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1 minute ago, Iriana said:

People on IG are such assholes to Adri. English is not her first language and the most irritating thing is that she actually does speak it incredibly well; she just spells words incorrectly online- rarely. I don't understand why people feel the need to pretend that her errors are funny or a sign of stupidity? I'm sure none of them would be able to master her own language as she has theirs. Ugh. 

 People on IG are assholes period lol. Well those who comment. So many celebs have felt the need to not even post anymore literally because they get tired of the trolls. But they just be there. No matter what. They associating it with stupidity on that pic too?? She has a book in her hand lol

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32 minutes ago, TKC said:


When its constant its going to get irritating.Call it what you want . Look back on these pages and as well as her motion page and see the comments same people like you make. You know the girl looks on here sometimes. Somebody just pointed out the shit load of stuff she got again for how she says stuff. Call it what you want but I am being thoughtful.


Ima just say it, some of you all talk more shit on here than anything else   And it is not just me who thinks this. I am just the only one opening my mouth about it.Not many people do because some of you all hate when people open their mouths about stuff. And I am just a person who gets annoyed by people being that way alot.


And I think its ridiculous to say somebody can't say what they want about something they paid for.

I can as well as adriana and others here open my mouth and say whatever i want. If i wrote 2 or 3 comments saying something bad about her it doesn't mean that i say only shit (see how sensitive you are), but because i become as well irritated by some of her actions and there is democracy lol and a public forum we talk and express discontent if this happens. If there is something good about her to talk about - i'm always ready to confirm that as well as with something inappropriate in her behaviour or look. Because of you and people like you many normal fans left this forum, You are the one who shuts up reacting at everything written about Adriana. You want to read only positive comments, don't deny it. I don't care who and what writes about her, i almost never read the comments on social networks because i know who she is for me and what I think about her, there was exception with her pic and complain about her work and i wrote about it as well, but you need to know what think others about her, each time noticing "people say, people love,people still think and so on" as well as about me " not just me who think so". I will go through it and will continue to say what i want.

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35 minutes ago, crista said:

:nicole:  I always try on the clothes before to buy them and normally the people do the same. And if she initially refuses to wear this dress and chooses another one it's not called a diva, other celebrities do the the same, is she inferior to others? Of course it's better to write after about her poor purchase.

Just stop being so sensitive at everything written about her. She just could write it in a more polite way, that's all. She is still in fashion industry and has to work with many designers.

It would be interesting
to see some of the photographers speaking of negatively about her work, commenting "shitty pic/pose/facial expression", it still is her work,no? as well as the dress or the same cd. Someone tried to people liked their creation, whatever it was. Don't like it-don't use or buy it. End of story.


Adriana is a very kind hearted person. She was obviously just irritated by the question asked about her body because of how the dressed looked on her. I doubt she would have worn it if she had any other choice; or perhaps she didn't wish to offend or send someone out (if even available at the time) to buy a new dress. Even models don't tend to wear gowns straight off the rack- you can't tailor at the last minute and it would have been a waste of time, money, and effort. 


Who knows if the VS dress was delivered to her late? Because of her relationship with the brand it's likely that she would have trusted them to deliver a flattering dress to her regardless. Imagine being forced to wear an ill fitting gown to an important event because of a situation such as that. There may have been no time for her to find another dress because of VS. She would have every right to be pissed off, right? 

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15 minutes ago, duhampi said:

She has the most judgemental fans. Its almost impossible to satisfy her fans. When they criticize everything about her its 'freedom of speech' but when she criticizes her dress its RUDENESS. 


Thank you. Its not everybody but still. And the way people phrase their criticism is 10x worse than her comment

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5 minutes ago, Iriana said:

Adriana is a very kind hearted person. She was obviously just irritated by the question asked about her body because of how the dressed looked on her. I doubt she would have worn it if she had any other choice; or perhaps she didn't wish to offend or send someone out (if even available at the time) to buy a new dress. Even models don't tend to wear gowns straight off the rack- you can't tailor at the last minute and it would have been a waste of time, money, and effort. 


