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Status Updates posted by BubbleBubble

  1. Really? :shifty: Hehehehe. So how's it going? :D

  2. I miss you Paige :cry: Where are you?

  3. Your personal photo is gone agian :cry: I'm like your stalker lol

  4. Paige! :woot: Are you still busy with your school? :(

  5. How's it going Pinky? :hug:

  6. Hahaha :rofl: Let's do it :dance: I wonder that Hana is your #1 :)

  7. What? What do you mean? lol How are you today Mr. OLEG ~~~~ :chicken:

  8. Jena! :hug: It's been a long time since we talked with :D How are you? :)

  9. Good luck Ange! Cheer yourself up! Yay! :hug: :D

  10. What's up Alexis :hug:

  11. Hey Matt!

    I'm alive :P

    Such a long time to be here. HELL YEAH!!! How's it going?

  12. What's up Sahara? :hug:

  13. OMG! That's great!!! Wow, gosh.. if they don't accept that you practice there, they're jerks lol Good luck to you :hug: I'm good too but just bored with this long long winter break. Take me to my college lol

  14. Pinky :cry:

    I have really missed you! I'm here to say hello to you. Everything's OK? :)

  15. Dianne :hug: not Dainne lol

  16. Oleg!!!!!! Oleg!!! I'm here!!! I'm here!!!!! Please do not kill me :cry:

  17. I know :) Whew, but I had nothing to do for the last 2monthes lol I just watched movie, read books, chated with my friends and came to BZ. That's all :cry: btw you're going to graduate from college this year?

  18. :drool: I want it !I need it! :woot: Are you eating them now?

  19. Alexis :hug: We have fun together now :rofl: It's been a long time since we had fun in BZ! hehe!

  20. Hahaha :D I loved that... a/w you should get back it soon! :D

  21. Thanks Ben :hug: How have you been doing? :D

  22. 5years? Wo, That's one more year in comparison with other countries. :O I attend school for 4years but I just call it college lol

  23. That's cool! You could stand the only 1week :D Break is coming :dance:coming :dance:

  24. Aww thanks honey :kiss: So how are you today?:)

  25. How are you feeling honey? Did you sleep well? :)

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