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Sara Sampaio


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3 hours ago, *Luna* said:

@jay_hk I'm starting to wonder if she really is sick, I ended up watching the whole interview and she said she didn't do anything there because she was sick the whole time (and I assume she was sick during the interview too?), but then she just goes to Burning Man? No idea where she gets the energy from to go to a huge festival in the desert if she really is "so sick". If she is, I hope she will feel better soon because it'd be sad if she missed Fashion Week.

Lmao she posted a snap full of pills, I bet she bought a bunch of medicine just to pretend she's sick.


And her going to burning man doesn't mean she's not sick lol. It's something she trully adores, I bet she gives no fucks. If she was well enough to go to work I bet she thinks she's well enough to go create some good memories with her friends and boyfriend, especially since It looks like last year Oliver and Sara started dating/met each other at burning man so I bet It's something special to her/them. And Sara not hanging with Lais and Jasmine there means nothing since they're going with different people and in different days, jeez.

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It says 4 mil for me. It was maybe an Instagram purging of spam/paid for accounts. :idk: I imagine a lot of accounts will take a hit from it. 

Edit: I was looking at social blade, and Jasmine went down almost 7K and and Vita went down 4K. Obviously not even close to the same level of drop, but considering they lost them all on the same day, I'm sure it's just Instagram purging. No idea why Sara's is such a significant drop, unless maybe she bought a ton of followers at the start of her career? 

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