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Anna Maria Jagodzinska


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The New York Times T Style Women's Fall 2010

Ph: Richard Burbridge

The Body Shop (Ford's Models editorial)


Meisel, McDean, Demarchelier: the number of big-name photographers who have shot Anna Jagodzinska probably exceeds the number of people who can pronounce her surname (ya-go-JIN-ska). The 22-year-old comes from Eastern Europe, that great repository of tall-cheeked, thick-lipped beauty, but she may be a bit more versatile than her compatriots: Jagodzinska was accepted to the William Esper acting school in New York.


From fashionologie:

Anna Jagodzinska Taking Up Acting? —Anna Maria Jagodzinska recently told a reporter that she "would like to do something beyond modeling. I have to have a stepping-stone from it. It's really cool, but I treate it like my work only." Now she seems to be dabbling in acting — she was recently accepted to the William Esper acting school in New York, which has alums like Larry David, Sam Rockwell, Kristin Davis, and Aaron Eckhart.
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I remember her mentioning acting plans in one of the interviews, in "Gala" if I'm not mistaken. It's great she was accepted to this school. Too bad it's not Lee Strasberg's though :whisle: haha, it's cool she's thinking about her life beyond modelling, but I hope she didn't say her last word in this business. There are still things she hasn't achieved in this business, although she has achieved a lot (I lost track with counting her parfume campaigns :D )-solo Vogue US cover, Vogue Paris&UK covers, Numero cover, Pirelli calendar, Marc Jacobs having one of his handbags named after her :whistle:

And I love how JIN in Jagodzińska pronouncing explanation is capitalized :rofl:

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Maybe Anna decided to become an actress, because it's the easiest way to grace the US vogue cover :whistle: (joking)

I also though about it :whistle: but she'd have to be in some blockbuster movie in order to grace the cover.... because she already has Wintour's support, right? ;) well, the lack of her in Vogue US in the last few months can prove otherwise :ninja:

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^ Anna and Karmen in ONE campaign?!? Superb :heart: I hope they (Reserved) will have shopping bags with photos from this campaign, just like they had for Paris Mon'Amour collection :laugh:

speaking of Blake.... did you hear this rumour that she may get her 3rd Vogue US cover soon? :|

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Yes I've heard it :pinch: I hope it's not true, I find Blake really bland and uninteresting.

Can't wait for the campaign and commercial (probably there will be one). Anna always shines in Reserved campaigns.

As for the bags I hate the fact that you have to pay for them in Reserved stores...

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