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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Newest mention of our upcoming J Edgar screening at Carmel Film Festival tomorrow night

There are bound to be some tweets /comments emerging from this screening.

I hope they are all positive :)

thanks oxford :wave:

but one question, Leo will be there?

I don't think he'll attend, I don't expect him to fly for so long time from Sydney to California for J.Edgar's closed screening,when he's got shootings :blush:

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Hello, girls :hug:. I've been away a long time because I went through a very difficult time in my life, I lost a person who was very important to me, my grandma. I was longing to read the comments, but is very difficult to catch up you... 500 pages? Very good, great job of all.

So sad that Leo and Blake broke, but as you followed in my last comments, I felt that... so I cannot say I'm very surprised. I love Blake, but definitely not like the idea that she is with Ryan, I was afraid of that... I know that nothing has been confirmed yet, but where there's smoke there's fire.

TKS girls for all articles, pics, videos (the video of Leo having dinner with that girl is at least curious, but don't think it's nothing serious... I think Leo needs to be alone for a little while. He had no time to think about some things in his life, always hitching a romance after another, he must be single a time, although I know he doesn't like being alone, but sometimes it's necessary).

No news, tweets or new photos... are the paparazzi finally giving the time that Leo so wants to enjoy the Australia? Or is he just working so much? Let's wait.


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By Princess

No, as per Sic's remarks, Leo and the rest of the cast are not expected to be at Carmel screening.

But, just think, in three weeks Leo will be back in the States for J Edgar premiere and we'll have lots of new pix to look forward to

Plus I would imagine in two weeks we'll start seeing interviews with Leo and the rest of the cast on shows like ET,AH, E,etc

but one question, Leo will be there?


Welcome back :wave:

Extending my condolences on the loss of your beloved grandmother.

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World Series Playoff Game / J Edgar poster and new trailer !!!

Is anyone else watching the Rangers/Tigers playoff game ???

They have a large J Edgar poster right behind batter's mound, so you are constantly see our J Edgar

Also, just now they showed a trailer with more new scenes !!!

No not watching it but that's sure nice to hear! Thanks for sharing that :)

I seriously need to watch more TV since I haven't seen a spot for it yet. I wanna feel that excitement like I did In the past when I surprisingly came across a Leo movie trailer while watching television :p

Oh ma gosh, watching the game surporting my Tigers(saddly they lost :cry: ), AND I WAS SO HAPPY THE POSTER WAS THERE! :D Happy you saw it also Ox. Nice to see the poster right beside the batter :p

And I didn't see the trailer with new scenes!!! Is it on youtube yet??

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Thanks everyone for news and pics! :D

Leo is featured in the new Glamour magazine in a section about repeating dates. It has 3 candids of leo with all his GF's riding bikes in NY like its a tradition for him or something. I'll post the pic of it later today :p

Oh and YAYYYY for 500 pages! This is the best place ever :)

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Hi Nanda, I missed you and I hope are you are ok now, sweety. :hug:

thanks for the info about J.Edgar screening, ox. Hope for very good reviews.

yeah, I also don't think he would fly from Australia just for a screening and possibly he will be shooting Gatsby. I think for sure he will be at the premiere in L.A on november 4 and the nice thing is that is close to his birthday, so maybe he will have time to celebrate in L.A.

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Nanda Sorry to hear that about your grandma

Feel better sweetheart!!! :wub2:

We're all here for you! :grouphug:

No news, tweets or new photos... are the paparazzi finally giving the time that Leo so wants to enjoy the Australia?

I doubt it, I'm sure they're frustrated as we

So sad that Leo and Blake broke, but as you followed in my last comments, I felt that... so I cannot say I'm very surprised. I love Blake, but definitely not like the idea that she is with Ryan, I was afraid of that... I know that nothing has been confirmed yet, but where there's smoke there's fire

Openly I say it (because apparently I'm very obvious) ...

Sad that Leo and Blake broke,??? No! :no:

I saw it coming??? Yes! :yes:

She is with Ryan Now???? who knows :idk:

I only matter that he is Ok!!!

Glad I got that off my chest

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Where Are the New Leos, Tobeys, and Jakes?


