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That Time Of The Month


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Guest quasicartes
This is going to sound really gross, so I recommend that if you're a guy reading this .. you stop now.

I was going to use the bathroom last night before I went to bed and I turned on the light and looked at the rim of the toliet and my little sister got her period blood on the toliet seat.  It was so gross I refused to use our bathroom, so I went in my parents bathroom.  I made my sister clean it up this morning before she went to school.

She is such a slob and I hate sharing a bathroom with her because she leaves her dirty clothes on the floor, leaves her hairbrush out on the counter, she even leaves empty pop cans on the counter.  I try to keep it as clean as possible, but she makes it hard.


Not that gross.

Seats on public places always have blood stains! Cinemas, busstops, trains...

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I've never tried tampons, but everyone I know who has tried them has never been able to put them in right (even with the applicator thing) and apparently it hurts if you don't put it in right and if you bleed heavy you can still leak. So, no tampons for me even if pads can be really awkward sometimes.

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I've never tried tampons, but everyone I know who has tried them has never been able to put them in right (even with the applicator thing) and apparently it hurts if you don't put it in right and if you bleed heavy you can still leak. So, no tampons for me even if pads can be really awkward sometimes.


You can put them in wrong? :blink: well, I guess now that I think about it you can, but you leak reguardless of being heavy or light, but what you should do is put a pantyliner on under it to catch the leaks, and you should be fine, but yea they are extremly uncomfortable especially if you have to sit down. So I choose the pads over tampons but if I don't have as many pads tampons are the next best thing.

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Sorry to hear that Sweetpea. *Hugs* I still get those now even though I'm on the pill. They hurt like hell and before I went on the pill I had to have 2 days off school/college where I'd just be curled up in my room crying all the time, it hurt so bad. =(

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Sorry to hear that Sweetpea. *Hugs* I still get those now even though I'm on the pill. They hurt like hell and before I went on the pill I had to have 2 days off school/college where I'd just be curled up in my room crying all the time, it hurt so bad. =(


:cry: I'm on the pill too, I've also been on the patch but it seems like they get worse every year or the pre menstral version of them while I'm on my period I'm totally fine but before it happens it's like cramps gelore. I've had time where I've spent a week out of class/College just so I can stay in bed with a heating pad and a bottle of Motrin to keep me from dying Lol

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I get really emo...I cry so easily, not even funny ill think of something that didnt bother me when it happened but than it will than so ill cry. One time my boyfriend wasnt talking to me online for like 4 minutes and i started crying.. lmfao.


and the horrible cramps. BAH.

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I hate when a girl gets defensive and trys to stand up for herself and men always say something rude like "Wow, she must be PMSing" - just because we're arguing!  What, we can't argue without being on our periods?  That is one of my biggest peeves.


i HATE that. so much..

my guy friend does it all the time.. ill say something that he doesnt like and hell be like

"oh you must be having your period"

god. :rolleyes: annoying, i hate ittt.

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i guess im in here to look at jessica's avatar  :blush:


haha, awww :heart: i bet you just wanna read about our time of the month.

that was just a cover-up ;)

Hahaha I`m here because I can read "funny" stories... but Jessica avatar is realy sweet ...  :wub:  hahaha Hope we make her not nonplus :D


funny!? lmao yes, my avatar is blowing kisses to all you wonderful people ive met :) :wub:

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