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37 minutes ago, Sophie20 said:

Idk if this was posted before, I can't remember


I don't speak Portuguese but in translation, she refers Adriana as her brothers 'Wife' in the post. Is it usual in Portuguese using the word 'wife' instead of fiancee? Because it is getting confusing, Andre's mother and and Liah also keep calling Adriana as 'wife'.

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1 hour ago, ekn said:

I don't speak Portuguese but in translation, she refers Adriana as her brothers 'Wife' in the post. Is it usual in Portuguese using the word 'wife' instead of fiancee? Because it is getting confusing, Andre's mother and and Liah also keep calling Adriana as 'wife'.

She calls Adriana her brother's "esposa" and yes that means wife... not usual at all..you just call esposa when the person is married.


Yes on his niece's tik tok acc when people ask what Adriana is for her, some teenagers (I think they are her friends) responded saying Adriana is her aunt or her uncle's wife...


But if you noticed Adriana is using a ring on her left hand, thats a marriage ring to me, well here in Brazil it is used on the left hand..engagement ring is on the right..so idk


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Everybody noticed, she was wearing a wedding ring in the photos taken in lebanon, if you ask me, it is ridiculous to not announce it if they already married. Because people already started to judge her for getting pregnant without being married, why would she hide then? Yes sometimes she acts irrational but this would be too much. I believe she wore that ring to avoid judgements of others. Also Andre's family probably call her as wife to avoid her to being judged by others.

My biggest concern is, Unicef might dismiss her possible ambassador mission because she didn't show support properly yet. 

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I dont think she needs to make an announcement if she doesnt want to. she has yet to even announce her pregnancy on her ig. and that ones kinda necessary to do since everyone can see it and will affect her job. i noticed she didnt wear the ring to Balmain. I dont think they are actually married but prob engaged. Maybe his family refers to her that way because they are engaged and having a baby. and also i think he could still be married to his ex wife based on these public records which means he cant be married to adriana yet. divorce can take years (adriana's i think took like 2-3) and then covid prob also delayed that.



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34 minutes ago, lucyford said:

I dont think she needs to make an announcement if she doesnt want to. she has yet to even announce her pregnancy on her ig. and that ones kinda necessary to do since everyone can see it and will affect her job. i noticed she didnt wear the ring to Balmain. I dont think they are actually married but prob engaged. Maybe his family refers to her that way because they are engaged and having a baby. and also i think he could still be married to his ex wife based on these public records which means he cant be married to adriana yet. divorce can take years (adriana's i think took like 2-3) and then covid prob also delayed that.



The divorce was filed in 2018 it should be finalized very soon. He is more than likely legally single. Now that I put it in perspective that probably is what she is waiting on for the finalization. I think thats when she’d announce more stuff

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Like she was using the ring before, she was calling him her future husband before as well. I think her fear of being judged comes from never having anything like this to happen. 

I feel like she will start moving in a way that make sense once they get their shit together about all of this lol. Its obvious none of this was planned to happen the way it did and I think Adriana isn’t use to things happening the way it has (we know she isn’t) and she is all over the place and doing things in a way that will potentially hurt her career and future opportunities because of circumstances. 

I think Andre needs to stop going with adriana everywhere she goes and not leave LA until his divorce is finally finalized. Especially since this has been going in since 2018. Its 2022. I now think Adriana is moving so funny because she wants to wait on that. He shouldn’t even be following her around. He should’t leave his area until he get his shit together and the fact that he obviously doesn’t right now, and its already affecting her career, makes me worried now. I hope he isn’t nearly as irresponsible and lazy as he is coming across right now. Because thats what I am getting 


Like every fan I want the best for Adriana when it comes to her love life, because she deserves it. We literally see Adriana will give her all into a relationship. But I am 100 percent ready for her to get smarter when it comes to things like this. Move at a WISE pace and When Andre asks to join her to go to these events, she should be telling him no until he get his shit together on his side. 

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10 minutes ago, Sophie20 said:

@pattI agree... and I think she needs to post atleast 1 photo of her visit in Lebanon, Unicef is very important.

@Souled-OutAbout the others plans idk, but imo Adriana planned to get pregnant for sure


I don't think she did. I feel like if she did, she wouldn't be acting the way she has. She would def be willing to share and post about her work not only in modelling but also the Unicef if she thought this stuff through. She wasn't even talking about having more kids or anything like that.  She gave so many interviews within the past year and hasn't mentioned it. So I don't think she was inching for it to happen just yet. Especially with how focused she was on continuing her career... I also think she would do like what she did with Sienna and maybe work out more right before getting pregnant because she saw how easier it was for her to get back in shape and she didn't gain as much.  I also def think Adriana would have preferred to be married like last time with this, especially since all she did was talk about marrying him. That was def her first priority... We can all tell Adriana is fearing some kind of judgement, if she planned it, she wouldn't be feeling that way. I don't want to call it a mistake, but I def think she got herself in a situation she would have preferred to happen differently.

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16 minutes ago, Sophie20 said:


@Souled-OutAbout the others plans idk, but imo Adriana planned to get pregnant for sure

I am also not too sure about that. Obviously we wont know the answer to this. But she probably got pregnant in december. maybe november. basically 6-7 months after MEETING andre. i am not saying this to cast any judgment on her but im not sure adriana is THAT crazy to plan a baby this suddenly. we know adriana seems to like to move fast in relationships but im not sure this was a plan. Especially prior to planning a wedding since she seemed to hold more traditional views. Her ring didnt become visible until after she was pregnant as well.

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Maybe in 2 days he posts Unicef's photos lol


About her pregnance just her knows, she said many times that she wanted more kids (plural) and she is turning 41y..so tbh I wasn't that surprise..we talked about this possibility other times

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23 minutes ago, Sophie20 said:

About her pregnance just her knows, she said many times that she wanted more kids (plural) and she is turning 41y..so tbh I wasn't that surprise..we talked about this possibility other times

She hadn't spoken about if she wanted more kids in a while though. That could have changed. Plus she is already considering Andres 2 kids as hers...  There's alot of resources these days for having kids older. Adriana could have gotten a surrogate if she really wanted. It wasn't a now or never type of situation. Andre also seemed pretty caught off guard in the video she shared. I don't think it's the type of reaction you get if you were trying to have a baby together.

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