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Actually ... I heard Adriana say a couple of things... no interview :(

At the end she said something about her wings (well, her bow actually) while they were ripping it off her so that she could walk down the run way with the other girls.

Another time was when she said something like "thanks" and "this was so much fun" ...Gisele was spoke the most .. then Heidi .. and lastly then Tyra.

It's kinda funny that Gisele spoke most, when it's Tyra's last show. (I don't care though)

I wish they would have Adri speak more.. she's adorable when she speaks...

Hey, but she walked first in the Candy part and that she was great!

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:angry: I'm angry and don't know where else to express my dismay. I have a lot to rant about, so bear with me...

We all waited for this VS fashion show and yet Adriana was like a blip on the screen. Now, on the VS website, they don't have any Adriana footage.

I know that it's not Adriana's Secret (lol), and they have been more than wonderful for her career, but I feel that she deserves so much more pub as a standout model.

Catalog covers and window displays are one thing, but VS had the opportunity to give her major N. American TV time, but didn't. The View appearance focussed on the no-name models.

Re. her accent, so?? I live in NY where there are many accents. Adriana can speak and comprehend English. Why is America sleeping on her and allowing TIM in Italy to make her a TV star or BMW online? WTF? She should be a household name, not just as Lenny's ex, but as the winner that she is in her own right. I hear some say she's not a top model like Gisele. Well, E! reported that Adriana gets a million web hits a freaking day! Yet Selita the new model got more air time than Adri?????????? I'm losing it.

And yes Adriana is successful and makes more than I ever will so I sound silly ranting on her behalf, but I think she deserves more. The days of being the silent model are over. I want to see Tyra and Heidi use their shows to introduce Adriana to people who are unfamiliar with her by having her as a special guest. More Adriana, dammit!

Okay, thanks for letting me rant! :whistle:

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i agree with you alimafan! i didn't like it that she wasn't on the show as much as selita and izabel... she's so much more beautiful than them imo. :( they're not even all that great. blah.

Thanks. I didn't mean to be so wordy, but I had to get that off of my chest.

I agree with you that Adriana's prettier than those two. Moreso, Adriana has earned her stripes above them and should have been featured more in the show and in the holiday ads.

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:angry: I'm angry and don't know where else to express my dismay. I have a lot to rant about, so bear with me...

We all waited for this VS fashion show and yet Adriana was like a blip on the screen. Now, on the VS website, they don't have any Adriana footage.

I know that it's not Adriana's Secret (lol), and they have been more than wonderful for her career, but I feel that she deserves so much more pub as a standout model.

Catalog covers and window displays are one thing, but VS had the opportunity to give her major N. American TV time, but didn't. The View appearance focussed on the no-name models.

Re. her accent, so?? I live in NY where there are many accents. Adriana can speak and comprehend English. Why is America sleeping on her and allowing TIM in Italy to make her a TV star or BMW online? WTF? She should be a household name, not just as Lenny's ex, but as the winner that she is in her own right. I hear some say she's not a top model like Gisele. Well, E! reported that Adriana gets a million web hits a freaking day! Yet Selita the new model got more air time than Adri?????????? I'm losing it.

And yes Adriana is successful and makes more than I ever will so I sound silly ranting on her behalf, but I think she deserves more. The days of being the silent model are over. I want to see Tyra and Heidi use their shows to introduce Adriana to people who are unfamiliar with her by having her as a special guest. More Adriana, dammit!

Okay, thanks for letting me rant! :whistle:

Adriana was on The View the day of the Victoria Show and she spoke a whole lot. Maybe you missed that show. Anyway she was so cute and funny. When it comes on again I will remind you and everyone.

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I mentioned The View in that long rant :)

While it was fantastic to see her on there, I don't feel that she talked more than the spokesperson, and the camera focussed on the runway models more than Adriana.

Edited by ALimaFan
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