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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Oh god, everytime I watch that Letterman interview from '95 I always feel soooo awkward. There's just a vibe about it, it starts off ok and then just gets worse after the commercial break :rofl: You can tell how irritated he is by Letterman on times just by his facial expressions.

Leo and Erin getting married, but ofcourse...


Right on cue :laugh:

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I'm not sure where the Grammy winner artist/songwriter was last night, but apparently Leo was there as well

You can tell that wherever they were , people were watching the NBA finals as he talks about it in his other tweets :)

Johnta Austin@johntalsr

I meant to point out this clown last night who was wearing shades INSIDE! while L. DiCaprio was in the spot with NO shades or security! SMH!

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Judging by conversations /tweets of others who were with Johnta Austin at club , Leo is in L.A. So the woman who said she saw him Monday in L.A. 'may' have been legit.

This fellow singer made the tweet below about watching game last night with Johnta Austin ( who stated in his tweet from last night that Leo was at same club/spot he was ) 18 hours ago.

He, also, posted a pix of himself with Johnta Austin .

August Alsina@AugustAlsina

Outchea LA livin watchin the game w/ Noon Boogie & @Johntalsr

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I wish I could find the vids of leo on oprah! I've only see clips on youtube like this:

but I can't seem to find the full episodes :(

(btw he looks so young in this clip lol I think it was from when he was filming departed)

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Thank you for the new pics! :hug:

Maybe he's still having a hard time quitting smoking?

I would also like Leo to go on a talkshow, but my first choice would be ELLEN :heart:

She's good friends with both Leo and Tobey, so them promoting Gatsby there would be perfection :wub:

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you can call her angel because that's what she is ;)

I'll follow your tip, Neon :hehe:.

Hey, girls... I was seeing Chelsea Lately (yeah, I like of that show :cain:) this week (well here in Brazil is delayed), and they talked about the story that Christian Bale is mad about Leo and doesn't likes him... I don't believe but it's funny and a found a clip...


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Interesting. I love to hear the popular opinion :p...

Which Best Actor Oscar winner was the most undeserving?


While there are those Oscar champs who get a warm reception, others leave people cold. Our forum posters have debated the least deserving Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Best Actress champs. Now they turn their attention to the worst of the Best Actor winners.

Below, just a sample of their thoughts. Join in with your opinion as to which winner was the biggest loser.

Miss Frost

Jamie Foxx
should give his Oscar to
Leonardo DiCaprio

Jeff Bridges
should give his Oscar to any of the other four.

Kevin Spacey
should give his Oscar to
Denzel Washington
Russell Crowe.

Roberto Benigni
needs to give his Oscar to any of the other four.

Paul Scofield
should by far give his to Richard Burton.

Robert Donat
needs to give his Oscar to
Clark Gable.

Cliff Robertson
needs to give his to
Peter O'Toole.

Art Carney
should give his to
Jack Nicholson
Al Pacino.

They are also voting for Leo for Best Sup. Actor for Django. Here:
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Tweeted by VIP hostess of AV Nightclub in L.A; the new top club of the Hollywood hipsters

It just opened in May, so I'm sure they are thrilled that Hollywood's ultimate A-lister Leo has finally made an appearance to show they have arrived :p

Jayde Nicole@Jayde_Nicole

Thanks to Leonardo Dicaprio for joining the party last night @AVnightclub :) 2moro nite is looking like another BIG one! Special guest DJ!

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