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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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"the guy in jeans seems more like to be Leo" Oh my I didn't even see that guy! Now that I think about it, thats probably Leo :p

Thanks for the interesting interview with the new Gatsby cast member! Everyone always has such sweet words about Leo :wub:

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^HOTTTT COVER! :drool: Too bad its another reprint though, but I'm excited to get the new interview! This is the begining of covers, interviews, and lots of new pics! :D I wonder what mag he'll do to promote J.Edgar? Perhaps GQ? I hope so!

LOL at the pics of him in his underwear! Hes so sweet :wub:

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Yes, the August mag pix are not new, but they are from one of my most favorite photo sets of him :)

As to the cutie on the balcony , I wonder if he had just got up, making one of those early morning phone calls to the States , perhaps, before

someone goes to bed :p :p

It's already 5:24am Sydney time for him, I wonder if this is their last day of rehearsals before filming starts ?

I wonder if he'll any visitors this weekend ?

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From an old interview with Emily Mortimer, his co-star in Shutter Island:

Were you filming alone or with [Mark] Ruffalo or Leo?

My scenes were with Leo. He was very sweet.

It was your first film together, right?

I had never met him before. I liked him very much. You must have done countless interviews with him, right?

Yeah, I have. He’s been on our cover a couple times. He’s a delight to deal with.

I felt like he was really a very cool guy—unpretentious and un-starry. He has enormous presence, but he doesn’t flaunt it at all and is very easy to talk to. Just an unpretentious person and an unpretentious actor, and really down to earth, considering.

Considering Titanic and how he came up in the world.

Yeah. And there’s something very sweet about Marty and Leo’s relationship and their collaboration. It’s a very quiet respect and a kind of old-fashioned relationship—just lovely to be around. It was a really lovely set to be around. From the person that made the tea all the way up, everybody was just at the top of their game and true class. It’s a cool thing to have experienced, and I’m so grateful for it. I think being around Marty makes you feel like you’re in a more noble profession than you sometimes feel you are.

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I can't over Leo is his boxers... :rofl::laugh: funny but cute. I like his legs. thanks ox.

I wonder why when Blake was there, paps were not able to make an intimate pic like this ones of Leo... probably because they should be locked inside the house, I guess.

Also great cover and sexy pics, I love it. :drool: thanks ox

And loved what Emily said about Leo, so sweet. thanks aomg

420 pages, we are fast!

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Thanks for the Emily quote aOMG! It seems no one ever has anything bad to say about Leo :wub:

And yeah, I agree with you Barbie. Its weird the paps didn't get any pics of Leo and Blake on his balconey, but I'm also thinking they weren't hanging out outside too much :p

Thanks wijn!

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Barbie and Kat

As to no paps catching Leo and Blake on balcony, like both of you, I think it is because they were more involved in indoor activites , or , Leo know they would be looking for the twosome at his house, so when she was in town, they didn't stay at his place.


Thanks for Titanic links :)


As to Leo on balcony, who knows, maybe he looks out each morn to see if he sees any cameras, and when he doesn't he ventures out, not realizing he's missed some hiding ones.

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I cannot stop laughing these photos on the balcony. Leo in his pajamas... I'm soooo in love :wub: .

This magazine... my personal photo :laugh:. Damn gorgeous :drool: :drool: :drool:.

Three interviews with three different people, all saying the same thing: Leo is so sweet :wub: .

Thanks a lot girls for all articles, videos, pics :flower: .

Does anyone have a link to the Extreme Close Up on E! with Leo... I want to download this video.

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More J.Edgar Oscar predictions!

Fall Movie Preview 2011: Bring on the Oscar contenders

How much better? How about Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover, in Clint Eastwood's "J. Edgar"? Or Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill in "Moneyball," based on the book by New Orleans writer Michael Lewis and a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin?

Best Bet!: J. Edgar In one of the season's most anticipated films, Clint Eastwood directs a script by Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black ("Milk") that explores the public and private life of one of the most powerful and enigmatic men of the 20th century: cross-dressing G-man J. Edgar Hoover. Why I'm excited: The cast. The director. The historical figure. And the truth-is-stranger-than-fiction story. You have the right to remain stoked.

BEST BET FOR AWARD SEASON: Leonardo DiCaprio, left, stars in director Clint Eastwood's 'J. Edgar.' It is scheduled to open in New Orleans on Nov. 11. See entry below for more details.


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I don't know if this has been posted here before, but I was watching my files and found this interview with Oma... I really love this interview.

Interview: Leonardo’s other name is Wilhelm

With Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oma

The private DiCaprio

“He’s only got clowning around on his mind”

By Marcel Wessollek and Sven Kuschel

At the moment, as far as media coverage is concerned, she is almost the equal of her grandson on the other side of the Atlantic. Helene Indenbirken, the 83-year-old grandmother of Titanic victim Leonardo DiCaprio, is in demand.

