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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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How adorable , Leo & Erin biking in North Cove






Caption with pix ; I agree :heart:

Making the most of the beautiful weather, Leonardo DiCaprio and Erin Heatherton were spotted riding their bikes in New York City last night (June 14)

The “Catch Me If You Can” stud and his Victoria’s Secret Angel girlfriend looked blissful as the tooled around Manhattan following a dinner date.

Thank you so much,how it's good to see him happy like this! Completly made my day,can't stop smiling <3 erinheathertonangelwings WHERE ARE YOU?

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Calibi & Daydreaming

Thanks for Stash/Darby tweets :)


Thanks for reply about Rio eco conference :)


Thanks for pix of our 'eco friendly' Leo wax figure :p


Yes, Django has still a week of filming in NO , and then the crew head back to Santa Clarita for a week or two, so the film has not wrapped.

As you say, I'm sure there will be no shaving of his Django beard , to Quentin is sure no reshoots will be needed .

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Erin is Pisces like me, my huge sympathy for her started when I knew that. and if I could say something to her, I would say: Pisces and Scorpio is a wonderful combination! trust me ;)

Me that's the same when I learned that Gisele is cancer like me,Cancer and Scorpio is a amazing combination too ;)

LOL... :rofl: therefore I should have my hopes .. I'm cancer too rhythm%20is%20a%20dancer.gif I just need a huge contract with a modeling agency :laugh:

Btw: the sign was a hint for Sick or Pami or Barbie of when is my birthday :whistle:

I'm Gemini,well if I have chances I don't care :neo2: he's too old for me,I'd prefer some 20-22 years old boy,fresh blood :brows: :laugh: so you guys can have him all :rofl:

Okey,Okey,we'll collect money and buy you mini Leo as B-Day present :rofl:

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In evening it has been around 60 in the city, and with them being right next to the harbor , sure the breeze made it feel even cooler :)


Yes, it appears the guy whose tweet I posted last night was on target :)


Celebrity sitings continue. Leo DiCaprio and gf just rode by on bikes in North Cove.

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But you have others, right? with Bar and Leo in barcelona???... :whistle: Well ... if isn't asking too much, and if you have time, and if you heart wants to make happy this human beingshy09.gif

Haha... this last emoticon is funny.

I have no problem in posting the videos... but I don't know if they will be accepted, because they have few watermarks and I can have problems with copyright... the videos are from the site Newspusher. But I'll try, not now because I'm not with my HD here, but tomorrow, ok?

But you have to be very carefull though Nanda :hug: I got into a lot of trouble with LBR for updloading pap-video's :o

Yea, I was wondering what kind of trouble... jail? :nicole: If not, I can try, yeah. Thanks for the articles, Wijn.

Posey, thanks for the gifs and pics.

Haha,I'm feeling just like Backstreet Boys today with that song..."I dont know where to start....but to show you the shape of my heart"...that's how I feel about Leo now,so many things that I dont know where to start! :chicken: :p

Please...tell me you girls remember this song? :unsure: :p

Girl, you're talking with a huge fan of BSB :gocho:.

Jean Dujardin in 'Wolf of Wall Street'? Yes, please. He's charming.

"Coco...give me some sugar."...(the way he opens his mouth.... )

Pami... are you trying to change your favorite line? :jimmy:“Gentlemen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.”... remember? Always I read this just remember of you smily%20new%20one.gif .

Thanks Ox for all the tweets, news and especially for the pics… you rock! Flower%20for%20you.gif They look happy :heart:.

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Haha,I'm feeling just like Backstreet Boys today with that song..."I dont know where to start....but to show you the shape of my heart"...that's how I feel about Leo now,so many things that I dont know where to start! :chicken: :p

Please...tell me you girls remember this song? :unsure: :p

Girl, you're talking with a huge fan of BSB :gocho:.

three BSB fans on the BACKSTREET forum together, yo,yo! :blueeyedbaby:

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lol leo, I don't think it's safe to hold your cellphone (?) while you ride your bike

but omg yess new pics!

btw,you guys remember that he once was hit by the car cuz of talking on the phone while riding the bike ??? :p

i am cackling reading this tbh

i mean i hope it's not true because no one likes getting hit by cars (no one that i know of, at least)


oh my GOD

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Oops, see you already posted Just Jared pix, thanks :)

Looking at the light and timing of tweet last night, I would say the non jacket pix were taken earlier during the day, and then as the sun began to set they put them back on.


Like Kat, Posey, I've never read anything ever about Leo being hit by a car while riding his bike.

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60 =15.5 C

I have no memory of Leo ever being hit on a bike

Where did you read that ? ?

As it certainly was never reported in any Stateside papers.

ah,thanks,ox! :wave:

ah girls you already doubted me :/ if my memory serves me correct,it was about in 2006,soon after Leo-Gisele break up,it wasn't anything serious,he was under the red light and when the green one was on,the car hit him a bit and Leo had to pay fine,uz he was talking on the phone,at least that's what I know and ca't find it on internet,but remember reading it in magazine :idk:

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