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Kyra Santoro


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Ph: Lauren Engel


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Tell us about your upbringing and how did it shape the person you are now?
I was born and raised in LA which I am so grateful for because I have been fortunate enough to have my entire family here as a support system while I’m pursuing modeling. I always grew up doing extreme sports with my family, they never really pushed for team sports it just wasn’t our thing. I grew up dirt bike riding, wake boarding, surfing, and snow boarding. I think all of that made me grow up very tough and now it helps with my job because I have tough skin and a backbone. Growing up I never thought I wanted to be a model I always thought I was just going to end up in college with all my friends and go that same route they did. When I was 17 almost 18 was when I decided I was going to try and pursue a career In modeling, and here I am 5 years later:)


How were you scouted/how did you begin modeling?
I was never scouted for modeling I built my career from the ground up with all my own ambition. I was told “no” a lot because of my height (5’7”) but I knew that someone would eventually say yes. I started out building a book by shooting with different photographers and then I went to open calls at almost every agency in LA. when I signed with my first agency I didn’t feel like I was reaching my full potential with them and I still had to hustle for jobs that I wanted. After my contract ended with them I left and didn’t renew. I’m now with someone else and am much happier. Honestly I feel like my modeling is partially where I want it to be as of 2 years ago. I just now am starting to feel like I’m truly a successful model.


Outside of modeling, what passions do you have?
I absolutely love working out, it keeps me grounded and feeling good inside. I also love wake boarding in the summer I try to go as much as I can. My only other passion is reading, I have a soft spot for romantic poetry.


Has social media changed you as a person? How has social media influenced your career?
I don’t think social media has changed me as a person, but I think social media has helped boost my career to a higher level. I think it has helped put my pictures out there for new brands to see me that wouldn’t have before. I think of my instagram as a second portfolio and a place to show my personality.


What were you like in high school? What would you say to your younger self?

In high school I was a social butterfly and had friends in a lot of different groups, I was always kind of a tomboy and never super girly. I was never really the “hot” girl growing up and I think it was partly because I was a tomboy and partly because I was a late bloomer. I wasn’t really comfortable with myself until I started modeling which sounds crazy because I know that modeling can make some girls very insecure because you are constantly being analyzed by everyone. I am now more happy and comfortable in my skin than I have ever been, and I would tell my younger self not to worry and to be happy and confident.


What is your perception about true love?
I think true love exists, obviously with my love for poetry I am deep down a hopeless romantic. I think there are so many people in this world and there is someone out there for everyone. At times I feel like people jump into marriages and relationships and ignore certain signals that show that those 2 people don’t belong together. I think true love should be equal parts communication and trust. I think true love isn’t the kind of relationship where 2 people are fighting and making up all the time, it should be fun and happiness.



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I love her but her SI pictures are just tragic :no: What did they do to her face!? She's so naturally pretty and all that retouching made her look like a dude, I don't think Kyra has great chances to win this thing.

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