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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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haha, his dad said this: "DiCaprio power brows," If Leo have something from his dad, it's the eyebrows for sure.

lol yeah :laugh: Speaking of family resemblance remember that guy that came with them on the Mexico vacation trip earlier this year (January I believe) he really looked like he could be leo's dad... i'm so curious to know if that guy was his uncle or something!!! That was actually on my mind (again) the other day for some strange reason lol

Whoa, 10 scripts for week when he was 20, imagine now. :o

Whoa indeed!! That was even before he was a household name!

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1996 Leo interview... what I found interesting was the last part about how in his personal life he had friends using drugs.. seems Ethan was one of those guys during that time. In the below interview Ethan mentions it. Actually it really isn't all that interesting but what the heck i'll still post it lol :blush:

Patrick Stoner: "Universal" is the word we use for Shakespeare. That is, what he wrote 400 years ago still speaks to us today. Do you think that Romeo and Juliet falls into that category?

Leonardo DiCaprio: I absolutely do. The themes of the play are very relevant to today. Two young people raised in an atmosphere of hate, who find love in the midst of it. I wasn't sure at first that it WOULD relate, but when I got more involved in the project and realized how everything fit the times we're living in, it all seemed to fit.

Claire Danes: Well, Shakespeare had a powerful grasp on human nature. The story is about young love AND it's about a society that is so corrupt, and so chaotic, and so violent that you have a lost generation.

Stoner: Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Danes: Yeah, it does. And everyone is always saying that our society is degenerating into a pile of mush, and Shakespeare paints a picture of a society that's grappling with all of that hundreds of years ago.

DiCaprio: Yeah, and in this society you have to realize that you can be picked off at any time. So, Romeo is a kind of rebel -- he rebels against his family, because he resents being raised in an atmosphere of hate, and he rebels against his peers, because their only response to hate is more hate, more violence. It's all very relevant.

Stoner: What about YOUR peers? Do you have any advice for young people?

DiCaprio: As a matter of fact, I do. It's this whole drug thing. It's very upsetting. You see people who have this tremendous need to find a different reality, and drugs seem to be the easiest way to do that. It's certainly not the answer though; it's a trap. I've seen this with my friends, in my personal life. Even if you have to run away from everything -- your friends, whatever -- it's just not the thing to do. There's no way out. I hate to say "Don't do it," because I know that doesn't usually work. But I can tell anyone, it's just no good.


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Jonah Hill 'eager to impress DiCaprio

Jonah Hill is reportedly considering buying a yacht to impress Leonardo DiCaprio.

The two stars have struck up a friendship while shooting their new movie The Wolf of Wall Street. The film is about a stockbroker - played by Leonardo - who won't cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, the corporate banking world and mob infiltration.

The two men have had a lot of fun on set and recently spent time together shadowing employees at a New York bank.

Jonah is reportedly now convinced the friendship will blossom further if he purchases the $10 million boat.

"Jonah thinks he and Leo will be best buds if he buys this yacht," an insider told National Enquirer.

Leonardo reportedly has a reputation for expecting a lot from his friends and co-stars. It's been suggested he often attempts to persuade them to splash out on expensive items for him to enjoy.

"Last year he wanted a friend to buy a private jet so they could all fly around. If he cared about Jonah, he'd tell him to save his money. But Jonah is so star struck," the insider claimed.

Read more: http://www.belfastte...l#ixzz29pBnRKa3


Funny how NE always manages to turn something cute like a friendship into gossip.. :/

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okay thanks everyone! you guys are all so sweet. I will try to figure it out on Monday if it still hasn't been changed. the current one has like a person in the background lol. (and ill also see ifff I can change the IMDB one too!) byebye <3 <3 <3

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A new pic by Tatilovato:

Can you see the EXCITEMENT on my face? i didn't even know to feel...i was so happy & i also had tears in my eyes. i can't even begin to explain how blessed we were for this moment with this Wonderful Man...<3 it's still crazy to me when i think about this day! He is just Unreal in person...He is Perfect. Ugh. i mean what can i say, i don't really feel like telling the whole story bc it would take forever...but literally the whole team on set was routing for us to meeet him & everyone congradulated us at the end...it was like some movie shit * @m0nieinthemiddlevoice* :) Leonardo Dicaprio everyone<3333


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^hot cover!

