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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. I think I have it narrowed down to 3 choices. Dead Bride, Bloody Bride or something Gothy/Victoria.

  2. I used to dislike her but that was solely based around Twilight. The more I saw her movies, the more interviews I read, the more I started to like her. Plus I've had a chance to meet her, and she's pretty awesome. She did a fantastic job in The Runways btw

  3. I was just checking out your site, and I like!

  4. I'll see if I can write you up a tutorial in the next few days :)

  5. I'll try, can't promise anything though lol >,< Good luck with work, be safe and have fun!

  6. I'm absolutely devastated by it!

  7. I'm busy and it just too much effort to be super chatty with people lately. Hell I haven't spoken to Pheno is almost a week. Sorry! Life = Amazingly good and stressful right now. I promise I'll be around more in a couple of weeks.

  8. I'm doing well, just been super busy lately. :) How about you?

  9. I'm from Sonoma CA, which is North of Frisco [about 35 mins in the heart of the wine country]

  10. I'm glad you like Abby! She's such a hottie :)

    1. ILUVAdrianaLima


      She indeed is. All American women and I'm loving it!

  11. I'm going to go ahead and add you to the real id list later tonight. Sorry it hasn't happened sooner but I've been really busy!

  12. I'm here! I'm here! btw I was up to 4 stars, and within a day I pissed someone off enough to give me a 1 and drop me to 3 stars lol... Le Shock!

  13. I'm just over the Anti-American Rhetoric on this forum. If they don't like it, they may want to go elsewhere. After all this is an American based forum, with an American owner, and mostly American staff. If people want to continue to bash our country, I will have zero issues *even at the risk* of getting banned* to tell these ppl just how useless and fucked up their own countries are.

  14. I'm ok been busy, call me sometime soon, got alot to catch up on.. ie I need to vent about stuff lol

  15. I'm sorry what she said was no misunderstanding do to a language issue. Kiki gave her an easy way out... a way to "explain" what she was trying to say... and it's bullshit

  16. I'm working on a Resto Druid on the Horde right now. Soooo much fun in BG's. Spent 5 hours last night doing them, didn't die once lol She's 76 right now, and Pheno rolled a Prot Warrior (Undead) who's 74. We sooo wanna play with you hun ;p

  17. I've asked, but where are you from?

  18. I've been doing well, been kinda sick though. How was your X-Mas and New Years?

  19. I've been well, how about yourself?

  20. I've never heard them so I went and checked out a couple of their videos, and honestly... not my type of music at all :(

  21. If you do maybe Limer will help you level?

  22. In your personal pictures, is that your vote? If so the tat's amazing!!

  23. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but retire a little from sight and afterwards return again - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  24. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist, and do not die, but only retire a little from sight, and afterwards return again. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  25. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist, and do not die, but only retire a little from sight, and afterwards return again. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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