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Laetitia Casta

Guest Anonymous

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Sorry, but "Heroin chic" is one of the most terrible phrases ever - I know what it refers to, but since there's absolutely nothing chic about a Heroin addict, there shouldn't be such ill-leading terms of praisal for a certain look. No one in his right mind should use it!

No one would use cancer-chic for example, why not? If it's so chic to look thin, tired, death-stricken, all the patients of the cancer station should be lucky they're looking so admirable! Gah!


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But that phrase is in the fashion dictionary as you already found (wikipedia source) so ...I dont see a problem?

I do not mean literally, it is understood . It is important that everyone understand what I mean and all of which are understood.. If you do not like it do not pay attention.. thank u

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Hey honey, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just generally speaking. I know that it's a common term in the fashion industry, that's why I posted the wiki-Link. It's just that I don't see why people are still using this awful phrase, that's all. :wave:

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Perhaps because everyone got the choice not to use words or phrases they don't like even though everyone else does :whistle:

But hey, listen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought the topic up in the first place - of course you did nothing wrong :flower: Guess, I'm just moody today and wanted to argue.

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I'm a little traumatized from the reaction to my posts here.. : )

I once used the expression ''VAMP'' here, and started an avalanche of comments.

I reacted like that because of that...not to be misunderstood again


That was a billion years ago....although I do remember it....didn't you post a picture of :heart: Laetitia :heart: with naff photoshopped :yuckky: makeup :yuckky: :laugh:

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