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How to be a male model?


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Yeah you have nothing to lose. And if the agency is nice maybe theyll give you a couple tips.

If youre going to mail them make sure you read on their site what they want. If they want regular pics give them that. If youre going to do it by regular mail then you can either send polaroids or a comp card.

If youre serious about it then you may want to think about spending money on photographers and getting a portfolio together

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i didnt say make a huge one...just a small one...

not all photographers are that expensive...the one i went to was 400 bucks and i got a bunch of different looks.

For polaroids...you can just use your digital and have someone take a face shot, a profile, and a body shot and then get them printed out...take them with you to open calls or email them to agencies...

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isnt phtotgrapher expensive?

but how do i get polaroid pictures?

just send digital pics of you via emails, and when you go to the agency they'll take the polaroids themselves... anf it they think you have potential they'll pay for your book ;)

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youre not too young...id have to see how you photograph to tell you what youd be...but my guess is youll be commercial until you are old enough or get and older edgier look to do the fashion stuff...

i have the same problem i still look like im a teenager

what did she give you? cuz i took some pills and was told to use that cream or whatever they gave you and it made it worse not better...

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Ha if i wasnt trying to be i wouldnt be giving advice ahha

i used to have pics in my thread but i took em down...

well yeah you have to be good looking but its about how you photograph too...

theres like high fashion where the guiys have an "edgy" look...or so the agencies told me...

commercial is like ads and stuff...for stores...things like that

uhhh pics work better...at least to me these pics are i think what they would say is fashion vs commercial





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*sighs and smiles* aaaaaaah, the enthusiasm of youth. :)

doutzenambrosio, i think that if you are looking to pursue modelling as a career (and you certainly seem to be interested in that possibility), why don't you take a quit look at modelhommes.com find your way to their forum and start clicking on random guys' threads. it'll give you a sense of exactly what is required to be a successful male model.

basically, yes, you have to be good looking. obviously. but that doesn't necessarily mean in a stereotypical manner. if you look at any SUPERmodel, male or female, they are gorgeous, and have a beauty that appeals to a vast majority of the general public. but there are ALOT of working models who have a "strange" or "quirky" look, who you might not consider to be very good-looking in real life, but who come alive for the camera. THAT'S where it's important. in order to be a successful model, of any sort, you MUST be photogenic. the camera has to make you look good, because that's precisely your job as a model.

SO, judging from the pics you've posted, it's really impossible to tell. my advice would be to absolutely under no circumstances send either of those 2 pics to an agency. not because they're bad, but because they don't show a CLEAR image of YOU. take some completely plain pics, in your backyard, at about 9AM, with no pose, NO sunglasses, and with as plain a background as you can find in Hawaii (good luck ;) ), then send THOSE pics to an agency and see what they say.

first though, you are only 15. no, you're not too young to start modelling. BUT, if your self-confidence isn't developed enough at this point, then trying to succeed in an industry that is solely based on judging every single facet of your appearance = probably not the best idea. try and have a good sense of yourself before you get into this.

that's my advice. :)

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Oh, when you look at agencies websites, you may want to look at all their models...if they have a lot of people with your general look, you might want to try another agency...unless its one of those, all one ethnicity ones...like i know theres latino agencies out here...

the photographer helps with the being photogenic to an extent...they find your best angle...

and hes right dont send those pictures into agencies...

id say have someone take them for you if you can with a regular camera...just ask your mom or whoever to take some pics of you real quick...dont hold the camera out like your making a myspace picture

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Heeehee :laugh: yea i'll ask my dad to take a picture of me, and i garuntee no one has my look cause most people in my local agencies are all diffrent looking and diffrent races. but what about my cheeks i have some acne and scaring should i take of that or just take the pictures anyway?

most models there polaroids to get into an agency isnt that great looking right?

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dude, you want to be a MODEL. a M.O.D.E.L. what is a model? a good-looking person who advertises a product. so YES, 99.999% of the people who become successful ARE in fact, good-looking. even the quirky high-fashion models still have a certain symmetry or characteristic about their face that, if not traditionally good-looking, is fascinating in some regard.

don't photoshop the pics. just take a lot of them, and send the best ones (ie, the ones that don't show your acne as much). it's hard to tell from those pics you posted, but if your acne is significant, then i honestly think it will be an issue for many different kinds of modelling. runway, especially, because the pictures from the shows don't have the chance to be airbrushed. again, look at the male models' threads. there are candids of each of them. how many of those models have an acne problem? i'd bet very very few. a couple of zits, fine. a few acne scars, fine (have you seen brad pitt's face?). but if it's alot of acne, it'll hurt your chances in a big way.

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