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The Witcher

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22 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:

Season 1 was good, but I hope season 2 will be better, because, as for now, the games are still way better in terms of story telling.



I haven't seen the anime or Season 1 yet...However Season 2's trailer looks good.  


The reason being that I want to wait until I finish the Witcher audiobooks.  After that I will watch Witcher 3 again and do the TV show.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am finishing up the short stories trilogy  (Books 1, 2, and 8).  These books are brilliantly written and conceived and I keep on connecting them to Witcher 3 despite it being years since.  My favorite of the three books is book 8. (Season of Storms).  It is a fun audiobook. The first 2/3rds of the book 1 (The Last Wish) is particuarly excellent as well.


Now I have the remainder of book 8 and book 3 (Blood of Elves), and then Season 1 to do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am nearing the end of "Blood of Elves".  A lot of important characters make their first appearence here. 


In looking up info about Season 1 and skimming through my copy, it looks like a loose adaptation of the material because the director was ordered to have certain characters in every episode.   Even though I finished books 1, 2, 8 and most of 3 there are tons of things that I don't recognize.  

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I have finished more than half of the book content and am watching the show.  According to the showrunners, Season 1 is based on books 1 and 2.  Season 2 is based on book 3.   


However this is not entirely accurate, as there is a lot of fanfiction.  


The detailed Yennefer, Queen C, and Ciri backstory is not in the books, this was created just for the show and due to the requirements of having Yennefer and Ciri from the start.  The showrunners took what happened in the "past" and ran with it, creating their own backstory.  So this is a loose adaptation so far. 


Books 1, 2, and 8 are primarily about the adventures of Geralt PRIOR to the events of the main story.  These books are a collection of short stories, not related to each other.  There are around a dozen of them (1,2).  The most important companion of Geralt is Dandelion in these two books.  Yennefer is the third most important side character and Ciri is introduced.   So if the show was to go by the books, it would be the Dandelion and Geralt show, with Yennefer encountered mid-season and Ciri at the very end.  It would have to cover 2 short stories per episode if the showrunners focused only on 1 and 2.


However book 8's short stories are excellent, arguably even better, and could have been adapted too.  


It definitely seems to me that this show is pretty much designed for people familar with the books and games.  People who aren't familar with the world of the witcher could get confused.  I think the focus on short stories in the books largely help the reader  in world building.

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I finished Season 1 with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. As I watched more and more, the ratio moved towards annoyance.


  Overall I am quite disappointed as I think it lacks quality in multiple areas, badly directed/written/casted, and poorly represents the world of the Witcher (both books and games).  The first 4 episodes were OK (3 out of 5 stars) but as I watched more and more I got more annoyed at it.  Last 4 episodes (2 out of 5 stars)


About 70% of it is completely made-up by the showrunners, and on average about 20-30% of it is adapts book 1 and book 2.  The show makes big changes to the characters, tone/structure of the story, and totally lacks the ever-present humor & brilliance that is present in the books/games.   The changes are so big that I barely recognize the show as the Witcher.


The made up portion is nearly the entire Yennefer/sorceror story, which takes over half of the running time and is poorly written.  


I think this show was made for a wide audience and not fans of the books/games to enjoy.  If one is familar with the books/games, they come to the show with a lot of knowledge and preconceived notions.  I am still looking forward to Season 2, but this time out of curiosity and am not expecting quality anymore.

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I watched this recently and it was insightful about the Witcher.  Paul Cantor teaches a course about political philosophy in Shakespeare's plays and has several books on cultural analysis.  I enjoyed the course and learned quite a bit.  


The talk on the Western emphasizes the history of it, and why it appeals to a global audience.  Also, the close relation between Samurai movies (Kurosawa) and the Western.  And also how the Western form has lived on in many other entertainment genres, like Zombie movies. 


What he didn't mention is the Witcher.  Major portions of the Witcher reminds me of a Western, except in a fantasy settling.


The reason he gives is that the Western is an escape from the feminized,  middle class, routinized life to a more Homeric, heroic setting that people lack and crave.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been reading the Witcher comics and found the 3 best ones.  They could have been great DLCs for the game.  Really enjoyed the story and the artwork.


Witcher: House of Glass.  This one is a horror story, like "Hearts of Stone".  




Witcher: Curse of Crows.  Takes place after the Witcher 3, Ciri and Geralt go out to practice Witchery.




Witcher: Reasons of State.  This is inserted in the middle of the book chronology, a detective- intrigue tale



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