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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks Fash, Ox, Lucky, Barbie, everyone for updating :flower: 


Leos new documentary's reviews have been overwhelmingly positive :thumbsup: 
Just posting the parts with Leo mentioned:

‘Virunga’ Comes to Netflix with Leonardo DiCaprio Executive Producing

It was during the first months of the screening schedule…Orlando couldn’t quite remember the time sequence when or exactly where, he told me during my interview with him and Dr. Emmanuel de Merode, October 31, 2014 at Sunshine Sachs offices, that he received some gobsmacking email notifications. In fact Orlando wasn’t quite sure if these were a prank or really from the person named as the sender. With a huge grin on his face, Orlando referred to this person as, ” The biggest movie star in the world.” Orlando was referring to renown environmental activist, conservationist and advocate of all things related to this planet’s sustainability, including renewable energy, wildlife, land and ocean conservation. The individual was one of the 400,000 to show up for the People’s Climate March in New York city in September, 2014. The email to Orlando was from the inimitable Leonardo DiCaprio.

When Leo DiCaprio signed on as executive producer around the time that Netflix showed intense interest in the documentary, Orlando was assured the word would get out about the pressures the park faced. The film is screening world wide on Netflix, November 7th and you have the pleasure of seeing it whenever you like without restrictions. E-Team (see my review and interview with the directors), was the first documentary that Netflix picked up distribution for, an unprecedented move. For Netflix to pick up Virunga, that’s equally amazing because it has not featured documentaries. The fact that it has chosen to do so is a testament to the beauty and spiritual integrity of the film and the immense importance of its subject whose time has come.

During the October interview, Orlando told me that Netflix held the announcement in abeyance until the last possible moments nearer the release date. So it puts a smile on my face to think that Orlando, Joanna Natasegara and the wonderful Andre Bauma, head caretaker of gorilla orphans at the park, have been traveling globally, meeting world leaders, doing interviews and discussing the import of the film’s mission to preserve the park while keeping this wonderful secret steadfastly in their minds and hearts. Now, after the October press release, Orlando and Joanna are enjoying shouting out to all of us that movie star Leonardo DiCaprio is executive producing the film and Netflix is making it available to 50 million subscribers world wide. ‘Virunga’ is having its global reach far beyond what Orlando initially hoped.



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Leo's personal hair stylist to receive lifetime achievement award

Rick Baker, DiCaprio hair stylist Kathryn Blondell to receive lifetime achievement awards

The veterans receive the Make-up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild highest honor

Local 706 announced today that Baker and hair stylist Kathryn Blondell were the honorees of the guild’s annual lifetime achievement awards. Baker is a seven-time Academy Award winner, holding the record for the most wins and nominations bestowed upon any make-up artist. His prosthetics and nightmarish visions have appeared in "American Werewolf in London", "Harry and the Hendersons", "Ed Wood," "The Nutty Professor," "Men in Black," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," "The Wolfman," and most recently, "Maleficent." Blondell is equally prolific, having worked on neraly 100 films along with her job as personal stylist Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn. Her individual credits include "The Wolf of Wall Street," "Django Unchained," "The Great Gatsby," "The Aviator," "Catch Me If You Can," "Cast Away," "Prizzi's Honor."

Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/in-contention/rick-baker-dicaprio-hair-stylist-kathryn-blondell-to-receive-lifetime-achievement-awards#V1FBrBHys11MXbIW.99

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No pix, but '3' Twitter sightings of Leo and pals in Whistler B.C. yesterday at El Furny restaurant


Jeremy King ‏@TheRealKingKing · 16h16 hours ago

Leo DiCaprio at El Furn today. He's a lot cooler than Justin Beiber. #JustSaying

Krista Catania ‏@kristacatania · 20h20 hours ago

Reason #2456 that I love living in Whistler- casually walking past Leonardo DiCaprio.

Clayton Chitty ‏@claytonchitty · 22h22 hours ago

Stoked to meet a great actor named @lukashaas last night in #whistler #Elfurn ...Hopefully means I'm on the right path as an #actor!


Tks for news of Leo/Taylor's Instagram vid :)


I've seen Wolf ; great film and performance by Leo :)

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It's no news but I made a screen shots from "The Academy" Instagram account and I just thought the comments on the pic were hilarious.

(Hope you can see it because I'm posting from my phone)

Who the hell is this Jean-Claude guy anyway?! Ummmm..Its about time they gave Leo that Oscar!
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If legit, the two tweeters below claim they saw Leo in L.A. last night, one at Perch restaurant in downtown LA

Stephanie Schiraldi ‏@s_squared58 · Nov 8

I can't believe we just talked to Leonardo DiCaprio at the Perch! This is unreal. @clairegrisss @CarolanneDeaton #squadtakesthemornings

hanna marie @Hanna_Marie_ · Nov 8

Saw Leonardo di caprio tonight and he was refreshingly with a beard and a ponytail. Loved it


Tks for Oscar Instagram post :)

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Thanks Ox! I wonder if thats where he'll celebrate his bday?


haha, Leo liking Taylor Swift video? That's unexpected but nice.   :hehe:  thanks kat.


I thought it was weird too....I know she quoted the beastie boys, but she didn't hashtag it. So there is no way he could have found it if he was just casually looking up the Beastie Boys, because searchs on instagram go by hashtags, not key words. So yes a bit weird indeed :laugh: 

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As to Leo's birthday party, I figured he'd have it at one of Richie's clubs either in LA or New York, plus, Leo the past few years as tied his birthday celebration in with fundraiser for his foundation

I figure he'll need the day after off :p , so I guess that will factor into date/locale as well

I just hope wherever he choses to celebrate we get some much needed new pix :)

I wonder if thats where he'll celebrate his bday?

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