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Status Updates posted by Limerlight

  1. I know my dear that's why i wanted to say hi to you again.

  2. That 2nd option seems feaseable. Then i'll go "hello, how can i help you or you finally got here, have *insert your favorite drink* anything else i can get ya?"

  3. It's not bad to try some of the smaller stuff like that to, some of it is really good. The stuff i was drinking last night was okay not the best but i still liked it.

  4. Come visit me then! Its only another 5 hours one day! Come ! >:(

  5. Happy b-day abby :D And ya i'll be busy enough with my games don't need WoW but still awe abby! :D Her lil friends and stuff come?

  6. Must be, i've never heard it here in North America. :idk: Usually we just tell each other to F*** off lol. GOD i regret taking randa off.... And i can't copy your's oh well i still like ruslana's eyes :D

  7. :/ There are times you know...

  8. ILUVADRIANALIMA and i were picking the photos earlier for that i wanted some other photos but he said no to them :Rofl: Mine was uber exciting! I got to call other countries all week :D Poland Romania Turkey for examples it was such a great week :)

  9. Sad how much everywhere seems to be taxed now. Silly really when most governments could do more with less but mishandle the money they do get oh well.

  10. i wouldn't eat it :S

  11. Good, not enough to write a pm so I just had to leave a comment to say hi see what was up. :)

  12. Merry X-mas you :D

  13. Hey Lisa long time no talk, how goes?

  14. Hey, as long as it's cold there and snowing i'll like it. Why won't i like it? And you would like where i live! It's very scenic at times, so is the rest of canada.

  15. Yargedy. Lima's eyes ( i believe it's lima) in ze avi are just OMG :wub:

  16. Today where i live it's rather wet rainy and cloudy. But it could be worse, it could be snowing. So :D

  17. Why in anything's name would you move to new york?


  19. What's your favourite drink then? :D I'll stock some up :P and yes you can paint my nails after <_< only toe nails.

  20. Where'd Buhlack go :(

  21. Oh fine.... Don't even say hi to me :( Ever think i might've wanted to talk!?!?

  22. was in hottub. leave me alone :P maybe next time ;)

  23. there's 2 girls!

    And hi honey! :hug: reply to my pm's! :rofl:

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