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This is a quote from Leo for German press from 2013




Wonder what made him change his mind? Because in 2016 he had a different approach about having kids, he said: are you asking me if I want to bring kids to this world?" 


I guess he's really upset about the environmental issues, he already said he's a pessimist about it, so this is probably one of the reasons, among other things. But we really don't about the future, nor Leo himself, so let's see what happens. 

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^In 2003 when Leo was at the german tv show "Wetten dass..." he made pretty clear that his priority in life is his career and not starting a family. I know he wasn't even 30 back then and probably thought he has lots of time but I tend to think that this attitude never really changed deep down in his heart - constantly dating women under -well- 30 where a career is mostly in focus kinda confirmed it.


And now he is slowly running out of time. At this point you have to consider he would made a pretty "old" father. The older he gets now the less he has time with his children you know what I mean? Beside from this children can be EXHAUSTING. Not saying Leo is an old man who can't handle a family anymore but still that's something you have to want to. I mean in the best possible scenario he would be 80 when his kid is 30 more likely even older especially when he wants more than one child. Maybe at some point he decided he's literally just too late for the party.


However I think you're right @BarbieErinthere are multiple reason why he hasn't kids not just one particular like not finding "the one".


This is probably the closest we got. Can't help but Cami truly looked how I imagine her pregnant (kinda glowing and soft and even more beautiful than usual).

full.jpg camila-morrone-walking-jack-in-west-holl


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He said his priority is his career many times, I remember in Oprah in 2004 when he was promoting The Aviator and dating Gisele someone asked if he wanted to have a wife and kids and he said not right now, I'am happy where I'am at in my career and want to continue this way, something like this. Pretty obvious this was the reason Gisele broke up with him... I remember she gave an interview for Brazilian media saying for goal to her 25 b-day was to become a mom and we know she was with Leo at that time, she wanted to marry and start a family, Leo didn't. What she wrote on her "lessons" book were a lot of bullshit, the truth is she just wanted to marry him no matter the "habits" he didn't wanted to change... ok, here I just changed the topic, lol, you can tell I'am not fond of Gisele, lol. 


But now his career is pretty much solid so he could take a little break if he wanted to start a family. Anyway, like you said jade, the older he gets the harder it gets, you really need to want kids because they are a lot work and responsability. IF he intends to have kids one day he might start doing soon while he still have energy, lol, and have time to see his kids grow. But maybe it's also what you said, he's waiting for the right one OR the one he thought was right run away...   :idk:


Yeah, at the time of those pics I thought Cami looked pregnant too, kinda looked like but as always no. 



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Why do you think that he should bring kids into this world?!


Why do people think that they need to have babies?!


You are talking about the good part and forget to think that these kids need your  time, love, care, good education,  good parents,  good ad safe environment around them, good money , etc.


I think everyone should wait for the right person before thinking about  having babies!! That's why I think that Leo has a good point of view !!




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4 hours ago, Magical said:

Why do you think that he should bring kids into this world?!


Why do people think that they need to have babies?!


You are talking about the good part and forget to think that these kids need your  time, love, care, good education,  good parents,  good ad safe environment around them, good money , etc.


I think everyone should wait for the right person before thinking about  having babies!! That's why I think that Leo has a good point of view !!



I NEVER said he needs to have kids, I just said it would be good having kids while he still have the energy, because the older he gets it's harder to take care of kids and plus he can see them grow. As for the right person to start a family only Leo can know and time will tell.  And like I said before on this thread, he will have a wife and family IF HE WANTS TO. 


Now I might shut up about this topic.   :wacko:



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On 2/6/2022 at 5:21 AM, Jade Bahr said:

Just a few things we will probably never hear from Leos beautiful lips.
























Almost can't believe people spend time to create such gifs lol

Oh my God, I love the person or persons that created 🔨  this. They must be psychic or something. 🤔

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On 2/5/2022 at 1:40 PM, Magical said:

The  appropriate question here is;

Who is the right person in Leo's eyes?


Yep, I couldn't agree more. Since the forum is opinion-based, my unverified aspect is, Leonardo is a family man. From his role on the 80's situation comedy, Growing Pains, to his '95 Interview Magazine...well, interview pics, to behind-the-scenes Titanic snapshots, his daughter in Africa, and a slew of other candid accounts; one can argue Leo likes kids. But more importantly, one can dare to say, Leo WANTS kids. Finding or being sure the perfect one is accessible is typically key 🔑. From an astrological stance, Leo looks for loyalty. On the same spectrum as the Taurus,  who are noted as devoted, grounded creatures 🐙, it's no shock that a Scorpio would demand nothing shorter than the Taurus , because they are counterpoints. With all this speculation, assessing the social environment ♻️ about him, there's no wonder he has taken extremely cautious measures. With personal ties to Emma Roberts, Ansel Elgort, and Jennifer Lopez, all which have either suffered misconduct allegations or a breakup with children, questions still may brew about solidity. As a product of divorcement, I'm nearly certain he wants no such fate for his children 🚼, despite how cool 😎 he claims he is about the ordeal. Leo is, arguably and definitely, a contradiction in terms, influenced by his surroundings. But despite all that, he is overcome by his overwhelming desire of family life...you know, allegedly. 

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^daugther is a far stretch lol I don't think he ever saw this girl again. Always wondered what she became with Leos support. If things really changed for her, where she is now, if Leo is still in touch with her or think about her from time to time (ok last one got inspired by the pic 😁)...



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2 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

^daugther is a far stretch lol I don't think he ever saw this girl again. Always wondered what she became with Leos support. If things really changed for her, where she is now, if Leo is still in touch with her or think about her from time to time (ok last one got inspired by the pic 😁)...




I wonder about it too, wish someone would ask him about her in some interview. 

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