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19 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:

Most of other ones are recognized experts. Sure, they have biases, but everybody does.


Keep in mind that I am not taking the side of his critics or am responding to your right wing position, I have my own views from looking at his youtube for sound bytes in the past.


here is the youtube site that I (was) subscribed to:




I think you don't understand what I mean by Alt right /conservative conspiracy theorists/and public intellectuals.  They are all people with an agenda, who go to his show to promote their own personal interests.  Rogan or any other interviewer empowers them and spreads their messages.  Even the PhD intellectuals have an agenda- promoting their own causes and opinions, they just don't openly state it.   Basically anything these people say on his show needs to be viewed critically and with caution.  It should not be viewed as a verified educational source. Life is too short to accidently absorb lies, demented views, and fantasy.  


Alt Right/Conservative conspiracy theorists in the USA have views largely fabricated/ made-up to fit right wing prejudices.  They are in the business of manipulating emotions by spreading stories.  Same thing I would say with left wing pundits.  This is why I have very little interest in wasting my time listening to these people.  


+ He also has a lot of left wing types too on the show- I think Rogan is a liberal libertarian- and a lot of worthless attention whores.


It was in the mid 2000s that professional journalism (left wing biased) in the US started declining dramatically in importance vs alternative sources, most of them right wing biased and with very low factual reporting standards and often no more expertise than basic english composition..... Reality is not based on what collection of voices manage to worm their way to appearing in popular platforms, reality is reality.  All the voices could be turds.


Can you see now why I find American politics to be a shit hobby?

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CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus and They Have Been Misleading the Public All Along


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that the organization has deceived the public throughout the entire coronavirus pandemic, backtracking on their claim that COVID-19 is an airborne virus.

“CDC is currently updating its recommendations regarding airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” the CDC explained in a note published earlier this week.

“This was an error on the part of our agency and I apologize on behalf of the CDC,” said John Brooks, chief medical officer for the CDC’s COVID-19 Emergency Response, while on a call with medical professionals on Monday.


The updated guidelines note that the COVID-19 “virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.”

“It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads,” the new guidelines state, with the CDC parsing their words carefully to note there is no concrete evidence behind their assertion.



According to the CDC, that’s the number of “COVID-19-related deaths” in the United States as of August 31.

Of course, on the surface, nearly 170,000 deaths — especially with three months left in 2020 — is frightening to say the least.

But, as usual, the devil is in the details.

You see, of the 168,864 reported deaths, only 6% of them had COVID-19 listed as the ONLY cause of death.

The other 94% had, on average, 2.6 additional causes listed — per death.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” – CDC Website

In short, according to official data from the CDC, roughly 10,000 of the 168,864 “COVID-19 related deaths” can be attributed to COVID-19 alone.

10,000 — less than the average number of flu deaths per year in the United States.

So why are politicians — along with their pals in the fake news media — calling for more economy-destroying lockdowns and closings?

Is it really about protecting Americans from COVID-19. . .

. . . Or is it more about trying to effect the outcome of the November 3 General Election?



The scientific and medical experts have failed the public consistently during the COVID-19 scamdemic. The cause may go further than mere incompetence, with these experts likely exploiting the crisis to push their preferred technocratic political agenda of totalitarian globalism.


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1 hour ago, Prettyphile said:

The scientific and medical experts have failed the public consistently during the COVID-19 scamdemic. The cause may go further than mere incompetence, with these experts likely exploiting the crisis to push their preferred technocratic political agenda of totalitarian globalism.


So what does that say about Climate Change? :nicole:

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20 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

Keep in mind that I am not taking the side of his critics or am responding to your right wing position, I have my own views from looking at his youtube for sound bytes in the past.


I haven't politicized this conversation (so, I don't know why you just did) and I'm not right wing. I don't like "boxes" or when people lock each other up in constricted frameworks. People are free to think what they want, without having to identify to any political side. That's what I dislike with 2020: people have to pick a side, and, sides sometimes make you deaf to other people's opinions. That's what's unhealthy.


I simply told you that everybody has biases. That's not a right wing position. Pure objectivity is a myth.


20 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

I think you don't understand what I mean by Alt right /conservative conspiracy theorists/and public intellectuals. 


I just wanted to know who, precisely, you're talking about. Because the videos I've liked the most are with: a sleep expert, a neurologist (completely apolitical), Neil DeGrasse Tyson (not really an alt right troll), Tulsi Gabbard (she's left wing), Jordan Peterson (people who call him right wing haven't watched his videos/books in details) or Jonathan Haidt (a social psychologist that precisely denounces the bipartisan lunacies and that calls for better civil debate between people). I also liked comedians like Bill Burr (apolitical too - he's just a funny guy).


20 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

They are all people with an agenda, who go to his show to promote their own personal interests.  Rogan or any other interviewer empowers them and spreads their messages


Everyone does that in TV. People sell their books, sell their image, etc. It doesn't mean that what they say is not interesting. Modesty and selflessness (who are mostly myths too) are not proofs of pertinence and intelligence. Also, these are generalities. Individuals are what matters, that's why I asked you which guests you're talking about.


If you want to only enjoy past intellectuals, you can, but alive intellectuals (like Jon Haidt) have very interesting things to say too. I'm not afraid of other people's biases, so I can listen to anyone, provided they show their evidence and the robustness of their work.


20 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

Even the PhD intellectuals have an agenda- promoting their own causes and opinions, they just don't openly state it.   Basically anything these people say on his show needs to be viewed critically and with caution. 


Anyone should be viewed critically. My initial background is science. Skepticism is the first thing scientists learn. I never trust anything that isn't backed up by several sources, facts, experiments or several approaches.


Also, in science, people in the margins are useful. Some of them are worthless, but some of them can bring a lot of added value. Breakthroughs come from the margins.


20 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

Can you see now why I find American politics to be a shit hobby?


American politics is a shit hobby, but it's affecting the reality. Whether you see it or not, it's still true. Everything is affected by American politics (mostly by far left lunacies): movies, video games, TV shows, universities (particularly humanities, but science too), big tech (it's biased and that's terrible for the freedom of speech), political decisions,  biology (I have seen many articles trying to force biology to obey ideologies - that's just the opposite of science). And it's not just affecting the US, it's everywhere (thanks to the Internet).


Unfortunately, you can't avoid it. It's more or less a cultural revolution.

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BTW, I really dislike bipartisanship. That's what tears down civil and rational debates. Because bipartisanship always ends up as a fight between good and evil (people from the other side being the evil). I'd like to live in a world where we try to be beyond good and evil. :ermm:

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46 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

I don't like "boxes" or when people lock each other up in constricted frameworks. People are free to think what they want, without having to identify to any political side. That's what I dislike with 2020: people have to pick a side, and, sides just make you deaf to other people's opinions. That's what's unhealthy.


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21 hours ago, CandleVixen said:

3 + hours in the ER to be told that all is within normal for FiL. 

Except his left knee where he fell hard on Thursday morning. 

Kill me now? 


Hey, sorry to hear that. It's always hard to see loved ones in pain. :/

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