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Raquel Zimmermann


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none of the really great HF models were on that list! hahahah!

friggin raquel, carol, sasha and coco werent even on that list and they are the busiest hard working HF models out there!

the only notable new ones there were doutzen hilary and stam and the rest is gisele gisele gisele

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does not really matter if they work hard or not, HF does not really pay all that well, which is a shame

Also all those girls on the list had done a lot of HF at one time and then just went forward into contracts with commercial companies.

all the girls on the Forbes list had some sort of contract with some commercial companies and the top 5 girls were all girls with VS contracts, barring Cokehead Moss.

So VS is not a bad thing at all, it gives a name to the face, increases the fan base and gives the girls a heck of a lot of cash so its a very a dependable thing, unlike high fashion where one minute you are in and the next you are out. :)

I expect Raquel, Julia Stegner to be on the list next year. Didn't Raquel get paid like close to a million just for Animale?? Plus Stegner has Maybelline and VS with her. And I expect Doutzen to move much higher on the list.

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:rofl: sam, you said it like Heidi Klum - one day you are in the nest day you are out, she always says it on elimination on Project Runway

well Stam, Rhoda, Werbowy and Vodianova were on the list and they are HF.you can get cash in HF just you need to work a lot lot lot and recognision comes slowly because HF is not for masses if you get what i mean, it is not POP. not every idiot understands an art so it is the same with HF

i think we must see Julia and Raquel in forbes list, at least i hope so.Doutzen of course will be there and pretty high but it doesn't mean much because she is already as HF as Adriana Lima

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