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Cara Delevingne


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There was a definite crossing of wires there, although the whole 'British humour' defence is always a bit of an eye-roller. The interviewers hardly let Cara get a word in edgeways, were poorly informed and very quick to chastise her for not being 'full of beans', while Cara came across as tetchy, quite dismissive and unwilling to speak in the peppy sound bites they were probably expecting. I'd call the whole thing a no-score draw.

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There was a definite crossing of wires there, although the whole 'British humour' defence is always a bit of an eye-roller. The interviewers hardly let Cara get a word in edgeways, were poorly informed and very quick to chastise her for not being 'full of beans', while Cara came across as tetchy, quite dismissive and unwilling to speak in the peppy sound bites they were probably expecting. I'd call the whole thing a no-score draw.


The interviewers obviously did not help, but dealing with bad interviewers who ask inane questions is part of the job.

If a pre-arranged TV interview can get her in this cranky state, I wonder how she fares at press junkets! :rofl:

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The interviewers were huge douchebags though. They were purposefully being awkward and were trying to get a rise out of her. Hell, they didn't even get her name right (didn't they call her Carla a couple times?). She was just dealing with them and being sarcastic in return. They were pretty disrespectful. 

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The interviewers were huge douchebags though. They were purposefully being awkward and were trying to get a rise out of her. Hell, they didn't even get her name right (didn't they call her Carla a couple times?). She was just dealing with them and being sarcastic in return. They were pretty disrespectful. 


No one is denying this, but dealing with bad interviewers, or incompetent interviewers or even rude interviewers is part of the job.

She is there to sell the movie. That is all. If she wants to deal with those anchors, she can do so after the interview has been concluded.

The way this usually goes is that the star bullshits (giving polite answers and not showing their frustration in spite of the incompetence being displayed) his way through the horrid interview and then either refuses to have an interview in the future with the same people (so if the same channel wants an interview for another movie they would need to let it be done by other people) or any future interview would under strict rules and/or a very tightly scripted pre-interview.


Every single actor in the world hates doing promo. But it's part of the deal for anyone who wants to be in the industry. It was just weird and immature and I'm sure that it displeased those in charge of the feature's media campaign.

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When you enter that arena and don't play the game, you do run the risk of looking a bit silly, although I struggle to see how that equates to being cold or entitled. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the time comes for Cara to help promote Suicide Squad to rooms filled with comic book obsessives and jumped up bloggers, though. :Angel:
On a slightly different note, I think we can all agree that this interview has had more a lot more exposure than one could normally expect from what appears to be a fairly low-rent daytime TV programme. Ordinarily, something like this would have been seen by a relatively small number of people and quickly forgotten, instead it's been picked up by several other publications and appears to be gaining some viral momentum too. One thing's for sure, it's got people talking, which is far from the worst thing in the world for a publicity campaign.

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