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Status Updates posted by CarMELita

  1. My, your sig is wonderful, Ophelia - reminds me I gotta watch Labyrinth again!! :wub:

  2. Hey, happy new year to you too!!

  3. Happy new year to you too, darling! Been off for a while but I guess now I'm back :-))

    See you on the forum *kisses*

  4. Happy new year to you too! :-)

  5. Hey Jennka, I just have to tell you, I loooooove your avatar!

  6. Look-Wise Posh would make a good Scarlett indeed, but she's just not the very passionate type she's always rather cool, so I think she wouldn't get the depth in the character I fear. I would love to see her in the costumes though :-) And the editorial really IS amazing!! See you later, hun!!

  7. Happy new year to you too, Antonia! I've been offline for a while, but now I'm back again!! See you around, dear :kisses:

  8. Hey honey, your inbox is full ... meh. Have a nice weekend, Mel

  9. Hey dear, happy new year to you too! :hugs+kisses:

  10. Happy new year to you too, dear, and all the best for 2009!

  11. Hey - just saw you're online so I wanted to drop a short "Hello there" :-)

  12. And you did good by opening a thread for her! I guess her look's just not commercial enough to be a big hit at BZ ...

  13. Hi Marty, Juergen's got his usual psychotic Blasenentzuendung, but nothing serious, I just took him with me when I visited mum. Okay, I can understand why he gets psychotic there :-) Hope, Fussili's doing well! CU, Mel

  14. Contrary to what you said I feel like having multiple mes ... they're all me though, I'm not thinking of different persons! More like the different aspects of my personality: the knowitall-Mel, the daft-Mel, the one that always forget things, they go all under my last name though :-) ... I guess a psychiatrist would have fun with me!

  15. BTW Did I just see you using the f-word in your about-me-page, I can't believe!! 8-)) Thought you might like this:

  16. Heeeeey, Happy Birthday, Baron!! I wish you all the best!!

    ...don't care if it's your true B-Day - it's good to have something to celebrate anyway!! :-)

  17. That's Mandy Bork - glad, you like her! There's a link to her thread in my sig :-)

    Unfortunately not much to see there yet, but I'm sure she'll make it :-)

  18. Hey Rob, ja, I'm still alive and kickin', so to say :-) Real Life had taken over and I didn't had time nor nerve to go online after work. But I'm back now, still making my way through the tons of posts I missed ...8-)

  19. Hey Rob, back again 8-) Still making my way through the tons of posts I missed ...

  20. Heeeey Sis, nice new photo! Just saw your comment - haven't been at BZ often, but now that Fashionweek started ...! All IS well though, I hope with you and Louis too! :kiss:

  21. Ah, I just realized you need to approve comments, I thought I wrote to much in the first comment coz it didn't show up *hihi

  22. Aaalso, Moschino mag ich sehr. Armani hat sch

  23. Hey Kiki, just wanted to leave some hugs & kisses & best wishes for 2009 :-)

  24. Hey, just saw that you left a comment - of course I remember! Nice to see you hanging around again :-)

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