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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks for the film news and the pix! He looks cute in the ones sitting on the rocks and the shopping pic.

Ha ha Jay being mistaken for Vin Diesel again (one of the employees at the resort Leo stayed at on Edward Island tweeted the same :p)

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Lauren & By Princess

Thanks for the Univ.article and photo :)

Like others I wouldn't say I was sure that was Leo.

The other reason I would have my doubts is because of what we see in the new Paddington Market pix and the Bondi beach pix; during his entire stay so far

in Sydney we've always seen Leo out with other people be it Tobey , other cast members, Irmelin, friends, or his bodyguard Jay.

So I would be surprised to see him at such a popular /public area as a university bar sitting by himself, and those who mention seeing him make no

mention anyone else being with him.

By Princess

Thanks for the Sun,movie/Carmel outage, and Amitabh Bachchan articles, as well as, Paddington Market photo. :)

Hopefully all will go well with press screeings scheduled for this week, and we'll hear some positive feedback.


Thanks for hand article :)

Lola, By Princess, Benny

Thanks for all the new Bondi pix :)

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The comment below comes from J Edgar IMDB board, the poster claims to have been at Carmel screening.

For anyone who has ever read the IMDB boards over the years, I'm sure you all know that often people appear claiming they saw an advance screening, and then they are proven to be just a troll.

So , I wouldn't say for sure we know this person saw the film, but it could be they did.

As Kris Tapley , of Hitflix , recently took the film and Eastwood out of Oscar contention, but left Leo and Judi Dench in, so the person could just be basing their remarks on what they saw at Tapley/Hitflix site .

They state the power outage happened both nights they tried to screen it , and the part of the film they missed was much more than 2 minutes

kalkour1 4 hours ago (Mon Oct 17 2011 08:02:54)

I was at the screening. Although the report says there were only 2 minutes left in the film, and that is what they told us at the screening, I don't think that's accurate. I spoke to Joel Cox, Eastwood's long-time editor for 36 years, and he said the film stopped at 1:36 and the film was 2:17, so that's about 40 minutes that we missed out on. It's difficult to have a reaction to the film when there's so much that I didn't see.

From what I did see, I can state with confidence that Leonardo Dicaprio will be up for a Best Actor Oscar, and he could very well win. I am not a big Leonardo Dicaprio fan, but I thought that he gave a very good performance.

As for the film itself, from what I saw, and I am a massive Eastwood fan, I don't think we have a Best Picture contender on our hands. I could see it getting acting nominations, but I think Best Picture or Best Director are probably out. Of course, it's hard to judge without seeing the full film, but those were my initial impressions. If you have any other questions about the film, let me know, and I'll be happy to try and answer them.

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From what I did see, I can state with confidence that Leonardo Dicaprio will be up for a Best Actor Oscar, and he could very well win. I am not a big Leonardo Dicaprio fan, but I thought that he gave a very good performance.

:clap: Thanks oxford! :flower:

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Yeah that's awesome news :clap: I could care less if they weren't impressed with the film if Leo's performance is what/still impressed them.. that matters more to me!

Though of course we still have to wait and see no point getting TOO excited yet... and this is only one person.

Thanks Ox for the news!!

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thanks for more pics princess and thanks ox for the comments about J.Edgar screening, I like what was said about Leo's performance even more coming from someone who don't like him at all, this is something good in my point of view.

But it's a shame that 40 minutes of the movie can't be seen, I think this can make a big difference on the impression of people in regards to the movie. But like kat said, for me the most important it's Leo's acting.

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Yay pics!

This might be a stupid question: But why does Leo need two or so bodyguards in Sydney? Are people really going to jump him and try to grab him? Does he have bodyguards while walking around in L.A. and doing his normal routine? I know Jay has been part of his security team or whatever for a long time so I was just wondering if he uses bodyguards in Cali but I just don't notice them in pictures? :huh:

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Interesting comment from the IMDB board! Nice they say Leo should be up for best actor. I'm not getting myself too excited, but I am hoping this will be a very leo filled award season ;)

Barilace: I don't think that he usually has his bodyguards with him when hes just walking around L.A. I think sometimes he brings Jay to the club to help him to the car, but I think in L.A he usually flies solo.

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