But the staged baking of potato pancakes (Reibekuchen or Kartoffelpuffer) on TV for the RTL network and the Titanic premieres have taken their toll on the vigorous lady.

Graffiti was able to get her to do one of her last interviews for the time being, in which she blasts pushy, impudent media people and rumors about Leonardo. The retired grandmother is currently far more interested in the fact that Tanja Szewzcenko is on her way to silver in the European Championships. Hanging on the walls of her small apartment in the German town of Oer-Erkenschwick, next to numerous photos of her favorite grandson, there is also an invitation to last year’s Golden Globe Awards, where she kept her fingers crossed for her Leonardo. Below that is blues legend B.B. King with a dedication to Helene. On the table there are stacks of newspaper clippings.

“So, what do you want to know? I’ve already told everything. After all, I’m just the Omi (granny).” The media have made things tough for her with “stolen” private photos and false reports. Keeping her distance has become important to the old lady, who gradually becomes more open and warm after a short ice-breaking period. Every now and then an American word sneaks into her German vocabulary. With a gleam in her eye she displays photo albums that show her grandson with personalities such as Prince Charles and various Hollywood people. She knows more about them than the reporters at Entertainment Tonight.

Graffiti: We read everywhere that Leonardo is here

[in Germany] all the time. How often do you actually see your grandson?

Helene Indenbirken: During the shooting of Titanic I was there. Otherwise we usually see each other when he has something to do in Europe.

Is it a strain to have such a famous grandson?

For me it’s normal to have Leonardo as a grandson. You know, I lived in America for 30 years, where you even meet famous people on the street.

How did it happen that you moved to America, or more precisely New York?

That happened at the beginning of the '50s. My daughter was born in an air raid shelter in 1943 during a bombing raid. Those were hard times. We emigrated to America in 1955 — not in 1943, as some newspapers have reported. After all, that was totally impossible then. In New York we lived in a section with lots of Germans. In 1985 my husband and I left the “American Lifestyle” behind and came back to Germany.

How did you choose the name Leonardo Wilhelm?

My daughter Irmelin’s husband is Italian. Leonardo goes well with the last name DiCaprio. But so he would also have something German about him, we added the name of my husband Wilhelm. His roots, by the way, lie far to the east where our ancestors come from.

How do you deal with all the fans and the press?

I make an effort to answer all the calls and letters I get. But lately it has gotten to be too much. The big newspapers are terrible. They always land with a horde of people, take me by surprise, and then write whatever they want to anyway. At the moment I no longer have any desire for TV appearances and these eternal telephone calls. I’m often amazed at girls who write that they couldn’t live without Leonardo. That’s really not normal, is it?

Did you admire groups like the Comedian Harmonists [in your youth]?

Yes, somewhat, but not to such extremes.

How was your grandson discovered?

He was approached and asked if he would like a part in the TV series “Parenthood” [called "Unser lautes Heim" in Germany]. Before that he had done some commercials. He was enthusiastic right away and said yes. Later Robert de Niro hired him for the film This Boy's Life. He was so convincing in that. It was the first time he made me cry.

Can you tell us something about his next project?

The next feature film he’ll appear in is called The Man in the Iron Mask ["Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske"].

Has Leonardo remained natural in spite of his success?

Yes, he’s the same dear boy he’s always been. But for photographs he’s always making faces. It’s terrible. In order not to be recognized, he often dresses shabbily and goes out with his friends. He even still lives at home, but he also has his own apartment in L.A. Many of his friends are actors like he is.

Is it true that he has a girlfriend at this time?

I don’t know. Why don’t you look in the Bildzeitung. They tried, very unsuccessfully, to slap together a picture with him and Kate Winslet. The ideas they come up with! My daughter calls me every week, but we don’t talk much about such things. Right now he’s in New York.

How often does Leo come to Germany?

Not very often. The last time he was at my place with a few friends in 1995. That’s why I don’t understand at all why girls call every day and ask in a shrill voice if he’s here. Earlier as a child he was here fairly often. He went bicycling with his grandpa or played with other kids. If all the fuss keeps up, I’ll travel to America again this summer. Here it’s all getting to be too much.

Can you tell us something about Leo’s hobbies and his schooling?

My Leonardo loves to do inline skating. I don’t know that much about his schooling. He attended high school but not college.

Is it true that he likes sauerkraut?

Our Leo has never eaten sauerkraut at my place. When he’s here he gets homemade potato pancakes now and then. At home he eats American food and watches his weight.

Do you worry about your grandson in wild America, when you hear about stars like River Phoenix who die of drugs?

No, no. But in L.A. you always have to watch out.

How do you talk with him?

Mostly in English. Only when we act a little silly, we speak a few broken German sentences.

Has all the fuss concerning you personally always been so intense?

No. That really didn’t get going until Romeo and Juliet, and it didn’t get so scary until now with Titanic.

I think beautiful the way how she speaks of the little grandson :wub: .

Thanks kat for the article about J. Edgar. Oh boy, I'm so anxious.

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