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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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thanks for more pics kat and Barbie! :wave:


^LOL yeah they got that wrong! 77 million is his total salary, not just per movie!

you mean total salary of Leo ??? :blink: as I remember he got $77 million only for Inception :cain:

Barbie,your avi is adorable! :wub: I absolutely love him on Total Eclipse! :wub: he's just cutie on that movie and of course his amazing acting! :heart:

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thanks for more pics kat and Barbie! :wave:


^LOL yeah they got that wrong! 77 million is his total salary, not just per movie!

you mean total salary of Leo ??? :blink: as I remember he got $77 million only for Inception :cain:

Barbie,your avi is adorable! :wub: I absolutely love him on Total Eclipse! :wub: he's just cutie on that movie and of course his amazing acting! :heart:

I'm pretty sure that was his total salary for both Shutter Island, and Inception. I think just Inception he made a little over 50 million! Am I right? :idk:

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Today's Australian Daily Telegraph article

They claim at end of article that Leo is not happy with his present rental home, an he might opt instead to stay in hotel to he finds one he likes better.

IT HAS all the features of a bona fide blockbuster - a $120 million budget, three of Hollywood's biggest stars and a stylish story rated one of America's literary classics.

And it's happening in Sydney.

The Harbour City is taking centre stage for director Baz Luhrmann's highly anticipated adaptation of F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, a mammoth production involving 275 crew - and another 150 on post-production - that is expected to inject more than $120 million into our economy.

Luhrmann's grand vision involves recreating 1920s New York on the Fox Studio soundstages, with superstar Leonardo DiCaprio headlining as Jay Gatsby.

Fitzgerald's novel is widely considered unfilmable. Purists are also incensed at Luhrmann's decision to shoot it in 3D.

With the stakes this high, the director is relying on DiCaprio to help pull off a creative feat as daring as their eye-popping 1996 MTV retread of Romeo + Juliet

They will be supported by Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway and Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan. Also touching down in Sydney for costume fittings and make-up tests this week were home-grown stars Joel Edgerton, who plays Daisy's husband Tom, and Isla Fisher, as Tom's mistress Myrtle Wilson.

While NSW post-production houses have been busy with animated projects such as Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole and George Miller's Happy Feet 2, Gatsby is the first major Hollywood production to be filmed in NSW since Hugh Jackman shot Wolverine here in 2008.

Since then, most world productions went to Victoria and Queensland. But Sydney is firmly back on the movie map, with Alex Proyas last month announcing he would film Milton's Paradise Lost here.

Luhrmann's epic should bring $88 million in production expenditure to the state and create 1300 jobs. And Deputy Premier and Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Stoner said: "There's no doubt that having Leo in Sydney is a boost for our city's profile around the world."

Filming for Gatsby is due to start next week.

In the meantime the stars have been immersing themselves in 1920s culture, scrutinising footage from the era to ensure they can walk the walk and talk the talk.

With a four-month shoot looming, they appear determined to settle in and enjoy Sydney's delights - particularly DiCaprio.

The 36-year-old is believed unhappy with his current digs, a penthouse in the Gazebo building in Elizabeth Bay with 360-degree city views.

DiCaprio and his US agent were seen checking out the Royal Suite of the Shangri-La in The Rocks on Thursday.

"He came in (to the Shangri-La) to check out the penthouse, apparently he wasn't happy with his current accommodation," a hotel source said.

"He said he's looking for something more secure (in the long term) but will stay in hotels for a while."



Yes, the Daily Telegraph article should have stated he earned $77 million for Inception & SI , not that he demands $77 million per film.

But for sure it is true that it was only due to the 'clout' he has in the industry that he was able to negotiate the deal he did for Inception which allowed him to take part of the profits up front.


Yes, every time I gaze at your sexy siggi I can see that you are a woman that appreciates nice shoulders :)


Yes, with new Leo news every day this board is flying along :)


Thanks for pix from the Redford/Farrow version of Gatsby :)

As we all know : the best is to come !!

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Looks like all the great gatsby cast is taking time to spend it with eachother before the film.

The whole group went out to dinner!

The previous night, he joined co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan and Isla Fisher and Gatsby director Baz Luhrmann for a "bonding dinner".

The A-listers, plus some crew, ate at inner-city French bistro Felix, using a rear entrance.

"They came in late and ordered some drinks and a lot of food," said a spy at the Justin Hemmes-owned restaurant.

"They looked like they were having a great time."


And Tobey and Carey went and saw an Opera Show in Sydney! :) pics here! Carey looks so cute as usual ;)


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but as I remember Leo got about $40 million for Shutter Island, what about Inception,when the movie was still on in theaters,Leo already had gotten more than $50 million,but at that moment DVDs and BluRays weren't counted,they counted only theater gross, and I think he got $77 million for Inception,if we count theaters and DVD/BluRay gross :idk:

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Thanks Barbie for the pics of the old version of The Great Gatsby... and I'm sorry, Mr. Robert Redford, but I hope that Leo does a better Jay Gatsby :blush: .

I'm pretty sure that was his total salary for both Shutter Island, and Inception. I think just Inception he made a little over 50 million! Am I right?

Yeah, kat. The journalist is wrong about this point... 77 million for Shutter Island and Inception, not only for one movie. And thanks for the info about the dinner... it's good hear that they're spend a lot of time together. It's good for them and for us, the chemistry will be perfect in the film.

Thanks oxford for news and tweets.

400 pages... :woot: :hell yea!: :chicken: :nicole: :hell yea!: :ddr::clap:, great job, girls :hug:.

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Thanks Viola for the pic, he was even cute in High School :p

Thanks for the tweet Oxford. Sounds like he probably had a nice talk with Leo! :p

Oh and a little FYI for you all, Blake was spotted getting on a plane to Hong Kong from NY, Hong Kong directs right to Australia.... :whistle:

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Thanks Viola for the pic, he was even cute in High School :p

Thanks for the tweet Oxford. Sounds like he probably had a nice talk with Leo! :p

Oh and a little FYI for you all, Blake was spotted getting on a plane to Hong Kong from NY, Hong Kong directs right to Australia.... :whistle:

Did she bring her pillow?


Blake Lively turned 24 years old yesterday. She was in New York. Her boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio was in Australia shooting The Great Gatsby.



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thanks Sick: I loved him in Total Eclipse also and he for sure was so cute.

But that pic of Blake Lainey post is old, or maybe she just use the pic to suggest she's going there but I'am pretty sure that pic is not new.


Barbie, the pic Lainey posted she wasn't saying that was a new pic, just putting it in there to show blake with her pillow, not referring it to the actual aricle, and wasn't saying the pic was new! This whole Blake going to Hong Kong thing is new... :whistle: Perhaps we'll hear something of Leo and Blake soon........ :wub: Its only a 3 hour flight from Hong Kong to Australia! I just hope its true! :heart:

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Love that pic of him Viola thanks for posting!!

Yeah your avi is soooooooooooo adorable Barbie! I remember when i watched the movie I replayed that instant when he smiles. Too cute :wub:

Nanda thanks for Carey/ Tobey/ Leo article! Could possibly be that he just wasn't photographed... that sounds like an outing Leo would partake in.. we know he loves his plays :) Or he could have just simply decided to sit that one out of course hehe :p

Thanks for assorted tweets guys :wave:

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