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Hillary Clinton at No 2 Of Top 5 Most Powerful Women In The World 2016 - 2017


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6 hours ago, RIP_Cabrini_Green said:

That's fine but then you can't complain about either candidate when they win.



People want to piss and moan but don't want to do their part to make any change.

Most annoying type of people.

Normally, I would prefer to stay out of political discussions here, but I have to say: ^THIS.

That is all.

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The long-standing effects of this cannot be overstated. This is almost certainly the end of NATO as we know it. Russian influence in Europe will become much greater.


Obviously the DNC underestimated just how many people truly loathed Clinton. I think the lesson here is not to nominate a candidate who has a large section of the electorate already against him/her, even if the reasons for that dislike might not all be entirely fair.


A purely tactical error that was made by the Clinton campaign was the manner in which they totally alienated the so-called Bernie Bros. I believe a lot of them stayed home yesterday and a decent amount of them went even further and voted for Trump instead. I think they will soon find out that the scorched earth tactic is a lot more fun in the movies/comic books they so like than it is in real life.

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22 minutes ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

The long-standing effects of this cannot be overstated. This is almost certainly the end of NATO as we know it. Russian influence in Europe will become much greater.


Obviously the DNC underestimated just how many people truly loathed Clinton. I think the lesson here is not to nominate a candidate who has a large section of the electorate already against him/her, even if the reasons for that dislike might not all be entirely fair.


A purely tactical error that was made by the Clinton campaign was the manner in which they totally alienated the so-called Bernie Bros. I believe a lot of them stayed home yesterday and a decent amount of them went even further and voted for Trump instead. I think they will soon find out that the scorched earth tactic is a lot more fun in the movies/comic books they so like than it is in real life.

this ^^

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1 hour ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

A purely tactical error that was made by the Clinton campaign was the manner in which they totally alienated the so-called Bernie Bros. I believe a lot of them stayed home yesterday and a decent amount of them went even further and voted for Trump instead. 


What contributed to the Clinton loss (against Obama) was that she was considered a corrupt, fake liberal by real progressives/left.  I personally don't consider her a real liberal either so naturally the truly left wing people think she and her husband are pieces of shit that betrayed the middle and working class. 


When Obama starting making his right turns, the real left felt a bit betrayed.


It really does seem that both parties need to realign. 

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I have to say that I thought the Clinton candidacy wasn't a great idea either, but I still thought she would have enough juice to beat Trump.


There is a lot of overreaction on social media right now about what this means for female candidates. I still think a woman could totally win in 2020.

There are conflicting reports, but it seems like Trump will end up winning the popular vote by a rather small margin and he will end up with 310 electoral votes compared to Clinton's 228. That's not great, but Clinton was carrying a lot of baggage that another potential female candidate likely wouldn't, although any woman will have to face a lot of sexism.

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I don't consider the sexist argument offhand TBH.  It's just whining with little evidence.


The importance of the Rust Belt was also underestimated by everybody.


I think the core issue was always in Jobs.  There is clearly more resentment against the "gig economy", massive income inequality, and de-industrialization & the general lowering quality of life than was considered by the press in this cycle.


The Clintons are famous for being the force that help degrade many industries in favor of international trade, high tech, finance, etc. 


There is also the tension between white collar vs. blue collar that was never adequately explored.

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1 minute ago, Myfashexp said:

^ who is she? :idk:


Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She was the Chair of the DNC and it was shown in the Wikileaks release of emails that she showed bias against Bernie Sanders and favoritism towards Hillary Clinton.

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Democratic party biased mass media has started with the apologies for their mis/disinformation.  The Guardian:


" Clinton’s supporters among the media didn’t help much, either. It always struck me as strange that such an unpopular candidate enjoyed such robust and unanimous endorsements from the editorial and opinion pages of the nation’s papers, but it was the quality of the media’s enthusiasm that really harmed her. With the same arguments repeated over and over, two or three times a day, with nuance and contrary views all deleted, the act of opening the newspaper started to feel like tuning in to a Cold War propaganda station.  "




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Middle America believes the establishment is not looking out for the nation but for retention of its power. And in attacking Mr. Trump it is not upholding some objective moral standard but seeking to destroy a leader who represents a grave threat to that power.

Mr. Trump’s followers see an American Spring as crucial, and they are not going to let past boorish behavior cause them to abandon the last best chance to preserve the country they grew up in. These are the Middle American Radicals, the MARs of whom my late friend Sam Francis wrote. They recoil from the future the elites have mapped out for them and, realizing the stakes, will overlook the faults and failings of a candidate who holds out the real promise of avoiding that future.

They believe Mr. Trump alone will secure the borders and rid us of a trade regime that has led to the loss of 70,000 factories and five million manufacturing jobs since NAFTA. They believe Mr. Trump is the best hope for keeping us out of the wars the Beltway think tanks are already planning for the sons of the “deplorables” to fight.



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