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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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#RJat25 spam train #not sorry


Baz Luhrman is spoiling us :stormy:




There's so much detail in this scene that I’ll cover later in my Q&A, but what was extraordinary was that this church in Mexico was actually real. We had a very supportive parish that allowed us to shoot the final death scene in here (adhering to certain stipulations, of course).

I have to say in the history of all my work, the night we spent in that candlelit church was one of the most serene and beautiful shooting experiences of my life…🙏





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Can I just say how happy I am this website is back on again? I was going through withdrawl symptoms--- shaking & crying and freaking out..... 🤣. This website was down for a full 2 days and I come in here 3-4 times a day for my leo fix. Thank You to all of you for posting Leo news.

Same girl, same.


Me at every error in the past days. it felt like thousands of them







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^Because I had a LOT OF FREE TIME the last days :rofl: I found this adorable very creative and very Leo loving family doing great Leo things every halloween #leobeingleo


Can you name the movies? 🎬




















OMG where are these men---- how can I find one that shares in my Leo passions. Titanic, Great Gatsby, Catch Me if You Can, Romeo & Juliet, The Aviator and OUATIH

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Was this already posted? Adam McKay about Leos commitment to his role in DLU.




Director of Don’t Look Up, Adam McKay was interviewed by Entertainment Weekly Magazine for their November issue to talk about the Oval Office scene, which we got a sneak peak of during Netflix’s first Tudum Global Event. While speaking about the scene which involves Leo’s Dr. Randall Mindy & Jen Lawrence’s Kate Dibiasky as they have a meeting with the president Janie Orlean (Meryl Streep) & her son/Chief of Staff Jason (Jonah Hill) to warn them about the comet that is about to hit earth, McKay commented on just how dedicated to role Leo got.

Throughout the film, particularly in this scene, Dr. Mindy’s dialogue about the comet has a lot of astronomical jargon that comes with it. As Leo is always so committed to the roles that he plays & in most cases goes beyond what is expected of him when it comes to portraying the characters in his movies, when it came to playing Dr. Randall Mindy he did nothing less then this. To convincingly play his character who is an astronomy professor at Michigan State university, Leo meet & spoke with real-life astronomer & film consultant Amy Mainzer.

Here is what McKay said about just how committed Leo got to his role in the film, “Leo the guy doesn’t half-step it. He had these long conversations about the real mathematics behind this. He really did get about six months of quality education on orbital dynamics”.



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How wonderful to find the forum back working :clap: :clap: 


THANKS  to ALL who have posted the lasest Leo news/vids/pix, and  ESPECIALLY TO JADE who goes above and beyond to always make sure the forum is filled with the latest  Leo related items  :flower:  :flower: :flower: :flower: 





Tks for pic of Leo's Halloween costume from the front ; as when I looked at the pap pic of him in car, I couldn't figure out what how what he had covering his face was supposed to be a face mask :p 



2021-11-02 (2).png
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Amazing. 👏


Why is Leonardo DiCaprio at COP26 in Glasgow?




Leonardo DiCaprio is in Glasgow for COP26 - but did you know he was a climate activist? 


The climate conference has seen some of the world's most influential people descend on Scotland's biggest city - including the Titanic actor. 


DiCaprio has been involved in climate and environmental activism for over 20-years, spanning most of his career.


Here's what you need to know about why he is at Glasgow's COP26...


Why is Leonardo DiCaprio at COP26 in Glasgow?

Leonardo DiCaprio is somewhat of a climate change activist, having been on outspoken environmental issues throughout much of his long career. 

In fact, he has been discussing environmental issues before it has even reached the main public domain - he started The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998. 


His foundation gives money and grants to conservation projects, with the mission of protecting the Earth’s last wild places and creating solutions to build a better and more sustainable relationship between humanity and the natural world.


As well as his own foundation, the award winning actor serves on the board of various climate and environmental groups, including the World Wildlife Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Pristine Seas and Oceans 5.


He has also featured in various media campagns and adverts to spread the word and raise awareness of environmental issues, while his Twitter bio describes him as an "actor and environmentalist". 

What is Leonardo DiCaprio doing at COP26?

Ahead of the climate conference in Glasgow, Leonardo DiCaprio tweeted: "The climate crisis is here. #COP26 must be a turning point to protect people and the planet. Leaders, the world is watching and urging you to rise to this moment. There’s no time to lose. #ActNow." 


So far, he has been spotted in Maryhill at an event at The Engine Works.