If asked to name a promising young actress under 25, you'd have a long list to choose from. There's Jennifer Lawrence, an Oscar nominee poised for superstardom as the lead of The Hunger Games, and Kristen Stewart, who's already got the high profile but impressed in several indies before she ever signed on for Twilight. You've also got Emma Stone, Ellen Page, Mia Wasikowska, Evan Rachel Wood, Emma Watson, and an arresting roster of teen actresses who've already made their mark, which includes Chloe Moretz, Hailee Steinfeld, Saoirse Ronan, and both Elle and Dakota Fanning. (And though you might quibble with her inclusion, ask any casting director who's got heat under 25 and you'd likely hear Blake Lively's name, too.)

But what if we asked you to name a group of actors under 25 with the same depth, appeal, profile, and promise? Where did all our new Leos, Tobeys, and Jakes go?

If you were wondering why the industry had so many hopes pinned on Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson, or why there was so much buzz on Alex Pettyfer prior to the underperforming I Am Number Four, here's the answer: We're in the middle of a pretty brutal young actor drought. When it comes to famous names, you've got one unequivocal superstar in 25-year-old Shia LaBeouf, who toplined Transformers but can also open movies like Disturbia, Eagle Eye, and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, but after that, there's a real drop-off in the 25-and-under set. There's Michael Cera and Zac Efron, who are arguably on the wane and a little niche-y to begin with. You've got Daniel Radcliffe, but who knows? And while there are several critically acclaimed, 110-pound actors out there like Ezra Miller, Logan Lerman, and Anton Yelchin, your mom has never heard of them — even the ones who've already had the chance to star in $100 million movies.

Compare their résumés with the boys who came before them, and things look even more dire. Before he turned 25, Leonardo DiCaprio was an Oscar nominee who'd starred in the then-biggest movie in the world, Titanic, as well as projects like Romeo + Juliet, The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, This Boy's Life, and Celebrity. Tobey Maguire hadn't yet played Spider-Man prior to his 25th birthday, but he had already shot movies like The Ice Storm, The Cider House Rules, Deconstructing Harry, Pleasantville, and Wonder Boys. And before Jake Gyllenhaal blew out the candles on his 25th birthday cake, he'd acted in Donnie Darko, October Sky, Jarhead, Proof, The Good Girl, and Brokeback Mountain — the latter of which would earn him an Oscar nomination.

In fact, Gyllenhaal's Oscar nod for the 2005 film was the last time a 25-and-under actor found himself nominated. Curious about how many young actresses have gotten nominations since then? Ten.

The funny thing is that more than ever, movies are geared toward young men — so why haven't their starring ranks been replenished? Part of the issue is that TV used to be the place where your LaBeoufs, your Goslings, and your Gordon-Levitts would hone their chops as child actors, but now that Disney and Nickelodeon are searching for the next Hannah Montana, there are fewer breakout roles for teenage guys. But we suspect the problem goes even deeper than that, and it's the one we discovered when Australians and Brits started stealing all the big superhero and action movie roles: American boys simply aren't that interested in acting anymore. It's why Gary Ross had to go abroad to fill one of the two male leads in The Hunger Games, and it's why the initial casting short list for those roles was so much less impressive than the heavyweight Oscar nominees like Lawrence and Steinfeld who vied to play Katniss.

But hey, let's look on the bright side: Where there's a deficit, at least there's opportunity, right? If you're a college student who's always dreamed of becoming a famous actor, get your ass to Hollywood post-haste, where they're handing out starring roles to any Armie Hammer or Diego Boneta who can show up and slate right. You'll get cast! They need you! And we need you, too, if we're going to prevent all of Hollywood's high-school roles from simply going to Justin Bieber by default.

Good question :whistle:

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Hello, girls :hug:. I've been away a long time because I went through a very difficult time in my life, I lost a person who was very important to me, my grandma. I was longing to read the comments, but is very difficult to catch up you... 500 pages? Very good, great job of all.

So sad that Leo and Blake broke, but as you followed in my last comments, I felt that... so I cannot say I'm very surprised. I love Blake, but definitely not like the idea that she is with Ryan, I was afraid of that... I know that nothing has been confirmed yet, but where there's smoke there's fire.

TKS girls for all articles, pics, videos (the video of Leo having dinner with that girl is at least curious, but don't think it's nothing serious... I think Leo needs to be alone for a little while. He had no time to think about some things in his life, always hitching a romance after another, he must be single a time, although I know he doesn't like being alone, but sometimes it's necessary).

No news, tweets or new photos... are the paparazzi finally giving the time that Leo so wants to enjoy the Australia? Or is he just working so much? Let's wait.


