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6 hours ago, sumiregusa said:


+1. Glad it's clear I'm not just making things up. Thanks to those who gave pics and regular updates all day yesterday but now I know not to come back here in the future.

If you’re that sensitive about strangers opinion on another stranger, then yes maybe you shouldn’t be around people where there is a freedom of speech law enforced. Try North Korea.

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1 minute ago, *Luna* said:

Why are yall talking about Candice's toilet activities???? Lmao. 


On a different note, does anyone know the hotel the models stayed at? It looked very nice. 


Because many of us are assholes (no pun intended) and we sometimes like talk about other assholes just because...


They stayed at the Mandarin Oriental.

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8 hours ago, *Luna* said:

Lmao! I'm pretty sure VS does really believe their designs are absolutely amazing.


Also, are Etam's shows that big of a mess too? :o I always see lots of posts about them and they get quite some attention but they always seemed a bit more "classic" to me, from what I've seen then. I never really watch their show. 


And what is that picture of Elsa and Stella together? Looks like it was taken at a strip club instead of a fashion show... Yikes. 

The first show was a real mess. Idk if you know this but the Etam show also has segments and in the first segment there was a constant traffic of models at the end of the runway. There were a lot of models with bodies unsuitable for lingerie and with some of the most terrible sexy poses (that's when you realize VS does have a standard with their model choices). The stage of the first show is pretty much the one of this year's VS show. Their collection is kinda like VSFS ca. 1998-2001 - it has costumey elements but it still more lingerie than costumes. Etam has improved over the years though but you can tell the production doesn't come with a VSFS budget and the editing of the etam show is the worst. Some outfits are not even shown because the camera would focus on the performer or another model just walking out. 

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