He has also urged leaders "to take crucial climate action" at COP26, in order to "save humanity". 


In a tweet on Monday evening, the actor said: "I join @antonioguterres in urging leaders at #COP26 to take crucial #ClimateAction, safeguard our future, and save humanity. Now is the time for ambition, solidarity, and action. @UN"




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I think it's kinda cute smart how he makes sure everyone knows that he didn't fly private this time after the massive backlash when he did the last time :p



Leonardo DiCaprio Reportedly Flew Commercial to Attend the COP26 Climate Change Conference

The actor and activist is expected to speak at various events surrounding the United Nations conference.


Leonardo DiCaprio reportedly hopped aboard a commercial flight to Scotland this week to participate in the COP26 environmental summit.


The actor and environmental activist was swarmed by fans when he arrived at the Glasgow SEC Centre on Monday after seemingly flying into the country via commercial airline. He was even spotted catching a connecting flight in London, per Page Six. DiCaprio wore a mask and suit as he was ushered by bodyguards into the conference center, at the same time that President Joe Biden and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared together to share their joint vision for a “Build Back Better World” and why there’s a demanding need to invest trillions of dollars into fighting climate change and how that will actually generate millions of green jobs in turn.


In the afternoon, DiCaprio paid a visit to the Kew Carbon Garden at the conference built as part of The Royal Botanic Gardens’ campaign to protect the Ebo Forest of Cameroon from logging, which is also a threat to the area’s indigenous endangered species, like its population of rare chimpanzees. The Oscar winner is expected to speak at various peripheral events occurring in conjunction with the conference. He already made his first surprise cameo at an evening hosted by environmentalists at The Engine Works venue in Glasgow’s Maryhill district. Emmy-nominated writer and producer Paul Goodenough shared a photo of himself with DiCaprio holding his new book, The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World, on social media, writing in the caption, “What a hero…He was wonderful and we chatted for ages despite everyone wanting a piece of him.” While in the city, DiCaprio is also expected to meet with his friend and fellow climate activist, Greta Thunberg, whom he first met in 2019 at the last COP25 conference hosted in Madrid.


The actor’s insistence on flying with the general public instead of taking a private jet to the conference already demonstrates more of a commitment to the environment than some of his fellow conference attendees. Many activists were outraged to see some 400 private planes carrying both world leaders and some of the richest people on the planet arrive in Glasgow and Edinburgh over the weekend ahead of the summit, including Prince Albert of Monaco and Jeff Bezos. Britain’s Secretary of State Liz Truss defended the huge volume of air traffic, telling BBC Breakfast, “It’s really important that we do have people face to face. I think everybody who’s ever done a Zoom call knows that they’re quite useful for some things. But when you really get into crunch negotiations, when you want to look somebody in the eye and talk to them face to face, you do need to meet in person. And this is really critical.”


Matt Finch, of the UK’s Transport and Environment campaign group, explained to Scotland’s Sunday Mail, however, that all that private travel is taking a serious toll. “The average private jet, and we are not talking Air Force One, emits two tons of CO2 for every hour in flight,” Finch highlights. “It can’t be stressed enough how bad private jets are for the environment, it is the worst way to travel by miles. Our research has found that most journeys could easily be completed on scheduled flights. Private jets are very prestigious but it is difficult to avoid the hypocrisy of using one while claiming to be fighting climate change. To put it in context, the total carbon footprint of an ordinary citizen—including everywhere they travel and everything they consume—is around eight tons a year. So an executive or politician taking one long haul private flight will burn more CO2 than several normal people do in a year.”




 Leonardo DiCaprio skips private plane to fly to COP26 summit, unlike ‘eco-hypocrites’ Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles and Bill Gates

The ‘actor and environmentalist’ hasn’t always been known for his environmentally friendly travel choices and was called out several years ago for regularly using diesel-burning private jets and yachts for vacation




Leonardo DiCaprio faced a mob of fans and fellow environmentalists as he arrived for Monday’s opening of the COP26 climate summit, and was praised for being one of the summit’s few VIPs to not jet into  Glasgow, Scotland on a luxury private plane.


DiCaprio, who describes himself on social media as an “actor and environmentalist,” was swept into Glasgow’s SEC Centre by police and bodyguards, after proving some of his eco bona fides by arriving by commercial plane, according to the Daily Mail.


DiCaprio hasn’t always been so environmentally sensitive when it comes to his travel choices. Several years ago, he was called out for being an “eco-hypocrite” for his extensive use of diesel-burning private planes and yachts to travel around the world for business and pleasure.