First thing....nice to see leo out with jonah, its been a long while ;)

Thanks everyone for the oldie vids and interviews....love the interview with maria menunous. Maybe its just me, but everytime they do an interview I feel like they flirt quite a bit :p


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Article inside the 25A Magazine that LeoLover posted great cover pix from


Leonardo DiCaprio is one of those names. If you’re a moviegoer, it’s not only likely you’ve seen a preview for a film with DiCaprio in it, but have also thought on one occasion or another, “If Leo’s in it, it’s going to be good.” Buzz around the 37-year-old actor is building again with the introduction of The Great Gatsby movie preview to theaters, which has many Leo fans saying, “That looks awesome.” Whether you’re a fan or not, based on his impressive resume and history of strong performances, it’s hard to deny DiCaprio’s talent. His dedication to his craft, from nailing nuances such as hand gestures and vocal intonation, to larger tasks such as his intense delivery in highly emotional scenes, makes him the perfect contender for juicy roles where he gets to play an unforgettable character. It’s safe to say that he’s put the old days of Romeo + Juliet and Titanic behind him and has allowed himself to grow into one of Hollywood’s top leading men.

A smaller audience remembers Leo from the mid-’80s/early-’90s sitcom Growing Pains, which also starred then-household names such as Alan Thicke and Kirk Cameron. And while DiCaprio grew to achieve small fame during his stint on the show from 1991-92, he hadn’t quite hit stardom yet. Unlike many teen television stars who fail to successfully cross the line into feature films, Leo was able to do it – and do it well. His transition from adorable sitcom kid to accomplished film star seemed to happen impressively fast: his role as Arnie Grape in the 1993 film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape earned him an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for playing a mentally disabled youth. He wowed audiences with his performance and seemed to be on his way to being a very serious Oscar contender.

Some can argue he regressed a bit after that, when he won over the teenaged audience (but received mixed reviews from top critics) with Romeo + Juliet in 1996, in which he played Romeo to Claire Danes’ Juliet. And while many of us still make fun of the epic cheesiness/greatness of the infamous hand-smeared-on-a-foggy-car-window, as well as quotable lines such as “I’m king of the world!” and “I’ll never let go, Jack,” Titanic (1997) maintains dedicated fans. In fact, the success of Titanic continues to go on, just like Celine Dion’s heart; it returned to theaters in 3D in 2012. And while its success is not just attributed to Leo – James Cameron broke ground with his innovative and epic style of filming and was supported by a solid cast – it was undeniable that Leonardo DiCaprio had officially become a household name.

With a few romantic roles under his belt, it seemed as though that might be the path DiCaprio’s career was taking. However, he proved skeptics wrong in 2002, when critics and audiences alike saw DiCaprio transition into a major Hollywood player with the release of Gangs of New York, where he proved himself as a strong ensemble cast member in his role as Amsterdam Vallon. This role was complemented by a headlining performance in Catch Me If You Can, based on the autobiographical book about Frank Abagnale Jr.’s career as a master check forger and con artist, where he played opposite the legendary Tom Hanks. While DiCaprio’s role didn’t win him an Oscar, his solid ensemble and lead performances led critics to take notice that Leo wasn’t going to be forever known for his slightly corny role on a sinking ship. What’s more is that his Abagnale performance proved that he could take on a biographical role and carry a movie from start to finish.

After receiving accolades for his performance as Frank Abagnale Jr., it made sense for DiCaprio to continue his biographical roles. 2004 brought us The Aviator, where DiCaprio played Howard Hughes, the oil-millionaire-turned-movie-maker. While many critics pointed out flaws in the film itself, it was hard to deny that DiCaprio was a compelling and complex Hughes. The Academy agreed and gave DiCaprio a Best Actor nomination that year.

2006 also proved to be a great year for DiCaprio, with the release of both The Departed and Blood Diamond. The Departed was nominated for five Academy Awards, and won four, including Best Picture. From start to finish, Leo became undercover cop William "Billy" Costigan. He continued the momentum with the five-time nominated Blood Diamond (2006), where he received an Oscar nomination for his role as diamond smuggler Danny Archer. The Oscar-worthy film projects kept coming in 2008, when DiCaprio played the role of Frank Wheeler in three-time Oscar-nominated Revolutionary Road (DiCaprio himself did not receive a nomination).

It was clear that Leonardo DiCaprio was a great asset to any cast, but in terms of proving his chops as a lead actor, there’s no role more obvious than his performance as J. Edgar Hoover in J. Edgar (2011). While the movie didn’t do as well as anticipated (critics seemed to poke holes in it left and right), it seems as though DiCaprio was able to convincingly assume the role of the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States. The character was one that included deep complexity, from greatness to scandal, and it was enhanced by DiCaprio’s expertise and dedication. Hoover was presented as a flawed but fascinating individual, without ever sensationalizing or demeaning the life he lived.

