel Day-Lewis." I couldn't have said it better myself.





When asked if they needed stunt men for a fight scene, "Daniel Day-Lewis would go, 'I don't need a stunt man. Leo, do you want a stunt man?'" the film's producer recalled in an interview with Vulture. "I'm sure Leo probably wanted a stunt man ... but Daniel says, 'We don't need them, do we, lad?' And he says, 'Of course not.'"

I can't :rofl::rofl::rofl: Poor Leo :D


Also can't help but




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3 hours ago, Tania82 said:

Pardon my language but I’m so sick of this shit about Camila and Leo and his girlfriends 🤦‍♀️ I would take the Oscar memes over this any day..

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Love those stories :p


Christopher Walken's Catch Me If You Can Performance Was A Little Too Good




Christopher Walken had a reputation for playing villains in the first several decades of his career, but stepped out of his pigeonhole for Steven Spielberg's 2002 crime film "Catch Me If You Can." Walken starred opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, and his performance was unforgettable. His acting was so realistic that he managed to terrify his younger co-star.


The movie is based on a true story about Frank Abagnale Jr (DiCaprio), a teenager in the '60s who scammed nearly every major bank and airline in America by cashing false checks and impersonating a Pan-Am pilot. He plays a game of cat-and-mouse with an FBI agent (Hanks) that desperately pursues him for several years. Christopher Walken plays DiCaprio's father, Frank Abagnale Sr.


To play a father was an unusual role for Walken at the time. The character is not without his flaws, but ultimately loves his son. This was an easy role for Walken because of his pre-existing relationship with DiCaprio. The two met right after the release of his breakout film, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" (1993) and had a mutual admiration ever since. Walken "always thought [DiCaprio] was a great actor and been proud of him, y'know as if I was related to him," the actor tells Charlie Rose.


The feelings of respect and familiarity are mutual between DiCaprio and Walken. DiCaprio has inexplicably "always wanted [Walken] to play my father," he confesses to IGN. "There's something about that man. He picks up on cosmic messages, and it's shown through his acting." This emotional connection between the two great performers made their onscreen father-son relationship feel all the more authentic.


DiCaprio thought something was wrong with Walken




Walken is such an incredible actor that he managed to genuinely scare his co-star. In the scene where Frank Jr. returns home to his father, Walken begins to hyperventilate. DiCaprio says this was "completely unexpected. It wasn't in the script. It was ... completely his own doing." Walken's performance was so compelling that DiCaprio was momentarily convinced it was not a performance at all. "I thought the man was having a heart attack in front of me," DiCaprio says. "I honestly was about two seconds away from saying, 'Cut! There's something wrong with Chris!'"


Christopher Walken does his best to diversify every take "with a different sort of angle on it" rather than try to improve upon the same sort of performance every time, the actor tells Charlie Rose. He knows that "he does things during [a] take that nobody's ever gonna use," but finds that "doing something unexpected takes you to another place, and that's the part they're gonna be able to use." If he offers the director and editor "some sort of variety," they will then compile his takes into "something I never would've even thought of," Walken explains. A famous example of this occurred in Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction," which features Walken as Captain Koons.


This unconventional approach makes for an eclectic performance that builds the character's depth. Walken is a very distinctive persona, but he still manages to shock even his fellow actors. He has demonstrated immense range, from playing a troubled soldier in "The Deer Hunter" (1978) to a goofy father in "Hairspray" (2007), and often demonstrates this range within a single scene. The authenticity and complexity that he brings to each role are entirely fresh every time, and it's impossible to be bored when he is onscreen.





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6 hours ago, kayyy said:

Pardon my language but I’m so sick of this shit about Camila and Leo and his girlfriends 🤦‍♀️ I would take the Oscar memes over this any day..

I prefer Leo with another girlfriend, that girl is so young...

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27 minutes ago, Lilja K said:

If Killers Of The Flower Moon will released in December, when we should expect promotional campaign (trailer, stills, interviews etc)?  What do you think?


I would like to know that too, we need at least a teaser, no idea when this will happen but hopefully soon. 

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36 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

^hopefully before Leo gets canceled LOL


#when people feel offended by someones dating habits 







29 minutes ago, BarbieErin said:


I would like to know that too, we need at least a teaser, no idea when this will happen but hopefully soon. 

Woul be nice if in July #dreamsdreams

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