DiCaprio’s choice of transport for this pivotal climate summit certainly departed from how other “green” VIPs made their way to Glasgow. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Prince Albert of Monaco and others angered environmentalists by using private planes to travel to Scotland, Insider and Page Six reported.


A fleet of some 400 private planes, led by Bezos’s $65 million Gulf Stream, descended on Scotland over the weekend and created what one local news outlet described as “an extraordinary traffic jam (that) forced empty planes to fly 30 miles to find space to park,” Page Six reported.


The private jets were expected to shuttle some 1,000 world leaders, CEOs and their staff around to various events for the summit, which was organized to “bring together world leaders to commit to urgent global climate action,” Insider said.


During Monday’s opening, some of those world leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden and UN Secretary General António Guterres, delivered apocalyptic warnings about the earth’s future, the New York Times reported. They described how there was scarce time left to avert catastrophic global warming unless governments and businesses aggressively commit to cutting greenhouse emissions.


A-list attendees seemed fine with excusing themselves from this message when it came to their personal travel convenience. The European advocacy group Transport and Environment said in a May report that private planes were five to 14 times as polluting as commercial planes on a per passenger basis, and 50 times as polluting as trains, Insider reported.


Matt Finch, the UK policy manager for the Transport and Environment group, despaired of the contradictory message sent by VIP attendees. Their private jet travel was expected to produce more global warming gas than 1,600 Scots burn through in a year, according to Scotland’s Sunday Mail.


Finch told the Sunday Mail: “The average private jet, and we are not talking Air Force One, emits 2 tons of CO2 for every hour in flight.


“It can’t be stressed enough how bad private jets are for the environment, it is the worst way to travel by miles,” Finch said. “Our research has found that most journeys could easily be completed on scheduled flights.”


Speaking of Air Force One, Joe Biden also faced criticism for using his official plane to travel to Scotland, though it’s hard to imagine how else an American president would safely travel. Meanwhile, leaders from Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel and Japan likewise used their own aircraft, the Insider added.


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson planned to return to London from Scotland on a private jet, though his spokesperson insisted it ran on sustainable fuel, The Guardian reported. His spokesperson said: “It is important that the prime minister is able to move round the country, and obviously we face significant time constraints.”


Prince Charles’ spokesperson also justified the royal’s use of a private jet to travel to Glasgow from the G20 summit in Rome by saying the flight used “sustainable aviation fuel,” the Daily Mail reported.


This outrage over A-listers’ private jet use for the COP26 summit echoes the controversy that erupted in 2019 when the world’s rich and famous flew to the Italian coast to attend a Google-hosted conference on global warming. Italian press reports said that these attendees arrived in more than 100 private jets. The attendees included Barack Obama, Prince Harry, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom and Harry Styles. Some, including billionaire David Geffen, sailed into the so-called “Google Camp” via their massive private yachts.


DiCaprio also attended the Google conference, although it’s not clear if he arrived by commercial or private plane, but the megastar hasn’t always been so heroic when it comes to eschewing the luxuries of private jet travel.


The “Wolf of Wall Street” star once famously rented the world’s fifth largest yacht, owned by a UAE oil tycoon, to watch the World Cup in Brazil, according energy expert Robert Rapier, writing in a 2016 Forbes column. Such personal lifestyle choices have long threatened DiCaprio’s moral authority, even as his eponymous Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has reportedly donated millions of dollars to support projects that protect wildlife and the environment, Rapier said.


In 2016, DiCaprio used his Oscar acceptance speech to call climate change “real” and “the greatest threat to our species.”


“We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this,” DiCaprio said.


Several months after that speech, DiCaprio was labeled one of those “big polluters” and an “eco-hypocrite” when it was learned he flew 8,000 miles on private plane from France to New York to pick up an environmental award, Quartz reported. Just 24 hours later, DiCaprio further expanded his carbon footprint by flying on a private plane back to France to attend an AIDS benefit gala, Quartz added.


With DiCaprio’s commercial jet trip to Glasgow, it appears that he has learned an important lesson about walking the talk for environmentally friendly travel. Or, the actor has become smarter about letting the media know when he makes the right choices.


At the COP26 summit, DiCaprio is expected to deliver a speech and to meet up with Greta Thunberg. In 2019, DiCaprio called the teen climate change activist the “leader of our time” and revealed they had “made a commitment to support one another, in hopes of securing a brighter future for our planet.”




Sometimes it's really a challenge to save the world I have to admit not to say it's impossible to please everyone.



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