Hi Nanda

I am sorry about your loss

I am also sorry Blake and Leo broke up :cry:

I loved the whimsical story that Leo would eventually fall in love with a girl who was born not far away from him in California

U know the saying searching far and wide for something when its right under ur nose

Reps have denied shes with Ryan

Hoping to hear good things from the J Edgar Preview :wave:

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thanks aomg :wave: What a interesting article!! really makes you think Where Are they? :idk:

Wow I mean The list of young actress its Promising :thumbsup:

Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen Page, Hailee Steinfeld, Saoirse Ronan are Oscar nominees already

next to be nominated Emma Stone, Mia Wasikowska, Evan Rachel Wood, Chloe Moretz, including Rooney Mara that was not on the list

even Kristen Stewart, that I don't know but for some odd reason her performances are WAY better in indies films. maybe She wanna get away from all the madness of Twilight

Emma Watson and both Elle and Dakota Fanning, I think it’s still too early to know that

Blake lively… I think she would first need to get out of that terrible show so people take her seriously… that series needs to end Now!!!

But the male group is disappointing!!! :dontgetit:

They base their hopes on Taylor Lautner , Zac Efron and Robert Pattinson, Alex Pettyfer???

thank god Leonardo has no plans to retire anytime soon

Daniel Radcliffe will be the only one but I doubt, he is so typecast in the role of harry potter

Ryan Goslings and Gordon-Levitts are great but they has over 25

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thanks aomg for the article! :wave:

interesting one

imho Kristen Stewart isn't very talented,she only plays well,if her character is in trouble or something like that,I don't thin her expressions are well,he face seems always the same to me :/ I don't want you to think,I'm bashing her but imho she's good only in dramas :/ and as Leo says: "if you can play one role good,it doesn't mean you can play good all other ones too "

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imho Kristen Stewart isn't very talented,she only plays well,if her character is in trouble or something like that,I don't thin her expressions are well,he face seems always the same to me

Sick don't even get me started on K.Stew......... Words cannot describe how much she is my least fav actress!! Gahhhh Shes awful! :x :no:

The other actress's they listed were good. I agree that blake needs to get off GG for people to take her more seriously and quite typecasting her. Its unfortunate she keeps getting the same role. And Jennifer and Carey are on the fast track to being oscar winners :clap:

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Another cast member added to Django...

Exclusive: Horror legend Tom Savini joins all-star cast of Django Unchained

By David Bentley on Oct 13, 11 05:14 PM

TOM SAVINI has joined the big-name cast of Quentin Tarantino's new film Django Unchained, the Coventry Telegraph has exclusively learned.

Set in the 19th century, the film stars Jamie Foxx in the title role as a freed slave who sets out to rescue his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) from Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), a sadistic Mississippi plantation boss. Samuel L. Jackson plays Candie's house slave Stephen.

Savini is to play evil slave owner Ellis Brittle, who is one of the three Brittle brothers, the outlaws who rape Django's wife and brand the title character's cheek with an R (for runaway).

Ellis and his brothers are the targets of Dr King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a bounty hunter who is aided in his quest by Django. Schultz returns the favour by helping the ex-slave get his wife back.

Kevin Costner was in talks to play Ace Woody, who trains male slaves to fight for the amusement of Candie's white customers, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts and Kurt Russell is understood to be in talks to replace him.

Miami Vice TV show star Don Johnson has also landed an as-yet-unspecified role in the movie.

Filming is set to start in New Orleans in November, with the movie opening on December 25, 2012.

Savini, who's also a stuntman, producer, director and award-winning special effects and make-up artist, worked with zombie-master George A. Romero on the Living Dead films and directed the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead.

He appeared in Dawn of the Dead - the original and remake - along with Friday the 13th, Lost Boys sequel The Tribe, Grindhouse and Machete.

The actor was also in Robert Rodriguez' 1996 horror classic From Dusk Till Dawn - in which Tarantino appeared as well as penning the script - as a vampire biker called Sex Machine with a groin-mounted gun (as seen in the poster here).



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Ditto :wave:

I have always gotten a good vibe whenever I saw the duo together, and I still do :)

I am also sorry Blake and Leo broke up


Thanks for article :)

When it comes to Leo, he's like Haley's Comet, one like him only comes around every 75 years ;)


Saw the same article you mentioned in my Glamour issue when it arrived today.

Yes, seeing the large J Edgar poster behind the batter was an unexpected treat :)


Thanks for news of another cast member for Django :)

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