Who knows if the VS dress was delivered to her late? Because of her relationship with the brand it's likely that she would have trusted them to deliver a flattering dress to her regardless. Imagine being forced to wear an ill fitting gown to an important event because of a situation such as that. There may have been no time for her to find another dress because of VS. She would have every right to be pissed off, right? 

See? I almost never read the comments, so i reacted at what she wrote. She was rude imo, i was rude. It's ok.

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12 minutes ago, crista said:

See? I almost never read the comments, so i reacted at what she wrote. She was rude imo, i was rude. It's ok.


Lol a lurker on here created an new page co-signing what you said, calling adriana fat and said that Adriana said this about VS products and tagged ed.


Somebody that hates her bad enough on here called her fat, stupid, illiterate and is trying to get her fired.


Who knew there were people out there who hated adriana that much. Not surprise they can repeat what people say on here to express that.

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2 minutes ago, TKC said:

Adriana's catching heat for spelling excited wrong and not liking her dress lmao


Great....she's probably not going to be as active on social media like she has this past month. What's the name of the page the lurker created that you referred to a few post back?

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6 minutes ago, Miz_B said:


Great....she's probably not going to be as active on social media like she has this past month. What's the name of the page the lurker created that you referred to a few post back?


When? You talking about the one people were saying hope get blocked or this "new" person?


The first person started with a g.


This person, who thinks I give a shit about me seeing their comments I'd rather be a fan than some hateful ass bitch worrying about somebody who I don't even like all day,


anyway, that person that I think the users are referring to now is emilia something. 


I hope it doesn't stop her social media activity. Thats obviously what that person wants. It would be another way of Adriana not being successful and thats obviously what they want too. Some people are just really hateful people and to the point where they can't help themselves. And like I said, those are the ones thats gonna comment on IG. But this case is kinda something seeing as they are just as invested in Adriana as somebody like me but thing is am the fan here.



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Those Maybelline pics are stunning! :wub6yh2cm: :heart:


I think her comment about the dress was incredibly rude. I'm sure she had different options of what she can wear and she and her stylist chose this... She shouldn't of said anything, just chose a better dress next time.

Also, she has been living in America for 15 years. She should know how to spell and write correctly by now...

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10 hours ago, Iriana said:

Adriana is a very kind hearted person. She was obviously just irritated by the question asked about her body because of how the dressed looked on her. I doubt she would have worn it if she had any other choice; or perhaps she didn't wish to offend or send someone out (if even available at the time) to buy a new dress. Even models don't tend to wear gowns straight off the rack- you can't tailor at the last minute and it would have been a waste of time, money, and effort. 


Who knows if the VS dress was delivered to her late? Because of her relationship with the brand it's likely that she would have trusted them to deliver a flattering dress to her regardless. Imagine being forced to wear an ill fitting gown to an important event because of a situation such as that. There may have been no time for her to find another dress because of VS. She would have every right to be pissed off, right? 


Its from Marchesa.



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11 hours ago, crista said:

I can as well as adriana and others here open my mouth and say whatever i want. If i wrote 2 or 3 comments saying something bad about her it doesn't mean that i say only shit (see how sensitive you are), but because i become as well irritated by some of her actions and there is democracy lol and a public forum we talk and express discontent if this happens. If there is something good about her to talk about - i'm always ready to confirm that as well as with something inappropriate in her behaviour or look. Because of you and people like you many normal fans left this forum, You are the one who shuts up reacting at everything written about Adriana. You want to read only positive comments, don't deny it. I don't care who and what writes about her, i almost never read the comments on social networks because i know who she is for me and what I think about her, there was exception with her pic and complain about her work and i wrote about it as well, but you need to know what think others about her, each time noticing "people say, people love,people still think and so on" as well as about me " not just me who think so". I will go through it and will continue to say what i want.


So Adriana has the same right! And since we are free to write whatever we want; i never read anything kind from you here. Not just 2 or 3 comments almost every comments from you full of negativity. Firstly i thought its just your personality than i realize your comments on other models thread, you are just spreading love but when it comes to Adriana you suddenly turn the most critical person. Every of your sentences start with 'i love her but'  and finish with 'dont deny it' or

'accept it'. And no fan left this forum because TKC or people like her. People like you are the exact reason why they left here. Now its your turn to accept.

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