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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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haha, Margot's baby bump at the last pic is so cute. :wub:


i'm so glad i'm not the only one who noticed, i thought i was seeing things! i hope we get some serious daddy leo cuteness from this movie



Yeah, me too. :heart: And also have a portrait of a baby behind them.

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Star Lights Up Planet: Leonardo DiCaprio

GOAL Preserve Earth.

METHOD Few childhood heartthrobs become Oscar nominees, and even fewer devote their official fan sites to philanthropy, but Leonardo DiCaprio has done just that. The actor, a passionate conservationist, is a World Wildlife Fund board member; he has lobbied to end tiger poaching and other enviro-crimes, and he donated $1 million to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund.

DESERVES AN AWARD FOR Raising $38.8 million in a single evening. Oh, and he flies commercial.


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Star Lights Up Planet: Leonardo DiCaprio

GOAL Preserve Earth.

METHOD Few childhood heartthrobs become Oscar nominees, and even fewer devote their official fan sites to philanthropy, but Leonardo DiCaprio has done just that. The actor, a passionate conservationist, is a World Wildlife Fund board member; he has lobbied to end tiger poaching and other enviro-crimes, and he donated $1 million to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund.

DESERVES AN AWARD FOR Raising $38.8 million in a single evening. Oh, and he flies commercial.



(Y) Thanks Leo lover :flower:

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Just saw "This Boy's Life" on tv, sooo many years I haven't watched this movie and I didn't remember it was soo good... :o Leo so young, cute and so gifted, watch this movies from the beggining of his career makes so proud of him and everything he conquered. :)


Plus: and could see Tobey very young too, so cute, in fact he appears in only 2 scenes of the movie.

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Tks for interview vids ;I agree the Japanese interviews are the best (Y)

I feel Leo seems the most relaxed in them because he 'trust' the 'intentions' of their media people

That they are not trying to present him in a negative light or take his comments out of context

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Girls, do you remember this interview for Body of Lies? It's one of my faves because Leo can't stop smiling the whole time and his laugh is just soo adorable, I could watch this all day long...  :wub: such a funny interview. :laugh:




They are flirting HARD... she wants, I would too :laugh:. He is freaking hot in this interview :Angel:.


Thanks Barbie for the videos :flower:.


I couldn't watch "This Boy's Life"... I was so tired UGH :beating:.

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old video of Leo in Japan!


OMG, this interview is hilarious, :rofl: I love the way Leo is laughing at the end, I absolutely LOVE Japonese interviews, always the best and funniest! :laugh:


thanks a LOT, osa.



OMG, how did I miss this? It's so funny :rofl:. Loved it :heart:. Thanks, Osa.

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Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Donates $3M to Help WWF Boost Nepal's Tiger Population



The goal is to double the number of tigers in the Terai Arc landscape by 2022.

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has awarded a $3 million grant to World Wildlife Fund as part of an initiative to help Nepal double its wild tiger population by 2022.

The grant will support WWF's work with the government of Nepal and local communities in Nepal's Terai Arc landscape to "strengthen anti-poaching patrols, protect core areas for tiger breeding, restore critical corridors for their dispersal and expansion and continuously monitor tiger populations." The year 2022 was chosen because it's the next Chinese Year of the Tiger.

“Time is running out for the world’s remaining 3,200 tigers, largely the result of habitat destruction and escalating illegal poaching,” said DiCaprio, a WWF board member. “WWF, the government of Nepal and local communities are on the front lines of this battle and I am hopeful this grant will help them exceed the goal of doubling the number of these noble creatures in the wild.”

The gift coincides with the third anniversary of the Global Tiger Summit and represents the first funds awarded from theChristie’s 11th Hour Charity Auction in May. The event, created by DiCaprio, raised a record $38.8 million for conservation in a single night. 

DiCaprio first joined forces with WWF in 2010 to launch Save Tigers Now, a global campaign to raise political, financial and public support to save tigers in the wild. The WWF said previous support from the his foundation has already helped boost the number of tigers in the Terai's Bardia National Park from an estimated 18 to 50 tigers.


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