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Lily Aldridge


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It's too bad the gave Lily such a lackluster FB, they're lucky she has the personality to sort of salvage it. I also was not a fan of how they styled her hair for the shoot itself, so messy and unkempt. 


Thanks for the pics, Shepherd! Probably my favorite look of the year for her. 

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Thank you Shepherd and Beehive2 for the launch pics and the video. I like the bra more on her than just on the mannequin. She lights up, and the bra and belt accentuate her beautiful figure. I'm frankly over the moon for her, and given that little yelp she let out when she first saw the bra, I'd say she's even more elated. She looks amazing.  :wub2:  :wub2:  :wub2:  :wub2:  :wub2:  :wub2:

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Thanks for the link and the photos ^! :ddr:

I never get tired watching her interviews, her personality really shines.


And to Behoti, no war ever happened and if you notice we do not give delusional comments for lily, if there is smth she could improve on etc her walk, you can see some of us saying like it is. we keep it real and Actually nothing bad has been said about bee and her fans on this thread but I understand where u r coming from. Peace.

Also behati is getting my support for the FB next year, she deserves it as mentioned.


yes peace, if only I feel bad that Lily can't enjoy this moment properly, kind of feels like the FB isn't the most important VSFS news and it should be the most important news, hope they add really beautiful accesories to the whole outfit so she will look awesome and like fireworks.

Behati and Lily are such good friends, Bee must be so happy and proud of Lily

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Behind the scenes of the 2015 Fireworks Fantasy Bra shoot from Vspressroom.com


The design is subjective but I appreciate that they used so many different stones to try and make it different although the value itself is not very staggering but it must have took effort to source for quality stones of the spectrum and size to complete this piece.


Can't wait to see Lil rocking this down the runway.





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Everyday with Lily is a good day!



Lily confirmed there would be wings with the fireworks fantasy bra and it was indeed molded on her, candy and bee texted her. 


I think the value of the bra this year remained at 2 mil in hopes of selling it , Lily said one was sold to someone from Dubai, I believe is ale's from 2012 and it makes sense that the 2014 designs had inspiration from dubai. My thoughts only but candice remained an exception at 10 million tho.

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If you listen to the whole interview on the website for the show even Ryan Seacrest comments on how terrible the bottoms look with it. :rofl: Yay for it having wings, it needs them.


She said that only one bra has been sold and it was to someone in Dubai. The comment about taking it to a store there was that after the show, they ship the FB around to certain VS stores so people can see it, I believe. But hers hasn't been sold, I don't even think anyone can purchase it until after the show. 

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