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Luisa Hartema


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Siri, there were some pics added, no unknown. (Mae Richards & Christoph Lange) I've read that agencies typically update portfolios together with the models when they are in town. And why should they update a portfolio of a model that is not present and not actively managed?

Agencies do not just update the portfolio of models, which are in town. They normally always doing it, if they get new pics from clients, other agencies from different countries etc, because of the chance for direct bookings. But maybe she is back in Barcelona, and she was just for Basler in germany.


Basler is not a big label as for example Givenchy, but still famous in the world and worn by a lot of huge celebritys.

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I understand your frustration Lillofe !! I sometimes feel the same.

Why is she again missing at NYFW or at smaller London fashion week? And why this interview in Bunte

That she is happy with OE and jobs in Germany. Possible she is happy with doing Equistyle instead of Elle

Or Vogue and is happy doing Basler at BFW and not doing more famous or first class catwalks at NYFW or in Paris....momently I dont see her in near future in one class with Esther or Anna Luisa . Possible she will have a carreer as Lena Gercke has , which is also very honourable. Not high fashion but good established more commercial based...? Possible with that she feels more comfort?

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I also don't understand, but let us again wait and see.


If I complain her way for example Luise Will (who is in Paris right now doing castings) I can't understand it at all. Ok, maybe Luisa has a nice face, but her body in my opinion isn't ready. So why is she there and Luisa not?

Again, only speculations.


I just hope she is moving on, using her latest experiences and new selfconfidence to get more jobs. Pepe Jeans is great, I can't wait for the pictures.

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I complete agree with SiriJinn, i was yesterday so frustated to see that Luise Will is for one month in Paris.... I think that Luisa has much more potenial.


Sometimes i think that maybe her priorities is to be next to the family/boyfriend, and she can not be long time out of Germany... I do not what to think, but she has to fight for what she wants, and the success in life is not a present, to get it she has to work, to fight and sacrify somethings. I hope that she know it or she sees it in a next future, because maybe in one year is too late. And i hope that she realize it because i still think that she has a very big potencial.


I wish her the best success...

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Actually i think, if she is staying at OE it's, because they treating her well. She is the rolemodel for the agency, so they probably do anything to keep her. They lost Rebecca Mir, so they wanna keep her.


And when Luisa is not doing the Paris and stuff than it is, because the agency is not saying to do it. I don't think that Luisa is very by herself. Because than she would leave OE ages ago or right after Sidney.  Maybe she is leaving in summer when the 2 years contract is over or soon.


But still we don't know and we should let her doing her own way. Nobody knows if she is going to Paris, that she'll become huge. Not because we think she is a Star makes her a star. So we cannot compare her with Esther or other german newfaces.


Even comparing her to Luise is wrong. They are totally diffrent types and we don't know, if Luise is getting much jobs in Paris.


So just lets wait and see what happens.

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Thanks comtrend for finding this nice editorial! It will be interesting how much editorials will be released this month... :)


Libelle, sorry to dissapoint you, this is Stella Maxwell again... I also stumbled over this pic and checked further...

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