Much of the criticism toward the biopic was essentially that it took on too much – trying to sum up one person’s life story in two hours and 17 minutes always proves to be difficult. J. Edgar never made it to the coveted Oscar-nominated spot that it seemed to so desperately ask for, but that doesn’t discredit the good work that went into developing Hoover’s character. DiCaprio seized every aspect of the role; he took a young 20-something Hoover into old age. He seemed to perfect every nuance that comes with aging – from hand gestures to his walk, even to the way he glanced up from his newspaper. For the subtle physicality the role demanded, DiCaprio stepped up to the plate. After seeing those nuances in his performance, it was hard to deny DiCaprio’s intense dedication to his craft - specifically, his commitment to getting it right.

Now DiCaprio is taking on another complex (though fictitious) role, with the release of The Great Gatsby. What makes him a great fit for the role of the lavish and troubled Jay Gatsby might partly be his understanding of a world of wealth and glamour. DiCaprio is no stranger to the Hollywood scene. With high profile romances with supermodels and beautiful actresses such as Gisele Bundchen, Bar Rafaeli and Blake Lively, Leo understands what it’s like living the life of a billionaire. The role of Gatsby itself is any actor’s dream: set in the 1920s in West Egg, Long Island – a scene of lavish parties and fabulous lifestyles (think the modern-day Hamptons) – Jay Gatsby embodies the rags-to-riches character with the ultimate motive of winning back the love of his life. His inner turmoil and mysterious character leaves an actor with plenty of room to flex his acting muscles and dive headfirst into a truly intricate character.

Based on his history in character-driven films, it seems only logical for DiCaprio to assume this role and do it well. What fans of the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel will particularly look for are the nuances of Jay Gatsby’s character. His affected accent, his cool exterior, his internal turmoil: these are all skills that DiCaprio has proven he can deliver. Audiences will be expecting nothing short of a perfected, practiced performance.

While it can be said that DiCaprio’s Oscar career is turning a bit into the “always a bridesmaid, never a bride” complex, it seems fairly certain that his time will come. Buzz for The Great Gatsby has been brewing for a while now, with words of potential Oscar nominations in the mix. Previews already showing in theatres promised us a Christmas 2012 date, though new rumors seem to indicate 2013 is more likely. While previews for The Great Gatsby show flashy lights and fabulous parties, it’s on DiCaprio’s shoulders to carry the film. With the release date a firm TBD for now, moviegoers and Fitzgerald fans alike will be eagerly anticipating the film’s release, as well as a traditionally fantastic performance from its leading man.


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I see they've now increased it to 10 edits ; hope you're able to update pix :)

Looking at the link you posted and the designations about copyright/licensing ; I wonder if you can use pix like Tag Heuer pix

Wishing you luck :)

Avaia , Osa & ByPrincess

Tks for vids :)


Tks for interview links ; Ethan/drugs new to me :)


What a lucky girl ; tks for pix and her comments :)


Tks for tweets :)


Tks for great Leo cover !! :flower:

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fash: thanks for the interview and Ethan video.

wijn: thanks for the vid and article, NE never give up on makes Leo look like a jerk, what's their problem???

amandine: thanks for that sweet fan story.

leolover: thanks for that beautiful cover.

ox: thanks for the pic and artilce from the magazine.

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I love the vids and interviews, Big thanks to all x :flower::woot::fun: Sorry love some of these icons!

Thought i would share my Leo painting (2004). Hope you like it, love to all :wub:




Wow, you did this? :o You are very talented, it's beautiful! thanks to share.

Thank you, Yes was quite a while ago though! getting old! ;-) x :hug::yes: :)

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ah btw, bad news.... Leo's not on the cover of GQ Korea November issue :cry: it's Adrien Brody >>> https://pbs.twimg.co...tdnCEAAnNuG.jpg

thanks to tarsha, for clarifying :hug:

some magazine miscs :hehe:

Best Movie Italy September 2012

adekB9it.jpg acyU3eAt.jpg aceA1Sbl.jpg adpt2Pu8.jpg adjISe8B.jpg adychsoD.jpg adnwHtI0.jpg ablv4X6k.jpg aclW78kA.jpg

this Titanic pic is a back cover, do you guys think, I should count it in covers since it's actually a back cover ??? :blush:

Best Movie Italy October 2012

adtGFEB1.jpg abbM9pfl.jpg abwJuiPS.jpg ack06SMx.jpg acyICKgK.jpg

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